Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


like that pic, where you're all stoned, and you can't see, and you wreck your bike. lolol :mrgreen::mrgreen:


which time???
i really need to go take a pic of the otherside of the bike for you:mrgreen:
i call her two-face....


Active Member
people are going to hate on me but gay marriage is wrong(guys only) and it is a big deal!!!

i dont what to see faggets(guys) kissing and shit around me its just wrong.

what do you think kids will think when there is all these fags kissng in public places.


people are going to hate on me but gay marriage is wrong(guys only) and it is a big deal!!!

i dont what to see faggets(guys) kissing and shit around me its just wrong.

what do you think kids will think when there is all these fags kissng in public places.

but you are fine with kids seeing lesbians kiss because you think it is "hot"???? why just the guys?? this view (seems to be widespread) is the dumbest of the three in my opinion....:roll:

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
i dont what to see faggets(guys) kissing and shit around me its just wrong.

what do you think kids will think when there is all these fags kissng in public places.

Just so you know.... being gay isn't illegal... and marriage or not, gay people are free to kiss in public in any US State today ;)


sounds like sense to me. :mrgreen: but i'm dumb and homophobic. :dunce:

according to him we have the right to sit around and complain while we get our dumb, homophobe asses stoned cause we had no part in it....

sounds like a plant to me... its what i would probably do anyway... people think their vote really counts (or even gets counted) anymore....:roll:


Well-Known Member
I guess you can label me as a 'Homophobe'.

I have an unreasonable fear of homosapiens.

But somehow bi sexual women who are hot isn't so bad. Hmm but I'm a pig.

But women who want to be men and men who want to be women is kinda 'unnatural' IMO. Perhaps 'kinky' is a better description.

Wonder how homosexuality fits into the theory of natural selection?
I said the part about bi sexual women because I thought it was kinda funny.
I guess not.
Also I was kinda curious what kind of response it would get. I guess I found out.


I said the part about bi sexual women because I thought it was kinda funny.
I guess not.
Also I was kinda curious what kind of response it would get. I guess I found out.

alright, you got me... i take things too seriously sometimes too:-|.... hard to convey your meaning sometimes with only words and these damn smileys:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
alright, you got me... i take things too seriously sometimes too:-|.... hard to convey your meaning sometimes with only words and these damn smileys:mrgreen:

Its all good, I just I needed to nix any misconceptions I created myself.


and all the pot. bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie :mrgreen::mrgreen:

you know im not smokin, why you gotta rub it in??:mrgreen:.... its cool; i live my stoner wishes vicariously through you and others on here... its part of my "therapy".... interview tomorrow; thread coming in tokentalk... woot:clap:


Well-Known Member
Anyone and everyone who cheers on a moderator who's being rude, but especially when it's coming from staff towards an "ordinary" member . Unfortunately for us both, the search function is currently completely and totally kludged. One less recent example was in a thread, the one about the medical card I believe, where fdd had just been incredibly rude and condescending towards me, insulting actually, and next thing I saw was someone posting, "fdd, your the man I want to be [sic]!" And now we have the mob mentality at work right here.
Of course you would. That was a rather blanketing term to use in that statement, something I try not to do, but at the time felt that I was alone. Rather as I do now (Dave's presence notwithstanding).
See above. Who's cheering him? If I could find the threads I would give exact quotes, which might possibly lead to him giving me another infraction "for insulting other member(s)", like the one I got for my "insult" to Sunnyside.
How do you know what I feel or believe, except that which I state is what I feel or believe? You're the one who says that my words make you feel stupid, not I. I actually never thought anything other than good of you, Sunny, thought we got along great. I know better now, I know that you just don't like my words. Here's a suggestion, use the Ignore feature and you'll have to read not another one (exceptin' when someone else quotes me).
What the hell did I do there? What thread? If I understand you correctly, you're saying that you don't care for my manner of speech. What the fuck? Would you do this to someone who had an opposite issue?
Then maybe some reading comprehension is lacking. I do my best to offer up factual information, and with specific regard to politics, bring that information into play when I am explaining my own stance on things.
Again, if you fail to understand what's being written, the fault is not automatically with the author.
Ah, alright. What else?
Funny, but I only encounter this sentiment here, on this site. Nowhere else in my life, with the exception of school, grades K-12, have I encountered a group of people who are so intimidated by someone who speaks... as I do. I will not "dumb it down" for you. You'll just have to try to keep up.

And a solution to what..? Wait a minute, since when am I required to offer up solutions all the time to political debates?

If you were really good at psychoanalyzation, you would have picked up on a whole lot more than how I make you feel. ;)

To all you people who are "band-wagoning", you're looking a bit like a pack of rabid dogs here. Little tolerance for the other end of the spectrum. Sure, you can make allowances for someone who's lacking in their vocabulary and usage of words, but get a chance to jump MY train for the opposite, whooee boy! It's more fun than a hayride, ain't it? :lol:
How come it's not just as offensive and insulting to go at someone from the other angle?
You know what? After further contemplation of this matter I have decided that it is a total waste of my time and my effort. Now I am off to the Harvard political and legal forums for some dumb downed conversations that I can understand.


You know what? After further contemplation of this matter I have decided that it is a total waste of my time and my effort. Now I am off to the Harvard political and legal forums for some dumb downed conversations that I can understand.

i decided to post after having to look up "hubris and hegemony"..... i havent looked up words in years... much less on here...:roll: see where you are coming from...:evil:


Well-Known Member
i decided to post after having to look up "hubris and hegemony"..... i havent looked up words in years... much less on here...:roll: see where you are coming from...:evil:
It is funny, it really is. My son was reading this and he said laughing 'You know Mom anyone can use a thesaurus it takes someone with real intelligence to come up with some sort of solutions.'
I am sure the guys on wall street were using large vocabularies too while they were fucking us over. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:


It is funny, it really is. My son was reading this and he said laughing 'You know Mom anyone can use a thesaurus it takes someone with real intelligence to come up with some sort of solutions.'
I am sure the guys on wall street were using large vocabularies too while they were fucking us over. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

true that... i'll say it again; this is the reason i stay out of the political section... sides of people come out that you dont see elsewhere in the forum and i prefer to get along with everyone and have everyone get along with me... and sadly, most people seem to not be able to debate without getting upset.. and the anger doesnt stay in the political section where it belongs.... i like to get along, even if we have to agree to disagree...