Water chiller??

I use a 1/4hp Active Aqua chiller. Definitely worth the investment. Originally used for a 13 gallon reservoir (overkill but still effective). I now use it on my UC6XL which is around 50 gallons. Works excellent
Get the cheapest one, then after you realize it’s crap buy the second cheapest one, then after you realize it’s crap buy the one that was recommended to you and spend an extra $200 to learn the hard way
Just ordered it. Hope not
Oh my fuckin god.... Kiss that 65 bucks goodbye man. Refund it right now. Call your bank and stop payment on it. Here's why:

Any REPUTABLE VENDOR won't list it for less than $330
I got ordered a chiller today, I was reading this and I was going to get a small thermoelectric cooler or two to screw into my res and insulate them. I decided to get an Active Aqua 1/10 hp chiller instead. It really hurt my pockets though, it costs over $500 here.