Second opinion needed. Small spots on leaves, any ideas?

FFHF has less nutes than FFOF. Whoever advised you got it backwards. FF soil is ok IME except when I bought it they came with free fungus gnat larvae. Are these photos or autos? If photos, they have plenty of time to recover (I have no experience with autos).
Photos, they will live. Yea I specifically asked many times different places and people which one was better for seedlings and if it needed to be cut with some straight up potting soil. I was more mad that it wasn’t a simple no when I asked around (not just RIU, like everywhere) if OF would burn seedlings, it was a enthusiastic “NO WAY, NEVER” I’ve never used FF before but it was basically a choice between that and miracle grow from Walmart and that wasn’t happenin.
Those are the beginning of your branches that will produce bud. It wont reveal sex until after you switch it to 12 hour light schedule after vegging.
Looked like a tiny tip where a pistil/ball might start in there in between not sure if u can see from the angle of the pic. Hoping it wasn’t , too early for that. I’ve had a seedling show sex before it does happen
So I added some of that plain potting soil without disturbing the seedling/root area as best as I could. Duh as much around it and mixed gently with a pen. They’re responding, should have trusted instinct and mixed it from the beginning, if I ever use OF again I’ll do that instead of taking bad advice.01709B11-EB14-4F0A-BAA1-363D439C83CB.jpeg