Second opinion needed. Small spots on leaves, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Problem: slight yellowing/ brown spots developing on seedlings.

Ok, so here's the grow details:
Indoor tent, soil (ffof), fed mostly bottled water, 1000w LED, no nutes used yet, temps have been between 77-80°F w/ humidity between 47-52%. Lights have been 24 hr on during seedling phase, but I'm considering a transition to 18/6 or 20/4 schedule for veg for several reasons.

What it looks like:
I am guessing that this is probably from the ocean forrest soil burning the seedlings, although I could be wrong because it's a very reliable soil with good rep, so maybe not. It could also be from my lights (stress) needing an adjustment or something else. My thinking is that it's from the soil because I have one plant that wasn't started in the same soil and it seems to be doing better than the others (slower to start, but no spots) and even looks like it's hungry for nutes which start tomorrow. It's bout a week or so older than the others btw.
Second opinion appreciated, thanks.image-2020-05-21-14-48-53.jpgimage-2020-05-21-14-48-53.jpgimage-2020-05-21-14-48-51.jpg


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Idk. I thought it looked that way at first too, but the light is like 3ft+ above them. Tent is like 7ft tall.
Light is way to high. I know it states its a "1000 watt" led but its only about 150-200 actual watts. Ffof already has tons of nutrients in it and adding any this early will probably fry them. What your probably seeing is the seedling reacting to the already high nutrients in the soil.
Thanks. Yea, I moved the light up for a day to see if there was any changes to rule out light stress, it was much lower before (around 3ft+ above).

As for the soil...
No bullshit I’m fuckin heated right now. I researched and asked around EVERYWHERE about this stupid fox farm bullshit (prefer to use NFTG soil but pandemic made it hard to find). I asked was it pre-loaded with nutes? Was it safe for seedlings or. would it burn them? “Great seed starter soil, just pop em in and transplant when ready, not loaded with added nutes” or some shit along those lines. As usual, every phony wannabe shithead “expert” gave it the green light and raved about this soil SPECIFICALLY for seedlings, it’s the happy frog that burns them they said.

$80+ of fuckin seeds ruined now. Idgaf at this point if they bounce back, I wanted a no issues grow and spent/worked hard for it. Even if they do rebound now, they’re growth will be delayed/stunted and the yield will compromised, possible hermi/other stress related issues or worse.

This is not from negligence on my part, this is from listening to bad advice. Fuck dumb people.

For anyone who might see this please note that if u don’t actually know shit STAY THE FUCK OUT OF THIS POST and go look at porn. That would be a better use of it time u fuckin bums.

Anyone else who actually knows wtf they’re doing, as in from YOUR OWN SUCCESSFUL EXPERIENCE and not just what some other fool told you in passing, you are appreciated thank you.
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On second thought it is my fault. Should have known better than to listen to anyone. Rather make my own mistakes then be fucked over because of someone else’s “sure thing”. Usually I would have but thought something as basic as “will this burn my shit” was worth asking about. Smfh.. really can’t trust no one anymore. Not even for simple shit.
$80+ of fuckin seeds ruined now. Idgaf at this point if they bounce back, I wanted a no issues grow and spent/worked hard for it. Even if they do rebound now, they’re growth will be delayed/stunted and the yield will compromised, possible hermi/other stress related issues or worse.
Man it's not the end of the world. This is way too early to worry about stress causing hermies. Smoke a bowl and repot them gently cleaning the root, into some starter mix and you will be good to go.
Those leafs are gonna die off anyways as it grows. I dont think those lasted a month on any plant ive grown. And if she is reacting to the nutrients being to high, she will adjust as she grows and recover perfectly fine. You're doing fine. Like everyone else is saying, just breathe and be patient. She may be the plant that you remember forever.
Man it's not the end of the world. This is way too early to worry about stress causing hermies. Smoke a bowl and repot them gently cleaning the root, into some starter mix and you will be good to go.
I know lol. Came in mad hot (like the soil) I literally woke up to them worse a few min ago but smoked a blizz n took some oil tincture so I’m cool.
I was mad as shit cuz I took extra steps and precautions to have a smooth run. Ran the setup before hand to get my vents/temps/humidity on point. Didn’t wanna have to invest more time/money correcting avoidable probs.
If I knew it was this hot I could have fixed that first before germ. Now I’m less than 2-3 weeks in and already have sick plants.
I think they look good in my eyes. Best thing with growing weed is you can always correct it. Or it will sort it self out. Some people go over the top on everything. My point just roll with it. Correct this problem could lead to even more major problems.

They look good mate.

Peace and love is the way forward.
Well live and learn. Make the best of the situation and hopefully you are pleasantly surprised.
Thanks, yea I hope so too.
It’s officially the soil. Moved the light way up and they still showed no improvements. Gonna work on fixing it now. The one that’s in the other generic soil has some yellowing on cotyledons but growth above is green. Started low dose nutes yesterday at feeding for that one. Hope it’s a girl, been very vigorous and resilient. What sucks is a few of the burnt ones were fems. I popped those with some reg seeds so if the ratio was off I’d have at least a few guaranteed girls.
I think they look good in my eyes. Best thing with growing weed is you can always correct it. Or it will sort it self out. Some people go over the top on everything. My point just roll with it. Correct this problem could lead to even more major problems.

They look good mate.

Peace and love is the way forward.
Well said. Yea I want to make small changes if I can but I’m trying to avoid the “over parenting” some growers do that brings even more problems. Ex “this product burnt my shit so now I’ll dump a bunch of this product in to balance it out” lol
Exactly. Definitely don't throw in the towel because it could turn out to be the best grow ever.
Not throwin in the towel by any means. Just pissed that I foresaw this problem and was mislead. Obviously baby seedlings aren’t going to herm, that doesn’t make sense. But less stress of any form always equals a better outcome, especially totally preventable shit like nutrient burn from soil. Yes weed is a very resilient plant but stressors throughout its lifetime can affect many things.
FFHF has less nutes than FFOF. Whoever advised you got it backwards. FF soil is ok IME except when I bought it they came with free fungus gnat larvae. Are these photos or autos? If photos, they have plenty of time to recover (I have no experience with autos).