You be the judge!!


This is the trial run, first time growing, i've been securing genetics. I've got a cronic seed going in flowering right now simply to see sex, and i'll use those genetics if the plant turns female. otherwise i'm gonna stick with that clone and use those genetics (still gonna flower what i have no matter what though of course). It lends itself really well to the lollypop structure, the branches are growing right along the stem and are keeping up well. I started the plant using the aerogarden lights, and caused unnecissary stretching. But my 150w is 8"< away from the plants right now (temp right above top set is 82-83degrees), stretching has gone down big time, lower growth is really gonna be able to catch up.

My plant is definetly smaller than yours gogrow, i have about the same number of nodes as his plant though. And yea, i'm growing hydro, so it would be interesting to see what happens. I'm totally up for a race.

i topped mine and put it into flower the next day.... she is doing that flowering streeetch:mrgreen:... love it....

i gather you are trying to say that yours is a bagseed right?? this one is my first cross; its an f1 of a bad ass (dont laugh) shwag seed female and a dank male of unknown origin from a local origin... seems to definately have taken on alot more of the males traits.... the mother had no flowering stretch at all, and much like your plant, has the "lollypop structure" (one main cola)... but the father was branchy and uniform with big ole "knuckles" at the nodes to (hopefully) support all the fat buds it will be putting on soon:mrgreen:...


thats what i mean. See whos plant has the largest end yield.

Hydro is supposed to be faster, but i'm also a newb and his plant is bigger.

dont let my time here fool you into thinking i am a pro.... my last grow was the only one i was even halfway proud of... you could possibly blow my ass out of the water... im young and dumb and learning everyday.... but i have made alot of friends on here that i would call pros, so i do have some "technical support" if need be:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Right now i'm doing full strength tiger bloom, and i have big bloom comming to supplement it. I don't have the money to drop on lots of nutrients right now, which drives me nuts cause there is so much out there.

My clone is definetly shwag seed, but i have to say, it's the best strain of the 3 i started growing (including the chronic). I'm sure the chronic seed will have better bud though. I don't know the strain, but i know the person who grows it, and it's pretty good stuff.

What do the knuckles mean exactly? My clone has started a knuckled on one of the lower branches. Is that a good sign?


what ind of nutrients are you giving it?

dont know who that is directed at; but i am going against the norms/ethics of most growers here... despite having plenty of "earthjuice" nutrients... i am feeding her with the evil miraclegrow tomato food for veg...:mrgreen: i need to get some more bloom nutes... for now i hit her with a dose of some generic flower bloom nutes i had laying around (small dose cause i dont have the packaging anymore for the npk ratio) and a tablespoon of granular bonemeal (1-11-0) and mollassas.... ghetto fabulous....:mrgreen:


Right now i'm doing full strength tiger bloom, and i have big bloom comming to supplement it. I don't have the money to drop on lots of nutrients right now, which drives me nuts cause there is so much out there.

My clone is definetly shwag seed, but i have to say, it's the best strain of the 3 i started growing (including the chronic). I'm sure the chronic seed will have better bud though. I don't know the strain, but i know the person who grows it, and it's pretty good stuff.

What do the knuckles mean exactly? My clone has started a knuckled on one of the lower branches. Is that a good sign?

dont buy into all the marketing hype the nute companies put out.... good plants are up to the grower, not all the additives.... i'll post a link to a wonderful thread for anyone growing weed (from our fabled fdd).... and shwag seed can throw out some damn suprising genetics, dont worry about that.....
as far as the "knuckles" as i call them, it is a good sign that the plant could be a heavy yielder.....


Well-Known Member
that is the biggest mothertrucking plant... i'd hang lights on it and put present underneath. thats undeniable proof that without nutes things can go swimingly.

I plan to do a SOG that harvests every month, so i'm gonna be doing some serious testing when results start showing. I'd like to know through actual tests how much nutrients help. I think a SoG will provide a accurate method for testing this because there are so many plants growing in each grow to get a good average. And i want to push 2 ounces out of each square foot, so i'm going to need to learn how to do it whichever way the best way is.


that is the biggest mothertrucking plant... i'd hang lights on it and put present underneath. thats undeniable proof that without nutes things can go swimingly.

I plan to do a SOG that harvests every month, so i'm gonna be doing some serious testing when results start showing. I'd like to know through actual tests how much nutrients help. I think a SoG will provide a accurate method for testing this because there are so many plants growing in each grow to get a good average. And i want to push 2 ounces out of each square foot, so i'm going to need to learn how to do it whichever way the best way is.

not without nutes at all; just the main 3, n,p,and k.... he feeds them every morning and flushes every evening.... just dont need all the other bs they try to sell you..... although if you have good soil you can grow a good plant with nothing but water...


Well-Known Member
i suppose the plants grew before we were adding NPK and bat guano, so i'm sure they can grow without us.

So we gonna be on gogrow and lovetotoke? Biggest yield at the end? Unless i get arrested, i'm not going anywhere. Not sure how we should regulate weighing our plants at the end. Different trim jobs will produce different weights right off the bat. I've never finished a crop so i'm entirely unfamiliar with the cut and triming and curing process. How could we accuretly compare?


i suppose the plants grew before we were adding NPK and bat guano, so i'm sure they can grow without us.

So we gonna be on gogrow and lovetotoke? Biggest yield at the end? Unless i get arrested, i'm not going anywhere. Not sure how we should regulate weighing our plants at the end. Different trim jobs will produce different weights right off the bat. I've never finished a crop so i'm entirely unfamiliar with the cut and triming and curing process. How could we accuretly compare?

only weigh the buds you are gonna smoke (popcorn buds for hash making wont count) wet and dry weight.... as far as trimming, unless you for some reason like your weed leafy, just trim off all leaves as close to the bud as possible... i sometimes go into the bud to cut the leaf at its stem, if possible... its fairly universal and even for everybody; so shouldnt be a big deal... even if you leave more leaf matter than usual, it isnt gonna change your weight enough to matter to anyone


Well-Known Member
sounds good to me. Hopefully lovetotoke will get back with us on this. and we can have a 3 way.

I'm a little concerned right now, my biggest plant is continuing to show signs of damage. The other 3 plants in my aerogarden are fine still, but i'm not entirely sure whats up.

has everything i'm running at. I just dropped the ppm's on my garden to 590 and am gonna let it slowly rise back up to 700, then dilute it back down. But i just don't think that damage is nute burn, it's a deficiency or something else.


sounds good to me. Hopefully lovetotoke will get back with us on this. and we can have a 3 way.

I'm a little concerned right now, my biggest plant is continuing to show signs of damage. The other 3 plants in my aerogarden are fine still, but i'm not entirely sure whats up.

has everything i'm running at. I just dropped the ppm's on my garden to 590 and am gonna let it slowly rise back up to 700, then dilute it back down. But i just don't think that damage is nute burn, it's a deficiency or something else.

i just found that thead; looks like slight burn to me... if they arent all the same strain, that one could be more sensitive to feeding than the others... but as i said on the above thread; im in no way the guy to ask about hydro... way too many variables for me, i like to keep it simple in soil...


Well-Known Member
lol. you me and gogrow are gonna weigh are buds at the end and see whos harvest is biggest. Assuming you want to. The plant i'm bringing in is my clone i have pics of here, gogrow has his, and yours is the one you created for this thread. Mine i think is the smallest with gogrows being the biggest. Mine is hydro though, so it's probably pretty even...maybe.


lol. you me and gogrow are gonna weigh are buds at the end and see whos harvest is biggest. Assuming you want to. The plant i'm bringing in is my clone i have pics of here, gogrow has his, and yours is the one you created for this thread. Mine i think is the smallest with gogrows being the biggest. Mine is hydro though, so it's probably pretty even...maybe.

from the best i can make of his pic, mine was almost identical in size to his plant when i started flowering, but this sucker is just taking off!... has been since i planted it.... maybe its that "hybrid vigor"; idk, but im happy with it.... ive never had a plant grow this perfect... ahh, cant wait:mrgreen:

you get that problem figured out bro?


Well-Known Member
no idea. It's at least not spreading very fast. And more importantly, it's not spready to my other plants. So, the plant i'm offering up to the competition is doing perfect.
There are no signs of damage anywhere on that plant, so i'm not worried about it not making through. it's grown about 3" since the 27th making it a 10 incher, and that was at the begining of today's light cycle.

are you growing under-the-sun?


Well-Known Member
i'll be upset if i can't pull a solid 28 grams. Not that that means it's realistic, i'm just sayin i'll be upset.


no idea. It's at least not spreading very fast. And more importantly, it's not spready to my other plants. So, the plant i'm offering up to the competition is doing perfect.
There are no signs of damage anywhere on that plant, so i'm not worried about it not making through. it's grown about 3" since the 27th making it a 10 incher, and that was at the begining of today's light cycle.

are you growing under-the-sun?

i took down my growroom so yes, i am using the sun as long as this louisiana weather will allow me to..... prob not too much longer, so i need to get off my ass and rebuild:roll: