Thrips, where does the first one come from?

Cookie Rider

Well-Known Member
I think I'm close to the end w my battle w thrips. Safers everything every 3 days. Not seeing many now after 4+ applications. I got to thinking of how they lay eggs and hatch more, that's the struggle w getting rid of them.
Where does the original one come from? My soil?
Hp promix
Environmental events?
I'm thinking in a preventative way, what can I do to stop it from happening again.
Safers before I see them, or from the start?
I'd shutter down and start over but I'm really happy w the genetics I've got now, and don't want to lose that.
I'm battling these things before the flip, really don't want to have them during flower.
I keep thinking I'll pull a mother for each and axe everything- start over once they're gone for a few months?
Can thrips be beat?
I think I'm close to the end w my battle w thrips. Safers everything every 3 days. Not seeing many now after 4+ applications. I got to thinking of how they lay eggs and hatch more, that's the struggle w getting rid of them.
Where does the original one come from? My soil?
Hp promix
Environmental events?
I'm thinking in a preventative way, what can I do to stop it from happening again.
Safers before I see them, or from the start?
I'd shutter down and start over but I'm really happy w the genetics I've got now, and don't want to lose that.
I'm battling these things before the flip, really don't want to have them during flower.
I keep thinking I'll pull a mother for each and axe everything- start over once they're gone for a few months?
Can thrips be beat?


Monterey garden insect spray

Conserve Naturalye

all contain spinosad.

usually the first one comes into a room either on your or via an entry point from within your home.

most screens on tents etc are not small enough micron to stop thrips from gaining entry.

on your pets? On you? Open window somewhere in your house, flies in and makes its way into your tent/room.
Spinosad doesn't seem to be available in Canada where I am.
Seems to be the go to for thrips everywhere else.
I could have easily brought them in, I like to think I'm proactive at keeping bugs out. Guess I need to seal up the room better.
Man thrips are a bitch. I just got some first time ever. And I sprayed my plants with a home made mix of olive oil and dawn dish soap and now my plants look very funny. Did I just kill my fucking plants?


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Give them a week to recover and they should bounce back.
Keep the sprays for the dark period so the oils don't burn the leaves through the intense lights.
Rinse them off after a day or two- after the direct contact sprays have had a chance to do their thing.

I hate thrips.
I’m pretty sure the thrips will just eat to dish soap and say thank you.

get some insecticide concentrate.. Scott’sworks fine, dont get soap, insecticide (white bottle not red if Scott’s) bug b gone
That’ll be the weaker of th e two you should use. Spray every 3 nights for minimum 14 days at lights out, make sure to get underside of the leaves well too. Use a mister to do this not a spray bottle, it’s favourable type of spray. I would rinse clean water th e next day after any treatment, I use Monterey in Canada but I stocked up awhile ago and haven’t had problems in over a year so I still have like 750ml just incase shit hits the fan. I know u can’t get it now.. especially covid now.

alwaya keep you’re area free of dead / dying plant material, prune off and get rid of as much of the badly affected parts as you can. And. My personal fav, introduce predators .. especially small grow like that, just get a ton of lady bugs in there, or even nematodes.. lots of solutions besides spraying. Spinosad is just easy and effective as hell.. I’d go with bug b gone, another spray u can find at a garden / hydro store .. ladybugs , like 15 would be plenty just close up the tent and that’s it.

the olive oil may have clogged the pores a bit if you left it there awhile , expect funky growth for a few nodes

keep a good airflow cause they’re shitty flyers.. spraying every day is goodregardless cause it’ll rinse off the babies who can’t fly.. diatomaceous earth is alsogood.. they comes up from thegrowing medium and get cut to shreds in that..
Spinosad doesn't seem to be available in Canada where I am.
Seems to be the go to for thrips everywhere else.
I could have easily brought them in, I like to think I'm proactive at keeping bugs out. Guess I need to seal up the room better.

I have to ship mine from the USA to the U.K. but it’s worth the cost of it.
I'm pretty close to the states,
They won't ship here,
and cross boarder shopping seems to be a no go as well- covid and all.

So unless you'll ship me some direct, spinosad isn't an option.
Thanks though!
Is that why they sell those praying mantis sacs?

Not sure to be honest. Praying mantis are good preventative measures but if there’s no food for them they’ll die.

I’ve only ever had thrips once. Spinosad cured the problem.

no my timing is done so that I don’t go into my room without spending at least 3 hours in my home before hand.
Not in flower yet. I'm holding off untill this is resolved.

I did some more searching and confirmed that spinosad is not allowed here. -fucks up the bees apparently.
Not in flower yet. I'm holding off untill this is resolved.

I did some more searching and confirmed that spinosad is not allowed here. -fucks up the bees apparently.

How about don’t shoot me here everyone.


Yes I know they contain dyclorvos which is carcinogenic.

but these things only need a few hours on the night cycle without any extraction then it can be bagged up for more usage later on.