What did you accomplish today?

I did use Dip N Grow these last 2 times. After I take a cutting I immediately soak it in water, or in this case right into the DipNGrow...and I usually scratch the stems up some.

So as @BobBitchen said, I will go back to tap water...I think I use to mix tap and RO water, and somewhere along the line switched to just RO. And I did not use a dome in the old days, so I'll lose that. My humidity has been real low, which is why I was using it ....but that's about to change as spring arrives.

Then I dumped the leftover DipNGrow into the cloner along with my RO water.

I know it looks like a weak stream of water in the pic, but that is a great nozzle that puts out a nice even spread of droplets...It's from my nutriculture.

So I'll try tap water next...I have great country well water, no humidity dome, and I may skip the DipNGrow...I wasn't impressed with it...and I'll bump my temp up a tad, to 75ish...and see what happens. I don't actually need clones now, but just need to get good at it again for when I do.

Thanks everyone!!

My advice would be to keep using RO water, the pool shock and the Dip-n-Grow. If you add nutes or anything else, it will delay rooting ime. Don't use a humidity dome with aero cloners, it can take longer to root and lower your success rate. It's a BIG mistake to add dip-n-grow to the cloner itself, that will really fuck things up, your cuttings should only be exposed to the dip-n-grow for no more than 10 seconds. What I do is take all my cuttings of the same strain and put them right into cups of RO water with a little shock solution added. I then dip them in the dip-n-grow diluted solution for about 10 seconds (anymore is counter-productive), then into the cloner they go. Well water would probably be the worst choice, because of the probable micro-organisms it contains. I used to use tap, but I've found RO to be best to start with a clean solution base. I also advise against scraping the stems, I've noticed that also prolongs rooting time and lowers success rate. I also wouldn't ph your water. If you can keep it simple, you should be getting thick white roots in about 10 days. Best of luck, bro...
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My advice would be to keep using RO water, the pool shock and the Dip-n-Grow. If you add nutes or anything else, it will delay rooting ime. Don't use a humidity dome with aero cloners, it can take longer to root and lower your success rate. It's a BIG mistake to add dip-n-grow to the cloner itself, that will really fuck things up, your cuttings should only be exposed to the dip-n-grow for no more than 10 seconds. What I do is take al my cuttings of the same strain and put them right into cups of RO water with a little shock solution added. I then dip them in the dip-n-grow diluted solution for about 10 seconds (anymore is counter-productive), then into the cloner they go. Well water would probably be the worst choice, because if the probable micro-organisms it contains. I used to use tap, but I've found RO to be best to start with a clean solution base. I also advise against scraping the stems, I've noticed that also prolongs rooting time and lowers success rate. I also wouldn't ph your water. If you can keep it simple, you should be getting thick white roots in about 10 days. Best of luck, bro...
Thank you... I see my mistakes now...My cuttings were in the DipNGrow probably 30-60 seconds or more....plus dumping the leftovers in there I thought couldn't hurt. And I'll stick with the RO water...I really appreciate the tips!!

Still I didn't do terrible...I think 17 out of 25 rooted, roughly 75%, and i'm gonna clean things up, and take another tray tomorrow and see if i can do better!

Midnight here and i am wiped out...The fresh air is great for sleeping!!
It's supposed to be 87 here tomorrow with up to 80% humidity....The humidity is the crazy part.

I'm looking at portable AC units, for my basement....The kind where you run a hose out the window. I run a humidifier 24/7 all summer down there...May as well run an AC unit instead...It will remove the humidity AND cool it down. The question is, will it remove enough humidity. Right now I am sucking 4 gallons a day out of the air in my flower room, to keep it at 45% RH...It's a vicious cycle! No wonder I had pm....
I wish. We had a nice stainless steel barbecue once upon a time I can't remember the brand. It was liberated from our patio the first year we had it so we replaced it with cheapest barbecue we could find.

That's too hot to be that far from a beach.
All my neighbors and my buddies on Snapchat went to the beach today lol. It’s like a 2 hr drive to Pismo Beach.
All my neighbors and my buddies on Snapchat went to the beach today lol. It’s like a 2 hr drive to Pismo Beach.

That's not that bad. It looks a lot further looking at the map. I'm 15 minutes from cherry beach. It was awesome, I could go on a weekday and it would be almost empty except for a few mothers with small children. The beaches are still closed here with no word on when they'll open. I don't think I'll be going if they open it while everyone is still off work.
On the bright side, the virus hates heat.
Hates humidity and heat. I’m just glad we don’t have high humidity along with the heat wave.
The rona also hates UV so outdoor activities should be relatively safe.

I get the feeling that Fall/winter could be super sucky -- and there's no way they can keep the economy shut down.

Time to get the ol' immune system into shape because it's gonna get extra fucky in a few months.

This would be the worst timing ever for a natural disaster like an earthquake or volcano... :roll: