What did you accomplish today?

The B&B idea was shot down last year but seriously I went to trim jail once, vowed never to go back. I'm not hard like that.
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45 min and done thats how I like it.
Congratulations you have passed phase 1 of the bud trimmers assessment and selection process....
The Ranger Bud Trimmer Assessment and Selection Program will present you with a set of physical and mental challenges that will push you to the limit. It’s important to be as prepared as possible. The 75th Ranger Regiment recommends you complete the following 12-week training routine before you begin BTASP.
Before you dive into the program, take a week to test yourself to see where you stand and what you need to improve.

Day 1: Army Physical Fitness Test + max number of chin-ups
Day 2: Five-mile run for time
Day 3: 15-meter swim in ACUs and boots with LCE and dummy rifle.
Day 4: 12-mile road march, carrying 45 pound ruck for time.

Spend the rest of the week doing light cardio and recovery stretching.

Warm-up Drills (Before each workout)

Complete the following drills before each workout:
3-5 repetitions each:
  • Calisthenics
  • Bend and reach
  • Around the World
  • Squats
  • Windmill
  • Leg Whips
  • Balance and Reach, Rearward
  • Pushup-rotations
  • Squat-Reach-Jump
  • Movement Drills
  • Side-step Lunge
  • Corkscrew Lunge
  • Walking Lunge
  • Walking Bend
  • Verticals
  • Laterals
  • Crossovers
  • Shuttle run
Cool Down Drills
Complete the following drills after each workout in order to decrease your heart-and respiratory rate to resting levels.
  • Mountain Climber Stretch
  • Seated Hip Rotations
  • Quadriceps Stretch
  • Posterior Hip Stretch
  • Scorpion
  • Rotational Spine Stretch
  • Prone Press
  • Prayer Stretch
  • Hip Flexor Stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch
  • 2-part Gastroc-Soleus Stretch
  • Pectoralis Stretch
See you at Graduation Parade....
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ABSOLUTELY. once I eat and feel “full” forget doing anything but napping or sleeping. I turn into a sloth. If I do eat throughout the day it’s something like nuts (lol).

Got one last night as well.
Got this mother fucker right now. Jumped up on the couch when I startled it. Was tryna sneak between me legs. . They were scratching at the new drain. After that i think it turned into a mission to find water source. I haven’t slept. They jumped on my wife because she had a water bottle in the bed with her. She’s been up with me ever since lol
Got this mother fucker right now. Jumped up on the couch when I startled it. Was tryna sneak between me legs. . They were scratching at the new drain. After that i think it turned into a mission to find water source. I haven’t slept. They jumped on my wife because she had a water bottle in the bed with her. She’s been up with me ever since lol

Not laughing at you man but that shit will startle the shit out of you! LOL

Ever hear of a ermine? 1589377136895.jpeg

Super cute right? 2 years ago we had a mouse problem in the winter.....well my wife said she thought it was bigger like a rat. And one day I was getting a fire going in the basement I swear I saw a rat.......fast forward to about 4am. I woke up to what I thought was someone banging a cookie pan. I remember thinking "guess I'm gonna find a rat". Well this ermine was dragging a dead rat across some forced hot air ducts. It looked at me like it'd fuck my shit up if I took its food. I talked with the local game warden and he said I was lucky LOL said I'd see it for a few days and probably never again. They come in and kill everything and store the dead bodies in their burrows.......stock pile them. Didn't have mice.....or chipmunks or squirrels that summer. Mean little fuckers!
I always have to order online. Most stores don’t carry 14. And if they do it’s always some expensive uncomfortable shit. I got a couple pairs of pumas from Famousfootwear.com and they fit nice.
My son wears 18s. He found more than one pair at Ross Dress for Less. Requires frequent checks, which may be a while while it’s prudent for us to sit out this phase of the pandemic.