Quarterdak quarterdank
New Member
I know it could be anything but does anyone know what going on with her? Her fan leaves are looking like shit but her shoots are green and fuller than ever. What could that mean ?
Forsure? Can will my fan leaves heal? Or are they done for good? Will that effect my plant later ontoo much water
She's been outside her whole life. All organic. Indacanja meadium with some organic all purpose 4-4-4. Shes done really good her whole life. Recently I tried to bend her over (which I know is a little late) considering she's going on close to 5-6 weeks and when I softened her stem up a little I did it to much and it slumped over completely. To get her back up right is when I think I fucked up , I took two metal garden staked and put them on each side of stem and zip tied to kinda give her a splint. I think maybe the metal I used to hold it up rusting while my plant was healing might of made her sick. What do you think? And I just water as need usually every 3 days when it light to the carry.What the fuck is going on here.
No, your fan leaves won't heal. They are dead. Damaged leaves don't get better.
Pesticides are for insects and their ilk, not general disease control. Neem won't fix leaf septoria or bud rot
It looks like more than over-watering, so let's get some details ... what medium, nutes, average temps and humidity in your area, has it been really damp/rainy/dry, how old is the plant etc. The more the better.
I had just watered when I took the picI would suggest transplanting into a larger container. That potting mix looks pretty soggy as well, maybe mix in some compost and a little soil to get a better consistency
She been outside her whole life. And just up till a few days ago she was perfectly green no spots or dying leaves or anything. I did try to bend her over late and accidentally snaped the stem alittle. Prior to the tape I had made a little splint for her with a couple garden stakes on each side of the stem and a zip tie to keep her upright. Could the rusted garden stake while she was healing have made her sick? Also at the same time had put her in a spot that got way more direct sunlight and heat. The weather has also got 10 degrees warmer than what it's been at for the plants first 4 weeks of life. She an autoflower. My first grow. I felt like she was doing really good up until the fan leaves started dying a couple days ago. Really numbing me out! Could it be the PH?Do i see tape holding it together? Looks like maybe you started it inside under a weak ass light and it got real stretched out and then you brought it outside and the original fan leaves got cooked? All that being said, with mother nature caring for her now, she will likely be fine. She also looks well due for a topping.
She been outside her whole life. And just up till a few days ago she was perfectly green no spots or dying leaves or anything. I did try to bend her over late and accidentally snaped the stem alittle. Prior to the tape I had made a little splint for her with a couple garden stakes on each side of the stem and a zip tie to keep her upright. Could the rusted garden stake while she was healing have made her sick? Also at the same time had put her in a spot that got way more direct sunlight and heat. The weather has also got 10 degrees warmer than what it's been at for the plants first 4 weeks of life. She an autoflower. My first grow. I felt like she was doing really good up until the fan leaves started dying a couple days ago. Really bumbing me out! Could it be the PH?She's been outside her whole life. All organic. Indacanja meadium with some organic all purpose 4-4-4. Shes done really good her whole life. Recently I tried to bend her over (which I know is a little late) considering she's going on close to 5-6 weeks and when I softened her stem up a little I did it to much and it slumped over completely. To get her back up right is when I think I fucked up , I took two metal garden staked and put them on each side of stem and zip tied to kinda give her a splint. I think maybe the metal I used to hold it up rusting while my plant was healing might of made her sick. What do you think? And I just water as need usually every 3 days when it light to the carry.
She been outside her whole life. And just up till a few days ago she was perfectly green no spots or dying leaves or anything. I did try to bend her over late and accidentally snaped the stem alittle. Prior to the tape I had made a little splint for her with a couple garden stakes on each side of the stem and a zip tie to keep her upright. Could the rusted garden stake while she was healing have made her sick? Also at the same time had put her in a spot that got way more direct sunlight and heat. The weather has also got 10 degrees warmer than what it's been at for the plants first 4 weeks of life. She an autoflower. My first grow. I felt like she was doing really good up until the fan leaves started dying a couple days ago. Really numbing me out! Could it be the PH?She's been outside her whole life. All organic. Indacanja meadium with some organic all purpose 4-4-4. Shes done really good her whole life. Recently I tried to bend her over (which I know is a little late) considering she's going on close to 5-6 weeks and when I softened her stem up a little I did it to much and it slumped over completely. To get her back up right is when I think I fucked up , I took two metal garden staked and put them on each side of stem and zip tied to kinda give her a splint. I think maybe the metal I used to hold it up rusting while my plant was healing might of made her sick. What do you think? And I just water as need usually every 3 days when it light to the carry.
This is what she looked like the day I broke the stem alittleShe's been outside her whole life. All organic. Indacanja meadium with some organic all purpose 4-4-4. Shes done really good her whole life. Recently I tried to bend her over (which I know is a little late) considering she's going on close to 5-6 weeks and when I softened her stem up a little I did it to much and it slumped over completely. To get her back up right is when I think I fucked up , I took two metal garden staked and put them on each side of stem and zip tied to kinda give her a splint. I think maybe the metal I used to hold it up rusting while my plant was healing might of made her sick. What do you think? And I just water as need usually every 3 days when it light to the carry.