Time to make all drugs legal

I said judges, a little different than courts but yeah, bought and paid and rewarded to sent drug offenders to jail. Politicians, mandatory sentencing etc. it’s about making big money. But no, the cause of the drug war was not corruption in the courts, they are just an arm of the drug war.
You do know that it was Richard Nixon who began the drug war in order to get re-elected? I posted the facts earlier. Do I need to re-post?

I rebut your claim by saying that Nixon used the drug war to stay in power. It's about authoritarians maintaining control of the government. From this viewpoint, corruption in the judicial system and the power of the prison unions (which is even more powerful than the CA's teacher's union) is an outcome of the war on drugs. Police and prison guards lend their support to powerful politicians and they keep getting paid. It's corrupt. But it all begins with people giving their votes to the wrong side.
“You want to know what this was really all about,” Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, said, referring to Nixon’s declaration of war on drugs. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

I agree that not everyone does things to be intentionally shitty, but in this case it's true. Unless someone pulled Ehrlichman's quote out of their ass, he admits it.

I just considered the war on drugs to have been started in the early 1900's. I get what you are saying now, and completely agree there have been a government led effort to have a negative impact on the black communities at times. This Tuskegee and the Republicans selling crack into black communities are the big ones that come to mind.

I have no doubt in my mind the racist agenda is alive and strong in DC.

But any legislation that gets past generally takes a few hundred people to vote for it, mostly I think they are disinterested in trying to figure out every legal loophole that others will take advantage of on everything they pass and some stuff does get missed and exploited by evil people. And vote for it because they can see some benefit for the people who voted/funded for them with pet projects getting stuffed into the bill.
Thanks for telling me how shitty the US is. I never would have realized it if it weren't for you and a few other so-called "Canadians" who came here all at once at the beginning of the year to say the same thing and repeat divisive shit over and over and over. I can't help but observe that the pattern your kind exhibited by doing that is very similar to what white supremacists and Putins troll army does. Not that I'm accusing you of being one of them. It's just an interesting coincidence. It's also true that I don't believe in coincidences but I must be wrong about that because you most certainly are one of the most informative, honest, knowledgeable and upright Candian ever to come to this forum and shit on the US.

So, thanks for that.

I'm sorry that it hurt your feelings to cite the facts about Canada's rampant and unrecognized racism, Canada's dependence on selling fossil fuels, Canada's puny economy and the fact that Canada's already small oil-based economy is permanently shattered by the drop in the demand for oil. I'll be more careful when I point out that there are plenty of problems that remain unaddressed in Canada while your kind focus on something you have nothing to do with. Canadian politeness demands that we not talk about your problems, address them and Canada's tiny economic power causes great sensitivity. I forgot and apologize.

You're so ridiculous.
I just considered the war on drugs to have been started in the early 1900's. I get what you are saying now, and completely agree there have been a government led effort to have a negative impact on the black communities at times. This Tuskegee and the Republicans selling crack into black communities are the big ones that come to mind.

I have no doubt in my mind the racist agenda is alive and strong in DC.

But any legislation that gets past generally takes a few hundred people to vote for it, mostly I think they are disinterested in trying to figure out every legal loophole that others will take advantage of on everything they pass and some stuff does get missed and exploited by evil people. And vote for it because they can see some benefit for the people who voted/funded for them with pet projects getting stuffed into the bill.
From the beginning, Anslinger conflated drug use, race, and music. “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men,” he was quoted as saying. “There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”

The second component to Anslinger’s strategy was racial. He claimed that black people and Latinos were the primary users of marijuana, and it made them forget their place in the fabric of American society. He even went so far as to argue that jazz musicians were creating “Satanic” music all thanks to the influence of pot. This obsession eventually led to a sort of witch hunt against the legendary singer Billie Holiday, who struggled with heroin addiction; she lost her license to perform in New York cabarets and continued to be dogged by law enforcement until her death.

Yee writes: "[W]hite British Columbians also firmly believed that their way of life was better than all others. They saw China as a weak nation of backward people who could never learn to live like white Canadians. Moreover, they said that Chinese people carried diseases and other bad habits (such as smoking opium) that threatened Canada's well-being."
From the beginning, Anslinger conflated drug use, race, and music. “Reefer makes darkies think they’re as good as white men,” he was quoted as saying. “There are 100,000 total marijuana smokers in the U.S., and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz and swing result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers and any others.”

The second component to Anslinger’s strategy was racial. He claimed that black people and Latinos were the primary users of marijuana, and it made them forget their place in the fabric of American society. He even went so far as to argue that jazz musicians were creating “Satanic” music all thanks to the influence of pot. This obsession eventually led to a sort of witch hunt against the legendary singer Billie Holiday, who struggled with heroin addiction; she lost her license to perform in New York cabarets and continued to be dogged by law enforcement until her death.

Yee writes: "[W]hite British Columbians also firmly believed that their way of life was better than all others. They saw China as a weak nation of backward people who could never learn to live like white Canadians. Moreover, they said that Chinese people carried diseases and other bad habits (such as smoking opium) that threatened Canada's well-being."
Racism has always been one of the legs of our leadership no question. I'm betting if I looked I could find a good religious propaganda campaign for those laws too.

It is crazy what happens in the dark. I am very happy to live in a technically advanced age (information availability wise), things are getting better for us all.

Unfortunately the Wealthy White Heterosexual Male Only agenda keeps kicking and screaming about their having to give way to the best and brighest of every race and gender that are competing for their spot at the table. And too many of the people that identify with at least 2 of those categories can't get over the fact that a lot of them would be much better off at home doing the dishes and cooking the meals while eating bonbons, raising children, because their wives are far more competent and have far more to offer our economy. And that is ok.
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You do know that it was Richard Nixon who began the drug war in order to get re-elected? I posted the facts earlier. Do I need to re-post?

I rebut your claim by saying that Nixon used the drug war to stay in power. It's about authoritarians maintaining control of the government. From this viewpoint, corruption in the judicial system and the power of the prison unions (which is even more powerful than the CA's teacher's union) is an outcome of the war on drugs. Police and prison guards lend their support to powerful politicians and they keep getting paid. It's corrupt. But it all begins with people giving their votes to the wrong side.
You do know that’s not the whole story. I love how people like you google shit and present your facts, like it’s the end of the conversation. Well Ehrlichman said something different didn’t he? He was there, you google. Quick go fetch.
Black Lives Matter doesn't mean shit till we do aware with the drug war and the for profit prison system America has. Our world is legitimately under threat on just about all fronts. The Earth is burning and throwing disease at us. We don't have time or energy for the drug war. Evil from the get go. Pray that the politicians grow some balls and help out all Americans by making crack legal. And then maybe the incels could get laid...maybe.

What you have missed is that all the things you, and we agree upon, makes tons of money for the DS; CIA, black ops, para-military. And guess who the biggest donors are for most, if not all of the, governers, senators, congressmen/women, police departments, FBI ...
What you have missed is that all the things you, and we agree upon, makes tons of money for the DS; CIA, black ops, para-military. And guess who the biggest donors are for most, if not all of the, governers, senators, congressmen/women, police departments, FBI ...
youre a racist and suffer from mental illness
You do know that’s not the whole story. I love how people like you google shit and present your facts, like it’s the end of the conversation. Well Ehrlichman said something different didn’t he? He was there, you google. Quick go fetch.
I do know that's the beginning of the story of the miltarization of the DEA. I also know that the War on Drugs expanded in a big way under Reagan for exactly the same reason. I also know that Biden and the Clintons were both following the will of the voters when they too expanded police powers. It's always been about what voters and the 1% wanted. These are facts. Refute them and tell me what's wrong about my statement.

From the money poured in to expand the War on Drugs, the systemically racist judicial system expanded and so did the corruption in it.

Just admit when you are wrong. It's OK.
Perhaps you are a racist if you can’t see that it was racism that propelled it. Just admit it, it’s ok.
Perhaps you are a racist if you can’t see that it was racism that propelled it. Just admit it, it’s ok.
Oh, so you gave up on your assertion that it's corruption. What you just did is a dishonest debate tactic called "moving the goalposts". I'll just remind you what you said and let you agree with me.
The lesson took, then the goal became to make money off of prisoners and militarization of our police departments. You obviously know this but worth saying it again. All about the money and keeping non-whites down.

Glad you decided to finally agree with me.

Totally agree that racism propelled it. And politicians exploited it. Racist voters were exactly what Nixon, Reagan and BOTH parties catered to when they wrote the "war on drugs" and "tough on crime" laws. It's always been about using racism to keep in power. The end of the silent generation and the decline of boomers is why that stance is crumbling.

This is why we need to show up and vote.
Oh, so you gave up on your assertion that it's corruption. What you just did is a dishonest debate tactic called "moving the goalposts". I'll just remind you what you said and let you agree with me.

Glad you decided to finally agree with me.

Totally agree that racism propelled it. And politicians exploited it. Racist voters were exactly what Nixon, Reagan and BOTH parties catered to when they wrote the "war on drugs" and "tough on crime" laws. It's always been about using racism to keep in power. The end of the silent generation and the decline of boomers is why that stance is crumbling.

This is why we need to show up and vote.
No, what I did was give you the hint that I don’t wish to speak to you because I don’t like people like you. Spent your life googling things just to debate and miss the point. Bore the hell out of me, and I’m assuming everybody in your life, hence all the time on the net trying to debate people for the sake of debating, that is when you aren’t trolling. I stand by everything I said and all you got is some cut and paste that means nothing.
No, what I did was give you the hint that I don’t wish to speak to you because I don’t like people like you. Spent your life googling things just to debate and miss the point. Bore the hell out of me, and I’m assuming everybody in your life, hence all the time on the net trying to debate people for the sake of debating, that is when you aren’t trolling. I stand by everything I said and all you got is some cut and paste that means nothing.
lulz. My bad. I gave you credit for actually wanting to cover a subject and it just turned out you wanted to whine.

You right-wingers are always in such a dudgeon and upset about how "nobody" recognizes how persecuted they are.

@UncleBuck tipped me off for something that I should have seen for myself. You are Choomer playing one of your right wing dumbass "gotcha" games. As George W (the former worst president ever but now ranks number two on that list) once said:

fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.

It must be so degrading defending Republicans nowadays.
I have zero respect for you because you have zero respect for others. Troll
Edit: choomer whoever you are, you did a great job making these guys make complete fools of themselves trying to figure out who you are, I’m sure you’re enjoying this the most.
I have zero respect for you because you have zero respect for others. Troll
Edit: choomer whoever you are, you did a great job making these guys make complete fools of themselves trying to figure out who you are, I’m sure you’re enjoying this the most.
Your abject capitulation is accepted.
I’m not debating google, I have a baby on my lap and another son playing with me, go tell your wife what a badass debater you are. Fool
Back to the subject of the thread, this black lives movement won’t accomplish its goal till the drug war is history and all drugs are legal. And yes, the drug war has always been about keeping blacks and minorities down.