Help! my plant (space cookies) is starting to yellow at the tips. It just started because it didn’t look like this last night. I’ve watered It every other day, this time going on third day because the moisture tester says my soil is still wet/moist. I’m growing in purple cow indicanja and haven’t used any nutes for over a week. I used lotus grow, 1/2 tsp in a gal of RO water, (edit not RO water, filtered water using zero water filtration pitcher.) ph to 7. Floor level temp has been consistent range from 73-74 degrees and canopy temp is also consistent between 75-80 degrees. From what my noob self has researched I’m leaning towards a potassium/nitrogen abundance or start of a deficiency? If so is there any way to figure out which it is or what is going on? I have 4 other plants going and none have this problem. The other plants are different strains though if that helps. Sorry for the blurple light, I hope having the flash on helps.
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