
Haha. I didn’t vote for him. And I helped put Bush in the White House (I regret that now). I’ll vote for Trump every day to avoid having anti American pussies take over
Think I'll just sit back like Joe and is doing with Donald and watch ya dig yer own grave, I'll enjoy watching yer ass whipping.
New Member · 52 · From Florida
Joined Today at 6:20 PM
Haha. I’m clearly gonna be the token conservative here. I want the country open and back to normal and Trump to keep us going the right direction. He was right on China. He’s the only one who puts our country first. That’s what I want. We can be caring and compassionate and still put our country first.
The concept of putting any country first is nonsense in a global economy, get over it
Haha. I didn’t vote for him. And I helped put Bush in the White House (I regret that now). I’ll vote for Trump every day to avoid having anti American pussies take over

Another dumb sock.
Do you know there were two presidents named Bush?
Do you know there's not a presidential election everyday?
Do you understand how dumb you sound?
He's given huge tax breaks to corporations and the 1%, also appointed conservative judges that Mitch McCornhole facilitated. That's all. It's party before country, or constitution, or rule of law and holding on to power for the Repulsivcan Party.
Lets hope so
Not. Ever. I’ll fight any leader who won’t put America first. Doesn’t mean not being fair or helpful. But the “global” economy controlling bullshit is just that. It’s bullshit. We are a separate country. We come first. I’m glad Britain figured it out.
COVID-19 vs. the flu in the United States (May 16th update)
Easy? If you think it was easy you are not paying attention. America has spent more money than any other country on the planet when it comes to education. It takes a lot of money and effort to produce a population that is so stupid.
Speak for yourself, slumlord.

Tell us more about how disgusted you are by having to deal with customers.
Speak for yourself, slumlord.

Tell us more about how disgusted you are by having to deal with customers.
I’ll say this, way less people than we thought aren’t paying rents and I just got another distressed property for 250, 14k a unit. Unheard of. So far this has been pretty good for me.
Its funny how bad the democrats hate. Its been this way since your beloved Hilary was crushed. And it will get worse when stuttering jimmy aka Biden gets the same treatment.