Custom soil recipe with local sources, what do you think ?

Another extra I added this year and so far Im enjoying the growth I see when I use it, Bokashi Grow Pro, this stuff so far seems to be working as advertised..

Fermented grains, kelp and molasses basically..
The problem with subcool recipe is that it has to be made fresh for every grow and this isn't sustainable economically for me
Yeah it gets expensive to piece work all those amendments, this is why I started off going to Gaia Green, now I really like their formula and it's easy to mange for me.
Top dressing once a month shouldn't be a problem I guess but my final goal would be to find a recipe that could last 6-8 weeks.

I use bokashi compost for my veggie and it's working wonderful! I collect my food scraps and ferment them in the bin with EM and then burry them. It does a great job at increased the water holding capacity too
Your soil will still need amended as you go, if you plan on reusing the soil "which you should", you will have to amend it to keep the goodies going in there :)
That's sure :D

But once a recipe is proven to work it is also much cheaper to buy the ingredients in bigger quantity.

I will try the recipe for the next round :-) And if it goes wrong, I still have my green house feeding bio fert which is working super well. It's just way too expensive!!
Yeah you could mix you soil to last that long, its all about ratios and not getting that mix too hot to fry your plants.. Subs mix lasts longer without needing additives because its so damn hot from the start, my gaia green mix is no where near as strong as that mix, hence why it needs replenished more often.
I find it pretty hard to control the ratio with dry amendment as they don't release at the same rate.
The same for the quantities I'm adding. I see people putting 2-3 cups/ cubic foot and other 1/2 cup/ cubic foot. As you say, it's probably a question of growing style and how often they top dress.
Each person likes to add their own thing to their mix, it makes it more personal and gives more self pride I suppose.

I don't even measure, I kind of just toss shit at it til it seems like its enough. It's probably not the most scientific approach but I tried to do that measuring with cups and table spoons, its more time consuming and at this point my eyes can kind of get a feel for what a cup looks like.
Another good thing is we live in such an age where information is as quick as you can type for it.. Back when I first started there was not half as much information out there as there is now.. Im still learning from threads, other peoples mistakes and even my own.. 16+ years of growing and I learned more this year then I have in the past several.. There is always so much more that can be learned.
It sounds like you have a good concept of what you are doing tho, you seem to have common sense and have done some research, Im sure your plants will be lovely.
It sounds like you have a good concept of what you are doing tho, you seem to have common sense and have done some research, Im sure your plants will be lovely.

Thanks mate. It's nice to hear I'm on the right track from an experienced grower.

I will try to update the thread and show some results :-)