What has Trump done to this country?

oh no you have demoralized me and I am no longer motivated to vote for joe Biden over the racist sack of shit that is ciphoning taxpayer dollars every chance he gets by overcharging the secret service to rent his shitty golf carts and motel rooms

well done, incel

your anger will destroy you
I’m American , all of you dim wits who think the CIA doesn’t do the same thing as Russia better wake the f up, our government does that shit all the time all over the world, and the Russians are no different, so please spare me the evil Russian Boger man bullshit. And to the Hilary comment , she is a criminal. Period. She is waiting to be VP , Biden will never make it a full term, something will happen to him.
Something is happening to Donald now, he's losing and going insane, so are some of his fans apparently.
I stand corrected. I was going on what the union leader said. After more research, it appears that the others were disgusted. Hmm. What to believe? Those guys are trained to be brutes, so I thought they felt it was their right to be "dominating".

it should go without saying that white people lie.
I’m American , all of you dim wits who think the CIA doesn’t do the same thing as Russia better wake the f up, our government does that shit all the time all over the world, and the Russians are no different, so please spare me the evil Russian Boger man bullshit. And to the Hilary comment , she is a criminal. Period. She is waiting to be VP , Biden will never make it a full term, something will happen to him.
Your accent is atrocious
I’m American , all of you dim wits who think the CIA doesn’t do the same thing as Russia better wake the f up, our government does that shit all the time all over the world, and the Russians are no different, so please spare me the evil Russian Boger man bullshit. And to the Hilary comment , she is a criminal. Period. She is waiting to be VP , Biden will never make it a full term, something will happen to him.
I don't give a shit about Russians being Russians. But Russians dumping into millions into the Republican party through American entities like the NRA, they have circumvented our election laws. Add to it the $1.25 million monthly budget they had to attack our elections online (all the while Trump and the Republicans tried to hide it) and nothing being done to stop their attack on our democracy and you are at an entirely different level.

The Russian/Right wing movements globally are an attack on democracy. You think this is in anyway the same as an American in what the CIA has done is naive.

You have been snowballed by right wing talking points to cover for Dear Leader, who is showing the world that he is a joke and has done nothing but divide us up with the continual lies that you seem to enjoy.
your anger will destroy you
Buck is an agent of the "deep state" and racism has become a national security threat and these racist losers need to be dealt with, someone has to clean up the shit. Buck is a patriot, it's his job and he is faithfully and enthusiastically full filling his oath of citizenship.
How about you?
Do you support a traitor and treason?
I don't give a shit about Russians being Russians. But Russians dumping into millions into the Republican party through American entities like the NRA, they have circumvented our election laws. Add to it the $1.25 million monthly budget they had to attack our elections online (all the while Trump and the Republicans tried to hide it) and nothing being done to stop their attack on our democracy and you are at an entirely different level.

The Russian/Right wing movements globally are an attack on democracy. You think this is in anyway the same as an American in what the CIA has done is naive.

You have been snowballed by right wing talking points to cover for Dear Leader, who is showing the world that he is a joke and has done nothing but divide us up with the continual lies that you seem to enjoy.

your in denial, sorry you can’t handle the fact our government right or left perpetrates the same bullshit Russia does, it’s been going on before trump. You probably are thinking Biden will save us , that’s completely insane . We will see who is elected and what happens when they are elected , your childish view of the universe is telling on how ignorant you really are.
your in denial, sorry you can’t handle the fact our government right or left perpetrates the same bullshit Russia does, it’s been going on before trump. You probably are thinking Biden will save us , that’s completely insane . We will see who is elected and what happens when they are elected , your childish view of the universe is telling on how ignorant you really are.
What are you talking about? Advertising as an American is legal, political donations are legal. But there are election laws for a reason, and the Russians and Republicans are circumventing it.

I don't expect Biden or anyone else to save us.

Unlike the Republicans the Democrats do not need a cult leader, that is why as a group rejected Bernie Sanders (even though Dear Leader lied hard and got himself impeached doing so in the hopes of not going against Biden).

But Biden is one of the only politicians to not use his political office to get rich, and has a very public and clean public record and about 50 years of evidence to show he is not a Russian (or any other foreign nation's) puppet. Can you say the same about Trump, who very clearly broke the law asking for dirt from foreign countries, which is very illegal?

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not a fan of his or the narrow minded obviously liberal comments , let me guess you live in California?
So Donald is a liberal now? I live in Canada and I'm an actual card carrying liberal, of legend, I'm one of the people your daddy warned you about, assuming you knew him. Donlad, ain't a liberal, or even an actual conservative, he is a fascist and I figure you are one too.

You clearly do not know the difference between right and wrong, let's start there shall we?
He’s from the California of the east coast of Canada. Is the surf up there in Cape Breton, DIY?
Yep, but you'll need a thick wet suit to ride the nor'easters up here, windsurfing was popular a few years back with my buddies. I prefer the POWER of technology! Thrills and spills of a different nature, though I did scuba dive once upon a time many years ago. In summer we do get tropical fish up here lately, thanks to climate change, but if you've ever swam in the North Atlantic, even in summer, you'll know it's a bracing experience. :D