Lots of us are kinda ignorant.

Wow, ya are so lost. AOC is a idiot. I know trump has his problems, i can admit that. Some of his policies I don’t agree with. I can let my ego down and admit that. Not a big deal. Overall thought he has done amazing! Chinas shit won’t be so cheap and we can support Made In USA stuff. But for ya it’s seems impossible.
Aoc has never said anything half as retarded as anything trump says

China is paying for the tariffs, right cuck?
Al gore said we should all be dead by now lol Invest into solar. AOC said that we...... ya can finish that.

has solar helped? Wind power? Nope. Just ruined land and ramped up taxes. Cow farts lol

My, my. Your kind certainly are ignorant.

You sound just like Trump when he said this:

“Thirty-five thousand people on average die each year from the flu. Did anyone know that?” Trump said to the crowd. “Thirty-five thousand, that’s a lot of people. It could go to 100,000. It could be 20,000. They say usually a minimum of 27, goes up to 100,000 people a year die — and so far we have lost nobody to coronavirus in the United States.”

Using Carl Sagan's Baloney detection kit, your post fits the criteria in the kit, fallacy of logic #19, suppressed evidence, or half-truths

When Trump said "nobody died" in Feb 28, nobody had. So, yes, it was a true statement. His speech twisted that fact into a half-truth by implying Covid-19 was a hoax because "nobody has died" when "a lot of people" died from the flu. Within a short period of time, tens of thousands died from Covid and more importantly to Trump, the stock market crashed. Trump was forced to change his tune.

And so, you say that solar power has "just ruined land and ramped up taxes". It's true that solar power is not yet very important in the US. The fallacy of logic in your statement is that solar power won't be important. As I said, your post is just half true. Solar power is taking market share year by year. It's a huge market. Over time, fossil fuels will go the way of TV tubes. Regarding taxes, big oil is such a welfare queen, your complaint rings hollow.

I misspoke.

You aren't ignorant. You know all the propaganda.
Vic Fangio?

You seem desperate. What happened? Not able to beat a black man today, pig?
I thought I was a sports writer. Or maybe I'm the new offensive coordinator for the Denver Broncos. I guess I could be a cop still, but only part time, or maybe just in the offseason. If you guys make me head coach I'll have to give up the badge for good.
I thought I was a sports writer. Or maybe I'm the new offensive coordinator for the Denver Broncos. I guess I could be a cop still, but only part time, or maybe just in the offseason. If you guys make me head coach I'll have to give up the badge for good.
very desperate.

You aren't making much sense. Never did, actually.
Leftist don't know their own history the Confederate flag is their flag...they had the slaves they are trying to erase their own history
conservative southerners owned slaves.

liberals northerners killed them for it and set their slaves free.

the republican party now cries when statues of slave rapers are torn down.

the kkk endorsed trump.

trump called nazis very fine people.
i do. i listen to the guy you support

he says china is paying for the tariffs

he's right, isn't he? and aoc is retarded when she points out american consumers are paying for the tariffs, right?

don't be a total pussy here, tell me who is right, cuck
Pussy is a derogatory statement to all women. How dare You, you gender racist