What did you accomplish today?

We used to call it popcorn snow, kinda like soft hail (sorry for butting in, new tincture is working well).
Its like pithy snow, generally spherical. Bigger than sleet but wont hurt you. When it falls in the winter it can present an avalanch risk layer.
In German, soft hail/popcorn snow is called Graupel. Do you have German ancestry? Or do you hail from a locale with lotsa German ancestry? There are a lot of places in e.g. Texas that drew a high proportion of German immigrants.
I am pleased that you joined in, raratt!
Where you speak is just north of me. Awesome people and awesome food. And some still speak old german.....

New Braunfels, Texas. Founded in 1845 by German settlers, New Braunfels is overflowing with old world heritage and small town Texas charm. From boundless adventures on our two beautiful rivers to wholesome entertainment at Schlitterbahn Waterpark and Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch & Caverns, the activities and sights are endless. We’re also home to Texas’ oldest bakery, oldest dance hall, and Wurstfest an annual 10-day salute to sausage.
New Braunfels, Texas. Founded in 1845 by German settlers, New Braunfels is overflowing with old world heritage and small town Texas charm. From boundless adventures on our two beautiful rivers to wholesome entertainment at Schlitterbahn Waterpark and Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch & Caverns, the activities and sights are endless. We’re also home to Texas’ oldest bakery, oldest dance hall, and Wurstfest an annual 10-day salute to sausage.
When the 'rona is under control, time for @cannabineer to make the requisite pilgrimage
MMM some good mustard is needed!
Mr. President, under SIOP we have two major response options.


81F and 62% RH at 11 am here....Our first scorcher of the season. I passed out on the sofa with all the doors & windows open last night, lol...

Just back from doing a rental lawn and I'm soaked. Need to crawl under my truck for a few minutes, then hit the shower and take it easy. A good day for cutting some clones down in the basement!!
I grew up on the East Coast. It was very difficult to cool the apartment with a box fan. It stayed hot and muggy all night.

Here in the desert, the high-low daily temp range is much wider. I can passively cool the house because while the high can be 115 the early-morning temps might be 70 or even lower.
I grew up on the East Coast. It was very difficult to cool the apartment with a box fan. It stayed hot and muggy all night.

Here in the desert, the high-low daily temp range is much wider. I can passively cool the house because while the high can be 115 the early-morning temps might be 70 or even lower.
I was always fascinated by the swamp coolers everyone has there when I use to visit my buddies in Tucson, and how much different the homes are there, utilizing lots of clay, tile and stucco. I loved it out there!!