Time to make all drugs legal

Will federally legalizing marijuana magically make cops less racist?
No. But as another poster mentioned earlier, it's a start and one thing less to be hassled for.

Further, by legalising and giving access to those who normally wouldn't use it, perhaps a racist my try it and be overcome by the holy spirit :)

According to Sula Benet, cannabis is the main ingredient in the holy anointing oil.

Time for the REAL Jesus to "heal the nations" lol.

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I've seen the docuseries from Vice, and that stuff is horrible. Personally I think its worse than a lot of other drugs.

Bottom line, let peoe decide what they wanna do. Natural selection lol.

Only issue will be with the unbridled violence and death.

Old West here we come. ✌☮✌
somebody needs to gin up a really crappy study that says Krokodile protects against the 'rona, with all sorts of warnings about the quality of the science in that study. Then mention one of the companies Trump owns as a potential beneficiary and slip it into Trump's tiny hands.

It would solve all sorts of problems.
Given the chasm between drug warriors and us, isn't your difference with the OP rather small?
No, he's attempting to delegitimize a human rights organization.

I'm also confident in saying not all involved with the organization would agree with op's statement.

I could also just as easily pass the buck by saying you can't address the drug war until we have universal health care.

I still think op is an idiot.

There is nothing a person can do. A saint, maybe, but I'm not one of those. I decided a while ago that since they disrespect people who try to reason with them (and they do, just read some of the shit they say to each other about that), then I'll do what I can to make them uncomfortable. Because that's fun. I even coined a new line today: After all the shit that's gone down recently, right wing trolls seem as desperate an INCEL at closing time. They aren't going to change. They aren't going to go away.


Let's just have fun. Waddya say?

so you’re a troll like I said. And you consider yourself a good guy super hero troll probably. Hey stupid, they all do.
No, he's attempting to delegitimize a human rights organization.

I'm also confident in saying not all involved with the organization would agree with op's statement.

I could also just as easily pass the buck by saying you can't address the drug war until we have universal health care.

I still think op is an idiot.
And I think your a moron for everything you say, I’m not delegitimizing it, I’m saying until we solve the biggest cause it won’t take effect. Like an abused wife protesting domestic abuse but not leaving her husband.
Seriously ?

Yes, seriously. I don't buy into the mindset that everyone does everything shitty because they meant it to be shitty. Even the evangelicals that want to strip women of the control over their bodies at the end of the day have tricked themselves into thinking it is because they are saving children (they are not).

And this is not some naive statement that somehow paints me into some ridiculous corner that everyone has altruistic reasons when they are doing things that have a negative impact on others.

I just know humans are short sighted and tend to not think about their impacts outside of their bubble.
I’ll agree with that, I also think that cops carrying out racist policies might not be racist. Black cops still target black people. Need to end drug war, get rid of swat, and them maybe black lives matter will have a chance.
to be honest, I don't really pay attention to Canada. I've just heard some people from that country complaining so I figured I'd poke a stick at you guys. I don't know if you are one of them but all at once, a murder of "Canadians" showed up here to rag and shit on us in a manner reminiscent of Putin's trolls. Not too different from your geese, which come down here to shit on our golf courses. Not that I mind. I keep thanking them for shitting on the US and they keep getting angry. Doesn't make any sense. But then again, Canada, geese, whatever.

My, what a Trump load of butthurt. Like him, you can't handle a little criticism and you have no humility. Lulz @ you repeating "Canadians come here to shit on the US" like it means something, all the while bragging about how the US is soooooo much bigger than we are, and you make us sing for our dinner and all that. Yes, you're the victimy, victim victim.

Is this what a melting snowflake sounds like?
No. But as another poster mentioned earlier, it's a start and one thing less to be hassled for.

Further, by legalising and giving access to those who normally wouldn't use it, perhaps a racist my try it and be overcome by the holy spirit :)

According to Sula Benet, cannabis is the main ingredient in the holy anointing oil.

Time for the REAL Jesus to "heal the nations" lol.


Thanks for mentioning Sula Benet.

Judges don't like motions that include her findings....which is why defendants should put those motions forth. ;)
And I think your a moron for everything you say, I’m not delegitimizing it, I’m saying until we solve the biggest cause it won’t take effect. Like an abused wife protesting domestic abuse but not leaving her husband.

Dumb racist
so you’re a troll like I said. And you consider yourself a good guy super hero troll probably. Hey stupid, they all do.
My, what a Trump load of butthurt. Like him, you can't handle a little criticism and you have no humility. Lulz @ you repeating "Canadians come here to shit on the US" like it means something, all the while bragging about how the US is soooooo much bigger than we are, and you make us sing for our dinner and all that. Yes, you're the victimy, victim victim.

Is this what a melting snowflake sounds like?
Thanks for telling me how shitty the US is. I never would have realized it if it weren't for you and a few other so-called "Canadians" who came here all at once at the beginning of the year to say the same thing and repeat divisive shit over and over and over. I can't help but observe that the pattern your kind exhibited by doing that is very similar to what white supremacists and Putins troll army does. Not that I'm accusing you of being one of them. It's just an interesting coincidence. It's also true that I don't believe in coincidences but I must be wrong about that because you most certainly are one of the most informative, honest, knowledgeable and upright Candian ever to come to this forum and shit on the US.

So, thanks for that.

I'm sorry that it hurt your feelings to cite the facts about Canada's rampant and unrecognized racism, Canada's dependence on selling fossil fuels, Canada's puny economy and the fact that Canada's already small oil-based economy is permanently shattered by the drop in the demand for oil. I'll be more careful when I point out that there are plenty of problems that remain unaddressed in Canada while your kind focus on something you have nothing to do with. Canadian politeness demands that we not talk about your problems, address them and Canada's tiny economic power causes great sensitivity. I forgot and apologize.
And I think your a moron for everything you say, I’m not delegitimizing it, I’m saying until we solve the biggest cause it won’t take effect. Like an abused wife protesting domestic abuse but not leaving her husband.
Right. You said the cause of the drug war was corruption in the courts and did you mention unions too.

Because it's kind of important to correctly identify the cause when trying to fix a problem. Your prescription is treating a symptom, not the cause. It would be like treating a cough to address Covid-19. That would be a disaster, wouldn't it?

On a different note, did you say that racism isn't a problem in the US in those other posts of yours?
Never said racism isn’t a problem in US or any other country I’ve lived in. I have said that people who are not racist do racists things.
Never said racism isn’t a problem in US or any other country I’ve lived in. I have said that people who are not racist do racists things.
OK, so, now that that's settled, how about the first question:

Right. You said the cause of the drug war was corruption in the courts and did you mention unions too.

Because it's kind of important to correctly identify the cause when trying to fix a problem. Your prescription is treating a symptom, not the cause. It would be like treating a cough to address Covid-19. That would be a disaster, wouldn't it?
I said judges, a little different than courts but yeah, bought and paid and rewarded to sent drug offenders to jail. Politicians, mandatory sentencing etc. it’s about making big money. But no, the cause of the drug war was not corruption in the courts, they are just an arm of the drug war.
Finding a way to exploit a system might have been the goal of people after the fact, and maybe even some planting loopholes in legislation, but it wouldn't mean it was everyone's objective when they tried to actually do right for our nation.

Whats the saying, 'the road to hell is paved in good intentions'.

Yes, seriously. I don't buy into the mindset that everyone does everything shitty because they meant it to be shitty. Even the evangelicals that want to strip women of the control over their bodies at the end of the day have tricked themselves into thinking it is because they are saving children (they are not).

“You want to know what this was really all about,” Ehrlichman, who died in 1999, said, referring to Nixon’s declaration of war on drugs. “The Nixon campaign in 1968, and the Nixon White House after that, had two enemies: the antiwar left and black people. You understand what I’m saying. We knew we couldn’t make it illegal to be either against the war or black, but by getting the public to associate the hippies with marijuana and blacks with heroin, and then criminalizing both heavily, we could disrupt those communities. We could arrest their leaders, raid their homes, break up their meetings, and vilify them night after night on the evening news. Did we know we were lying about the drugs? Of course we did.”

I agree that not everyone does things to be intentionally shitty, but in this case it's true. Unless someone pulled Ehrlichman's quote out of their ass, he admits it.
