Well, lately Faux hasn't been kind to him...I figured that basically is his station
Well, lately Faux hasn't been kind to him...I figured that basically is his station
Nov. cant come soon enough.
Y'all see the latest QANN?Oh. Fucking great. Now President Doofus is taking his cues from OANN...
Trump went too far even for THEM. Says something. Mostly, it says the corporation is looking down the road and sees bankruptcy once white Boomers move on. Money still talks when the leaders stop listening to people.Well, lately Faux hasn't been kind to him...
It's going to be a hot summer.Nov. cant come soon enough.
Treason, and crimes against humanity.Exactly what would he be in jail for?
It will be a higher number per officer after the defunding is finished. As Captain Brown said in the OP, we've defunded all forms of other social services and put the job of doing them on the police. So, let's take his advice. Fund a mental health system, fund drug treatment, end the war on drugs, fund programs for at-risk kids and so forth. Pay for fewer cops, regulate those cops better (fund THAT instead of more cops) and put the money where it will employ people with skills in the right areas.Thats a fucking joke. In 2018, there were 686,665 full-time law enforcement officers employed in the United States. That comes out to $437 per officer. You really think a few hundred dollars worth of training is going to make a fucking difference?
We have too many Barneys on police forces and they drove out the Andys.Remember the Andy Griffith Show? One of the biggest points of that show was that if everyone treats each other with respect and decency, there is no need for police and their job is essentially a joke. Act like animals, treat each other like animals, get treated like animals. Change starts with people, not the government. Violence begets violence.
It will be a higher number per officer after the defunding is finished. As Captain Brown said in the OP, we've defunded all forms of other social services and put the job of doing them on the police. So, let's take his advice. Fund a mental health system, fund drug treatment, end the war on drugs, fund programs for at-risk kids and so forth. Pay for fewer cops, regulate those cops better (fund THAT instead of more cops) and put the money where it will employ people with skills in the right areas.
What part of that don't you understand?
example - Justin Case is quite a micro brain and should quit using innuendo for an argument.
What you need is more civil courage. Where I live, if you see someone attempting to take someone elses life it's ok to simply kill the would-be killer. Why exactly are all these rifles & guns distributed to the US people when no one makes good use of them? Just because it's an officer doesn't mean he isn't a criminal mofo that should get a bullet to his brain better sooner than later....Change won't happen until cops who kill people for no good reason know they face an authority that will punish them for it.
lulz If only it were so simple. I can't say I've wondered why they weren't interfered with. I wouldn't mind if somebody who knows why it would be against the law to have stopped the Floyd murder (not rob roy, he lives in fantasy land).What you need is more civil courage. Where I live, if you see someone attempting to take someone elses life it's ok to simply kill the would-be killer. Why exactly are all these rifles & guns distributed to the US people when no one makes good use of them? Just because it's an officer doesn't mean he isn't a criminal mofo that should get a bullet to his brain better sooner than later....
Sorry about the Bosco on your screen.I sprayed a mouthful of Bosco on my screen! You're asking blowjoe if he understands???![]()
That's like asking trump if he understands ethics.
this is part of the problem. Here in Germany when cops do something criminal - then they will be punished TWICE - because they did violate the normal civic criminal laws (StGB) AND the police laws. (the same logic actually applies to soldiers here as well).Actually, those officers were probably not breaking the law. There is a different standard of justice applied to them.
I know, it's not exactly rocket science, is it? Instead of holding police to a higher standard, they are held to a lower one.this is part of the problem. Here in Germany when cops do something criminal - then they will be punished TWICE - because they did violate the normal civic criminal laws (StGB) AND the police laws. (the same logic actually applies to soldiers here as well).
Thing is a police officer has sworn an oath - which he would violate by engaging in criminality. Furthermore, because they work on behalf of the state it's their duty to HELP - and not be part of the problem.
Secondly, our law of self-defence is clear, and there are even some laws which FORCES civil courage. It has to do with the severity of the crime - if it's a capital crime (like rape, attempted murder, or treason ) then a witness (or bystander) HAS to act - HAS to help the victim.
If the bystander does not help - it's considered a crime as well.