seeds sprouted but one still had seed shell on it!!


Active Member
newbie here both my seeds sprouted but one has the sed shell on it still should i take the seed shell off or will it fall off on its own, heres some pics


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newbie here both my seeds sprouted but one has the sed shell on it still should i take the seed shell off or will it fall off on its own, heres some pics
That is very lightly stuck, and likely wouldnt cause problems but i would personally gently remove it. I have had seed shells, that were stuck worse than that, stunt seedling growth by preventing the leaves from opening fully.
Yeah that one will fall off, like sticky said, you gotta watch for the ones that dry onto the cotyledons that put it in danger.
I lost one of my outdoor pinetars sprouts to the shell this year, I wasn’t checking them. Better not of been that fire pheno...
ok thank you ill leave it till tomorrow see if it falls off itself, also ive just have them in the window is that good spot and should i cover them with clear plastic bottles to make a greenhouse environment or just leave them in the window uncovered
2 pair of tweezers is a 100% winner. There is a "spring hinge" to the shells and when you gently pull it open it will pop or shoot off usually. I gently tweeze with one tweezer...and if it doesnt pop right off Itweeze each side of the shell with a separate tweezer and gently pull the shell open.
2 pair of tweezers is a 100% winner. There is a "spring hinge" to the shells and when you gently pull it open it will pop or shoot off usually. I gently tweeze with one tweezer...and if it doesnt pop right off Itweeze each side of the shell with a separate tweezer and gently pull the shell open.
Well shit, I only have one pair!!
these are me two other plant i made a stupid rookie mistake and planted them in regular miracle gro potting soil and put them in the sun for to long which bleached some of the leafs now iknow to put them in the sun for 1 to 2hours then every day leave them longer and longer but its been overcast and raining lightly friday be sunny though heres pics of my two plants should i switch soils? i planted them on saturday


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seed came off with tweezers how much should i water them ive been misting water with a spray bottle ever 2 or 3 hours there in a window


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seed came off with tweezers how much should i water them ive been misting water with a spray bottle ever 2 or 3 hours there in a window
Your soil looks soaked. Water never touches the leaves of my plants. Water when the soil is dry. You will need more light than a window, they are going to stretch like crazy.
Your soil looks soaked. Water never touches the leaves of my plants. Water when the soil is dry. You will need more light than a window, they are going to stretch like crazy.
it looks more wet then it is i just sprayed it when took pic, and should i put them out side now ? and make a diy green house or leave them how there are and put them outside?
it looks more wet then it is i just sprayed it when took pic, and should i put them out side now ? and make a diy green house or leave them how there are and put them outside?
If your planning to put them outside, I would just put a small CFL or LED bulb about 4-6 inches from them running 24 hours a day, in addition to the window light. Just a simple lamp like this
With a bulb like this

You can get that stuff at walmart, amazon links are just easier to find.


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I try to use the weight of the pot as a guide when to water.
I'm trying to encourage root development, roots grow towards moisture so let the media dry out periodically and then water the perimeter.