What has Trump done to this country?

What a despicable lot.

imitation is by far the best form of flattery- it means it's working..they're learning to re-direct anger and fear from the pressures of a changing world.

hell, last century they would've been still bombing abortion clinics..although doctors did get smart by not having a clinic and just doing it on Saturday when the office is closed.
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What a despicable lot.
One day Donald will be outside the senate door with some goons and shake the GOP senators down for their lunch money (old habits die hard) as they come out. He will be shocked to learn after beating the shit out a few that they have free lunches and carry no change or cash. Since they also carry no principles, scrupules, or morals they will lick his ass with bloody mouths afterwards and apologize abjectly for not carrying cash...
Mexico won't send any more agricultural workers to Canada because of covid deaths. WTF is the situation like for them in the states? I know American farmers legally bring in immigrants to work, but hire many undocumented people too. Mexicans aren't exactly climbing the imaginary wall to get into the USA lately either from what I'm hearing.

Mexico hits pause on sending temporary foreign workers after COVID-19 deaths
It's estimated 300 Mexicans working in Canada are infected

Mexico won't send any more temporary foreign workers to Canada until it has more clarity on why two died due to COVID-19, the country's ambassador to Canada said Monday.

That means as many as 5,000 temporary foreign workers expected to arrive in Canada in the coming months are being held back, for now.

"It's so we can reassess with the federal authorities, provinces and farmers why this happened and if there is anything to correct," Juan Jose Gomez Camacho said in an interview.

The two men — one died this month and the other in late May — were employed by different farms in the Windsor, Ont., area, a farming heartland in southwestern Ontario that has seen ongoing outbreaks.

The outbreaks were cited Monday as the reason Ontario Premier Doug Ford said the region can't follow in the footsteps of others and loosen restrictions designed to slow the spread of COVID-19.

That could suck for the honey industry around here. Lots of Mexican bee keepers come up here every year. Other than farming itself it's the only industry going on. World's biggest bee in a little town called Falher that calls itself the Honey Capital of Canada just an hour or so away from us. Francophones from Quebec settled around there in the early 1900s. Catholics.

people are shitty.

Trump and his Republicunt goon squad are shitty. Everybody else is pretty decent. Or at least not as shitty. lol

How do you justify in your mind that paying people to cheer for you somehow makes you great? Just how delusional is this guy?

He's running scared now and it's funny as hell. To me at least but I don't have to live under his thumb. canadian.gif

Trump and his Republicunt goon squad are shitty. Everybody else is pretty decent. Or at least not as shitty. lol

How do you justify in your mind that paying people to cheer for you somehow makes you great? Just how delusional is this guy?

He's running scared now and it's funny as hell. To me at least but I don't have to live under his thumb. View attachment 4597106


every press conference his illness becomes more pronounced..i heard the one he gave yesterday has him practically a raving lunatic..have to see what that was all about..did anyone hear it or can comment?

whoa! i'm listening to it now and he sound like he has a cold..:lol:
John Bolton's "Tell-All" Book and Bill Barr's "Do-All-For-Donald" Agenda

Donald Trump is attempting to keep former National Security Advisor John Bolton's tell-all book from being published. In a press conference, Trump announces that Bolton will be facing "criminal liability" if the book is published, then turns to his Attorney General Bill Barr for support. This cozy relationship between Trump and Barr is the exact opposite of the traditional separation between the White House and the Department of Justice that is so important to the lawful functioning of our government.
Barr's New Mueller Nightmare: Key Prosecutor To Tell All Under Oath | MSNBC

Attorney General Bill Barr has received increased scrutiny for his efforts to politicize the Department of Justice, with over 2,000 former federal prosecutors calling for his resignation for acting as the President’s “personal lawyer.” “Whistleblower” Aaron Zelinsky, a federal prosecutor who resigned in protest of Barr’s fight to grant Former Trump aide Roger Stone a lighter sentence will testify before House Dems; MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber reports on Judiciary Chair Jerry Nadler is also calling for an anti-trust prosecutor to testify on Trump’s interference in a case involving CNN.
'Appalling' And 'Lawless': AG Barr Hammered For Protecting Trump | The Beat With Ari Melber | MSNBC

Former GOP strategist Steve Schmidt joins MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber to discuss Attorney General Bill Barr’s “appalling” actions. Schmidt argues “The attorney general is the chief law enforcement officer of the United States, not the president's personal attorney” adding Barr “has acted in a way that is contrary to every other attorney general's understanding of their duties in that office.” Schmidt slams AG Barr for acting “like Donald Trump's Roy Cohn." (
Holly shit Batman, now that's what you call a swing state.
The democrats haven't even begun to campaign yet and have hardly spent a dime, there's a billion bucks of third party anti Trump advertising going at Donald around the clock already! I figure Nancy will to hold the GOP senate's feet to the fire with a covid response impeachment trial later this summer, make them carry his water one last time while the folks back home are suffering. Donald is gone, even though he might kick and scream, the real prize now is as big a senate majority as you can get, there are 23 GOP seats up for grabs. When the enemy breaks and runs, is the time for strategic exploitation, they are weak with Trump and need to be tied to him more firmly over a very important issue, covid and the non response.
Joe is gonna get banned from facebook for sure! Boy, Joe sure is pissed, Zuck and company might have to worry about another Joe though.
Joe: Mark Zuckerberg Is 'Lying To The American People' | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Joe Scarborough discusses the anti-government movement that advocates for a violent uprising and how it has flourished on social media in recent months. Aired on 6/17/2020.
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The democrats haven't even begun to campaign yet and have hardly spent a dime, there's a billion bucks of third party anti Trump advertising going at Donald around the clock already! I figure Nancy will to hold the GOP senate's feet to the fire with a covid response impeachment trial later this summer, make them carry his water one last time while the folks back home are suffering. Donald is gone, even though he might kick and scream, the real prize now is as big a senate majority as you can get, there are 23 GOP seats up for grabs. When the enemy breaks and runs, is the time for strategic exploitation, they are weak with Trump and need to be tied to him more firmly over a very important issue, covid and the non response.
Unfortunately, after trump gets the boot, his views and supporters will still remain. Unless trump loses in an absolute landslide, my faith in this country's future will remain uncertain.
Trump Trails Biden By 16 Points In Michigan, Poll Shows | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Donald Trump is trailing Joe Biden, 39 to 55, in Michigan, according to new polling. The Morning Joe panel discusses. Aired on 06/17/2020.
Bottom line is, he has no empathy. It's simply not within him to bring people together. It's not in his being. He's bent on hate and fear, and people actually wanted a person who was not a politician, but rather a ruthless businessman, a failure at that, too. What kind of political strategy is division?
The syphilis is taking effect.
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Unfortunately, after trump gets the boot, his views and supporters will still remain. Unless trump loses in an absolute landslide, my faith in this country's future will remain uncertain.
Caution is called for and so is progressive change, so as not to generate a backlash, but certain key things will make a big difference if the democrats take it all, including state elections. H.R.-1 is on Mitch's desk and will be the first order of business for the new congress, quickly followed by all the other bills on Mitch's desk, much of the homework has been done. This will also be followed up by other measures to take down FOX (justified under existing law and regulation) and regulate facebook to within an inch of it's fucking life, put Zuck on a leash. There should be lots of time to investigate Trump and his minions though and even freshman congress people will be on subcommittees.

In short if the democrats win a hat trick and a big enough senate majority, they will take measures without the need to compromise so much. Sure they won't have a supermajority, but if they take 10/23 seats in November, they might get what they need from those up for re election in 2024, or those who are from more moderate states. Also the trials and tribulations of Donald and his minions in the court system might affect the votes of a few too, not to mention the very many investigations that will be on going.

The DOJ, military and national security communities have come to loathe Trump and the GOP and many have sworn retribution, this is the pool of people Joe will staff out the government with. Also, racism is now seen as a national security threat of the first order and the extreme right are seen as racist traitors, a 5th column, a source of terrorism and a conduit for hostile foreign disinformation and propaganda. Things have changed, the spooks and legal eagles are now on our side and they all want Donald's ass real fucking bad! :D