Lots of us are kinda ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Democrats lost the civil war and you will lose again
Lol open a history book.....grand wizard of the KKK Sen. Robert Byrd, D-W.Va.
Republicans lost the civil war....if that happened we would still have slavery. Open a history book
Quiet i bet....that's why Confederate monuments need to stay up....to show what Democrats have done don't run from the truth
All right wing talking points cherry picking facts making all the points bullshit because they are ignoring everything that happened after the civil rights movements in the 60's.

The Democratic party is the only political party that truly is represented by all the people in our country and not almost completely dominated by the agenda of 33% of our population. It makes it easy for the Republicans to just sit back and troll anything not in the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda. Pander to the evangelicals and the racists and the Republicans swing just enough votes to keep congress from getting much done that doesn't benefit them directly.


Well-Known Member
Leftist don't know their own history the Confederate flag is their flag...they had the slaves they are trying to erase their own history
I know they're gonna want to remove George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson from our history next. They didn't exist because they owned slaves.
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Well-Known Member
I know they're gonna want to remove George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson from our history next. They didn't exist because the owned slaves.
jefferson raped his child slaves and even forced his own illegitimate rape child into slavery

maybe we should put up a statue of the guy thats banging your wife while you go off and do cop shit