Is Gay Marriage Really That Big Deal?


Well-Known Member
It is funny, it really is. My son was reading this and he said laughing 'You know Mom anyone can use a thesaurus it takes someone with real intelligence to come up with some sort of solutions.'
I am sure the guys on wall street were using large vocabularies too while they were fucking us over. :mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:
:lol: As if hubris and hegemony are such rarely used words in the English language that a thesaurus would be required. Too funny. :lol:


:lol: As if hubris and hegemony are such rarely used words in the English language that a thesaurus would be required. Too funny. :lol:

maybe in the law field but in everyday life, yes they are rarely used... maybe its because i still live in the woods of louisiana, but people around here have asked me to tone down my vocab. because it makes them feel dumb... and i dont talk like steven hawking..... maybe up north where you are educated people are the norm, but down here we are still down to earth people and talk to each other as such... but i would imagine sea would remember that, being from new orleans and all.... if she grew up talking like that here, i know why she moved....


Well-Known Member
...but people around here have asked me to tone down my vocab. because it makes them feel dumb...
Is that your problem, or theirs?

but i would imagine sea would remember that, being from new orleans and all.... if she grew up talking like that here, i know why she moved....
I grew up in a Mexican barrio where most of my friends/neighbor's first language was Spanish...Should I be speaking Spanish? :lol:


Well-Known Member
:lol: As if hubris and hegemony are such rarely used words in the English language that a thesaurus would be required. Too funny. :lol:
Poor Dave....I never said those 2 words required a thesaurus....MY SON said that it is evident that you and your whatever studies the thesaurus, he said a lot of kids in college do this to try to impress their professors...He found you to be humorous and to be honest, so do I.

Keep the jokes coming, you are making me smile:)


Is that your problem, or theirs?

i try to be polite to people bro... so i consider it partly my problem.... people tend to get defensive when they feel that someone either is or is trying to be above or better than them; i will change my behavior to make those around me comfortable... to an extent; you wont see me in the hood throwin out ebonic slang...

I grew up in a Mexican barrio where most of my friends/neighbor's first language was Spanish...Should I be speaking Spanish? :lol:

i would say yes and no... wouldnt expect you to be fluent in spanish, but i would like to think that out of respect for your friends and neighbors that you would have learned enough to be able to hold simple conversation with them.... if you feel that you have to use every large vocabulary word in your repitoire (sp?), then you limit your encounters to people who can understand them... education is not the only measure on intelligence my friend....

*highlighted cause i messed up the quote thing....


Well-Known Member
...MY SON said that it is evident that you and your whatever studies the thesaurus
Nah...I do however happen to be a New Haven Unified School District 4th place Spelling Bee champ. Believe it or not, I missed 3rd place by misspelling the word "salmon" in the written part...I spelled it "samon" because I was rushed ( I didn't get my paper until after they started the competition dammit! ).


Well-Known Member
Nah...I do however happen to be a New Haven Unified School District 4th place Spelling Bee champ. Believe it or not, I missed 3rd place by misspelling the word "salmon" in the written part...I spelled it "samon" because I was rushed ( I didn't get my paper until after they started the competition dammit! ).
No, I can believe that.


see, im much more comfortable with the tone of the thread now... if we could just all debate and not argue; you would see me in this section of the forum from time to time... but most people tend to get all excited and ugly when someone disagrees with them and have to resort to profanity and insults... (not directed at ANYONE, just a generality)


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm, interesting.
How so? You neg rep'd me calling me an idiot, yes? It certainly doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. I was attempting to diffuse the situation and offer up a semi-humorous story and be civil. I will give you kudo's seeing how you have more balls that Tipsgnob who didn't have the wherewithal to sign his name to the neg rep he gave me. Thumbs up for that. :)


Well-Known Member
How so? You neg rep'd me calling me an idiot, yes? It certainly doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. I was attempting to diffuse the situation and offer up a semi-humorous story and be civil. I will give you kudo's seeing how you have more balls that Tipsgnob who didn't have the wherewithal to sign his name to the neg rep he gave me. Thumbs up for that. :)
I do give neg rep where it is deserved. YES I always sign my name....why not?
As far as Tips is concerned, keep it between you and him....I don't need to know what kind of rep he has given you. It is none of my business.


How so? You neg rep'd me calling me an idiot, yes? It certainly doesn't take a Rocket Scientist to figure that one out. I was attempting to diffuse the situation and offer up a semi-humorous story and be civil. I will give you kudo's seeing how you have more balls that Tipsgnob who didn't have the wherewithal to sign his name to the neg rep he gave me. Thumbs up for that. :)

well that is manly.. heres a +to counteract it...

leave your name if you neg rep people,, its cowardly not to... if you feel that strongly about someones post, leave your damn name; otherwise dont click "i disapprove".....


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying you shouldn't, I was complimenting you. Most people who neg rep don't leave their name.
Thank you for the compliment. IMO, there is no reason not to leave your name...if you don't leave your name it serves no purpose.