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Carp are a pest in Oz and you get fined for putting em back. There so big here as well it’s a pain in the ass and fuck up the natives. Last time I went chasing some cod on the Murray river I got 24 carp and 2 undersized Murray cod fml
LOL! Yeah, they are considered invasive in most places. I'm nowhere near my house in that picture. Since I don't eat the fish I catch anyway, carp are INCREDIBLY fun to catch on the fly. They're really smart and you have to sightfish them and cast your fly into its mouth just about. Super spooky too. We call em the golden ghosts.

The best part is that it feels like you hooked into a freight train. That guy took almost 15 minutes to land by myself.

Trout are so pussy in comparison.
LOL! Yeah, they are considered invasive in most places. I'm nowhere near my house in that picture. Since I don't eat the fish I catch anyway, carp are INCREDIBLY fun to catch on the fly. They're really smart and you have to sightfish them and cast your fly into its mouth just about. Super spooky too. We call em the golden ghosts.

The best part is that it feels like you hooked into a freight train. That guy took almost 15 minutes to land by myself.

Trout are so pussy in comparison.
I’ve booked a 2 day fly fishing course for my farther and I in September. We have no idea we just use egg beaters like pussies lol. Cast, reel, repeat
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