What did you accomplish today?


Well-Known Member
@BudmanTX thanks for the hummers.

An asparagus has popped up, it was 32 last night. Corn transplanted
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Nap time.
Sweet I have 2 or 3 running around my aloes. One is black and grey, one is red with black that I can tell, the last is bluish from what I can tell. The black and grey one is rather social to me when I am in the garden.


Well-Known Member
Well second round of the war is still going.

Finally got my trailblazer rolling got some fresh gas in it, took it for a spin. Runs ok, just need to figure out the miss now. Guess sitting up has taken a toll on her. Next put my scanner on it and squeeze some 134a in it for the a/c. Almost fishing season.


Well-Known Member
It is Sunday so I went for a 2.5-3 hr ride on the atv.......shit haven't done that in years! When I came back my wife even said I smelled like I've been riding.......hehe I got a kick out of that. I grew up with bikes......always had a bunch. Sold everything 10 years ago to buy a place. Then I had kids and life got in the way. So happy I can go riding again......I needed it. :D
What kinda quad did you pick up. I just got a new trx420 to replace my old on but I got lucky and fixed it too so just added one more to the fleet for no good reason but whatever I love quads . Also I been trying to get an older xr70r running again after letting it set in basement for ten years and I had it running good this morning but it quit and well that’s it for now maybe I’ll figure it out. Here’s the new one. 414519AD-E7CF-49D5-B767-3FFFD99C6DC4.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Sweet....I have an older Kawasaki 650 Brute Force but mainly use it for plowing snow any more. Use to camp and ride a lot...

A friends kid had a drive by high school grad party today. The graduates boyfriend was there, and he just this week got a small ATV, brand new. He was showing off at the party doing wheelies, and crashed into a car carrier trailer going probably 25-30 mph...broke his wrist and collarbone, messed the atv up bad, and did a number on the trailer...all on his 22nd b-day. Oh and just had started a new job as a truck mechanic and won;t be able to work...Poor kid!! Learned a shitload of lessons real fast today:o Oh and the cops showed up when the ambulance was called and wrote him tickets, including driving w/o insurance, which is a felony in NY.

I had a good lazy day....did get about a 6 mile bicycle ride in...NY opens up phase 1 in my area tomorrow, which is mainly government businesses and contractors. Phase 2 in 2 weeks and if all goes well, I may be able to get a haircut....IF all goes well!

Memorial Day Weekend coming up next weekend...gonna be a weird one!


Well-Known Member
What kinda quad did you pick up. I just got a new trx420 to replace my old on but I got lucky and fixed it too so just added one more to the fleet for no good reason but whatever I love quads . Also I been trying to get an older xr70r running again after letting it set in basement for ten years and I had it running good this morning but it quit and well that’s it for now maybe I’ll figure it out. Here’s the new one. View attachment 4569064
Nice! I ended up with a older arctic cat 500 4x4. It's in pretty decent shape and it has steel running boards and manual trans. I did some shock tuning and little adjustments then went for another ride. Gonna order some minor maintenance stuff this week. And maybe a few other things. The kids loved going for rides.....that alone made it worth it but I also have a plow for it so next winter I'm not gonna be killin my back :)


Well-Known Member
Sweet....I have an older Kawasaki 650 Brute Force but mainly use it for plowing snow any more. Use to camp and ride a lot...

A friends kid had a drive by high school grad party today. The graduates boyfriend was there, and he just this week got a small ATV, brand new. He was showing off at the party doing wheelies, and crashed into a car carrier trailer going probably 25-30 mph...broke his wrist and collarbone, messed the atv up bad, and did a number on the trailer...all on his 22nd b-day. Oh and just had started a new job as a truck mechanic and won;t be able to work...Poor kid!! Learned a shitload of lessons real fast today:o Oh and the cops showed up when the ambulance was called and wrote him tickets, including driving w/o insurance, which is a felony in NY.

I had a good lazy day....did get about a 6 mile bicycle ride in...NY opens up phase 1 in my area tomorrow, which is mainly government businesses and contractors. Phase 2 in 2 weeks and if all goes well, I may be able to get a haircut....IF all goes well!

Memorial Day Weekend coming up next weekend...gonna be a weird one!
Sweet....I have an older Kawasaki 650 Brute Force but mainly use it for plowing snow any more. Use to camp and ride a lot...

A friends kid had a drive by high school grad party today. The graduates boyfriend was there, and he just this week got a small ATV, brand new. He was showing off at the party doing wheelies, and crashed into a car carrier trailer going probably 25-30 mph...broke his wrist and collarbone, messed the atv up bad, and did a number on the trailer...all on his 22nd b-day. Oh and just had started a new job as a truck mechanic and won;t be able to work...Poor kid!! Learned a shitload of lessons real fast today:o Oh and the cops showed up when the ambulance was called and wrote him tickets, including driving w/o insurance, which is a felony in NY.

I had a good lazy day....did get about a 6 mile bicycle ride in...NY opens up phase 1 in my area tomorrow, which is mainly government businesses and contractors. Phase 2 in 2 weeks and if all goes well, I may be able to get a haircut....IF all goes well!

Memorial Day Weekend coming up next weekend...gonna be a weird one!
Yeah, the wife and I used to go riding and camping a lot too. Should have a RIU ride lol

That kid is lucky he didn't hurt anyone else.


Well-Known Member
I guess we had a gully washer early this morning, about quarter to 4. Added up to 1/4 inch in an hour which for around here is pretty impressive, nothing like midwest thunderstorms though. I slept through it of course.
Hopefully the ground will be hard enough so I can cull some peaches today, it's time.


Well-Known Member
Watered everything. Pruned and tied up the tomatoes. Saw that they are fruiting which makes me happy. Harvested some mint to make way for the jack-o-lantern pumpkin plant. Might even go setup my MIL’s garden since it’s cooler today. High is supposed to be 73f.
I saw last night just before dark that I have little tiny long neck squash which is a little weird because I never seen them bloom.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I guess we had a gully washer early this morning, about quarter to 4. Added up to 1/4 inch in an hour which for around here is pretty impressive, nothing like midwest thunderstorms though. I slept through it of course.
Hopefully the ground will be hard enough so I can cull some peaches today, it's time.
It's raining here right now, @cannabineer?


Well-Known Member
My main goal for the week...Income tax prep! I always hate doing it, but once I get going it's not terrible...I haven't even talked to my accountant.....ugh!
I saw last night just before dark that I have little tiny long neck squash which is a little weird because I never seen them bloom.
Some grow the squash and then the bloom...It is weird how they do that...I hadn't planted squash in a few years and was wondering the same thing but today I had some big old blooms. Not bad for NY on May 18!!