Keep your ass safe Colorado

and that's our fault- we leave it if anyone doesn't plan on evolving the bear into a house pet..floppy ears curly tail, you may want to cover your garbage.

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And bird feeders. I can only feed them in the winter or we have company. My neighbors dealing with a mama and 2 cubs now and refuses to take down her feeders. She's kinda of an asshole though.
Going down on a mermaid doesn't sound so bad, but the title didn't mention the mermen. I'm just trading one fish for another.

“He described in graphic detail how he was forced to perform oral sex on the fish-like genitals of these aquatic creatures, not only onto the women but also onto the men,”
So I guess it goes without saying, there was a distinct fishy smell :mrgreen:
vaginal odor comes from the pubic hair..shave it and you don't have it- or in a mermaid's case live fish don't smell; they also don't have pubic hair.
Not true. Why don't I have vag odor then, I have pubic hair?

And some chicks smell worse than others just so you're aware. Most are fine, but there's a few stinkers out there, lol.
And you call "trumpers" dumb.....

Hair also traps bacteria against your skin. In the vaginal area, that is both a good thing and a bad thing. You need your good vaginal bacteria to prevent an overgrowth of yeast, but when bacteria mix with the sweat and oil on your pubic hair, it can produce a smell. bacteria against,it can produce a smell.
Hair also traps bacteria against your skin. In the vaginal area, that is both a good thing and a bad thing. You need your good vaginal bacteria to prevent an overgrowth of yeast, but when bacteria mix with the sweat and oil on your pubic hair, it can produce a smell. bacteria against,it can produce a smell.
Keep researching and you'll eventually figure out how to get rid of the smell. But I don't think shaving alone is gonna work for ya. Give it a try and tell us if it helped.