Straight from the tap. No bubbling, sitting out, etc... I have chlorine and chloramine in my water. The quantities used to keep tap water safe are not enough to cause any harm to your plants. However, there are places that have other crap in their water that needs to be taken into account. But chlorine and chloramine won't hurt a thing even in soil grows. They've done studies where they found that any microbial life harmed by those chemicals rebounds to previous levels within days. People water houseplants all the time with straight tap water. It doesn't kill them. Cannabis isn't some plant that requires anything different or can be harmed any easier than other plants.
Cannabis can be grown the same as any other plant. Same water, same nutrients, etc... and thrive. In fact when I was doing flood and drain I used sodium hypochlorite AKA chlorine - Clorox bleach in my reservoirs to keep everything sterile and prevent root rot. Same thing with DWC. People bubbling and doing all these extra steps with their water are just wasting time in most cases.
The damn nutrients I've been using for years have chlorine listed as not more than 2.00% I've never had any issues at all. Unlike what I see in the Marijuana Plants Problem section where people are bubbling, boiling, sitting out their water for days and using product X, Y, and Z plus another half dozen things and have crappy unhealthy plants. It's a plant. Give it tap water and food and it will grow.