What did you accomplish today?

What, exactly, type/brand shock are you using? Ingredients. All pool shocks aren't equal and the purpose of them is a bit different than what we want for cloning. For pools/spas we want to kill all life and maintain killing power lol. Not so in the cloner, just kill or weaken microorganisms until the clone forms roots. I've found the one giving least problems is calcium hypochorite (cal-hypo). Dichlor is sodium dichloro-s-triazinetrione which also generates cynanuric acid. Cyanuric acid is a stabilizer to protect the chlorine from UV burn-off and prolong it in your spa or pool. That's not necessary in a cloner and we don't know how it affects growth.
Edit: sorry if this came off as pedantic , but the devil is in the details
It's the Ultima brand TKO pool shock, 73% Calcium Hypoclorite. I followed Tylers "recipe" he posted here back a month ago....This was my 2nd attempt since then.


First try I let them run a little on the warm side, near 80F most of the time...several got mushy, maybe 50% rooted, but they are in soil now & slow growers still.

This batch is a strain I have never cloned before, Putang. They have been in the cloner 16 days today. I kept the temps around 70F degrees. Only lost a few, but roots are growing slow....thick and stubby, which is probably OK....I imagine they'll take off in soil with some nutes

Originally just RO water, with 10-15 ml of my pool shock solution every 2-3 days...after 10 days or so and little action I added a little food...Just a touch of nutes, and roots started more. I also PH'd the water at that point...it wasn't bad but a little high.

Thanks for the help, sorry if this is confusing...I'm tired & baked!!

We folded some paper. I think I'm going to grab some thinner paper to try.
View attachment 4574077
This diamondback flies pretty well. Takes me back to winning the cub scout paper airplane contest. Ha!
View attachment 4574078
Origami Ring Out Of a £5 Note (Moneygami) - YouTube

I used to fold rings to tip dancers, until one ungrateful wench informed me "It's a pain to unroll them".

She did not have to worry about future tips from me.
Smiley says Kiss My Ass animated emoticon
It's the Ultima brand TKO pool shock, 73% Calcium Hypoclorite. I followed Tylers "recipe" he posted here back a month ago....This was my 2nd attempt since then.

View attachment 4573915View attachment 4573916View attachment 4573917

First try I let them run a little on the warm side, near 80F most of the time...several got mushy, maybe 50% rooted, but they are in soil now & slow growers still.

This batch is a strain I have never cloned before, Putang. They have been in the cloner 16 days today. I kept the temps around 70F degrees. Only lost a few, but roots are growing slow....thick and stubby, which is probably OK....I imagine they'll take off in soil with some nutes

Originally just RO water, with 10-15 ml of my pool shock solution every 2-3 days...after 10 days or so and little action I added a little food...Just a touch of nutes, and roots started more. I also PH'd the water at that point...it wasn't bad but a little high.

Thanks for the help, sorry if this is confusing...I'm tired & baked!!

So any idea what I am doing wrong anyone? At 16 days I should have more roots, no?? One thought, the humidity is too low...I have had a dome on them the entire time though. I mixed the 73% Calcium Hypoclorite at 2 grams to 1 gallon of RO water for my "solution". Should I be adding anything else?

I use to always get near 100% and have long roots in less time...Using AN B-52, a touch of fertilizer, and PH'd RO water. I am not sure what I changed!
Thinking time for the first potato salad of the season! I need to risk life and go to a grocery store for eggs though....eeks! And perhaps a stroll down the meat counter.

Other than maybe some real lite housework and gardening duties, I am taking the next 3 days off (knock on wood)! My back says please do!!

And Memorial Day weekend...I have already done a bunch of reminiscing over people no longer with us :( It was the anniversary of my moms death on May 21st...The woman was a saint and died young...a wicked death from Progressive supranuclear palsy. I sat with her a month while I was detoxing off opiates, while they were pumping her full of morphine. Plus she was a retired nurse....she definitely deserved better...life is cruel sometimes!

Looking like a beautiful weekend here, once we get past a brief shower shortly...It poured last night and this morning!

OK, I'm sufficiently stoned for the grocery store!
I am taking the next 3 days off (knock on wood)! My back says please do!!
I should do the same, but it seems I always find something that needs done and I just keep pushing it.
Found out that my favorite recycle place went under, that sucks. They were the closest to the house too.
So any idea what I am doing wrong anyone? At 16 days I should have more roots, no?? One thought, the humidity is too low...I have had a dome on them the entire time though. I mixed the 73% Calcium Hypoclorite at 2 grams to 1 gallon of RO water for my "solution". Should I be adding anything else?

I use to always get near 100% and have long roots in less time...Using AN B-52, a touch of fertilizer, and PH'd RO water. I am not sure what I changed!
For me the limiting factor was water temperature. I grow in 10% humidity and I don't cover anything in humidity domes except seeds sprouting in Jiffy pellets. 73% Ca Hypochlorite is fine.
So any idea what I am doing wrong anyone? At 16 days I should have more roots, no?? One thought, the humidity is too low...I have had a dome on them the entire time though. I mixed the 73% Calcium Hypoclorite at 2 grams to 1 gallon of RO water for my "solution". Should I be adding anything else?

I use to always get near 100% and have long roots in less time...Using AN B-52, a touch of fertilizer, and PH'd RO water. I am not sure what I changed!
I would suggest losing the humidity dome for aero. Non PH'd tap water works best for me, but if you feel you need to add something,
KLN & Pro tekt, both @ 5ml per 3gal. also maybe lose the netpots & add more sprayers/misters.
76* seems to be a sweet spot in aero.
I should do the same, but it seems I always find something that needs done and I just keep pushing it.
Found out that my favorite recycle place went under, that sucks. They were the closest to the house too.
Yes, "pushing it" is my middle name, lol....I just got back from fertilizing a lawn at a rental. Hi, my name is Mano, and I'm a workaholic....:shock:
Did you use any root hormone?
@BobBitchen is the expert with using the Clone King.
It may have been how they were collected when you got the cuts.
What is your process for collecting cuts?
I did use Dip N Grow these last 2 times. After I take a cutting I immediately soak it in water, or in this case right into the DipNGrow...and I usually scratch the stems up some.

So as @BobBitchen said, I will go back to tap water...I think I use to mix tap and RO water, and somewhere along the line switched to just RO. And I did not use a dome in the old days, so I'll lose that. My humidity has been real low, which is why I was using it ....but that's about to change as spring arrives.

Then I dumped the leftover DipNGrow into the cloner along with my RO water.

I know it looks like a weak stream of water in the pic, but that is a great nozzle that puts out a nice even spread of droplets...It's from my nutriculture.

So I'll try tap water next...I have great country well water, no humidity dome, and I may skip the DipNGrow...I wasn't impressed with it...and I'll bump my temp up a tad, to 75ish...and see what happens. I don't actually need clones now, but just need to get good at it again for when I do.

Thanks everyone!!