Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

Are you going to vote for the Democratic nominee regardless of who it is against Trump?

  • Yes

    Votes: 57 46.7%
  • No

    Votes: 65 53.3%

  • Total voters
What a pile of green shit this thread turned out to be.


"Leave your ego at the door, forget who you are, talk policy, talk strategy. Get this fucking scumbag out of office at all costs."

Green bullshit from January.^^^^^ Love that commitment to a cause when Bernie was ahead.

Then came the landslide and the green hate.
Damn shame he can't blame it on the DNC this time.
I most likely won't be voting for either rapist in chief, as I don't support either of them or their bought by and paid for parties

I support democracy, maybe an old timey fashioned concept at this point as neither parties have shown an interest in preserving it.
Biden is going to be the guy. Whether you identify as a progressive or as being pro trump, if you don't vote or vote out of spite for the republicans, you ARE pro trump. stop being a sore loser. btw, you don't seem to understand what democracy is... the majority has overwhelmingly chosen Biden, despite Bernie spending much more... it is what it is, and just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegitimate. the republicans are going to try rigging it as much as they can, so you berniebitches not voting is only helping trump and the gop win. that is all it will do, not change politics like you think... nobody is going to say, "oh, well the berniebitches didn't vote again, so maybe we should rethink how politics work" ... isn't going to happen. all that will happen is a further degradation of democracy and destruction of our country if trump gets another term. if you aren't a russian troll, then get over it and stop acting like a dumb fuck.
Biden is going to be the guy. Whether you identify as a progressive or as being pro trump, if you don't vote or vote out of spite for the republicans, you ARE pro trump. stop being a sore loser. btw, you don't seem to understand what democracy is... the majority has overwhelmingly chosen Biden, despite Bernie spending much more... it is what it is, and just because you don't like it doesn't make it illegitimate. the republicans are going to try rigging it as much as they can, so you berniebitches not voting is only helping trump and the gop win. that is all it will do, not change politics like you think... nobody is going to say, "oh, well the berniebitches didn't vote again, so maybe we should rethink how politics work" ... isn't going to happen. all that will happen is a further degradation of democracy and destruction of our country if trump gets another term. if you aren't a russian troll, then get over it and stop acting like a dumb fuck.

Yeah muscle people. “Bernie Bitches” “you will vote for Biden” “Even if he has early signs of dementia you will vote for him”

im sure that’s a great marketing technique to bring the party together. That’s really going to make the individual put the check mark on biden at the polls...

if you are wrong on this you will kill the democrat party as it will splinter into a 3rd party. BET
Yeah muscle people. “Bernie Bitches” “you will vote for Biden” “Even if he has early signs of dementia you will vote for him”

im sure that’s a great marketing technique to bring the party together. That’s really going to make the individual put the check mark on biden at the polls...

if you are wrong on this you will kill the democrat party as it will splinter into a 3rd party. BET
Is it really any different then "vote for Bernie so we don't cry and try to split the party"

Its all stupid. Would vote for anyone other than trump
Yeah muscle people. “Bernie Bitches” “you will vote for Biden” “Even if he has early signs of dementia you will vote for him”

im sure that’s a great marketing technique to bring the party together. That’s really going to make the individual put the check mark on biden at the polls...

if you are wrong on this you will kill the democrat party as it will splinter into a 3rd party. BET

I call berniebitches berniebitches, because they act like little whiny children who are throwing a fit. As for voting biden, sure, he might not be the best, but he IS going to be the candidate. and whatever his problems, he is generally not going to be bad for the country or the global sort of web that our country is a part of. trump is a very real danger to all of it. only an idiot would rather have trump than biden. if you don't like me telling you that you are dumb, then stop acting dumb. or throw a fit and don't vote... whatever... but you aren't going to change anything for the better in doing so.
just wanted to add that I'm not trying to be a dick, I just get so sick of the bullshit. it's the same thing as last election. I have a couple of very close friends who are die hard Bernie supporters, and they didn't vote last time, and this time they say they will vote, but that "it will be very hard" for them to do it... it's like, why? why is it so hard to vote trump out? biden wasn't my first choice, but he is the most likely to win and will be the nominee. and he isn't that bad... we know what to expect with him, and it isn't anywhere near as horrible as the current line up. all this whining and complaining about how biden is the same... it's just enough already. get on board or shut up. do you really want these assholes to be in control?
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vote em all out
just wanted to add that I'm not trying to be a dick, I just get so sick of the bullshit. it's the same thing as last election. I have a couple of very close friends who are die hard Bernie supporters, and they didn't vote last time, and this time they say they will vote, but that "it will be very hard" for them to do it... it's like, why? why is it so hard to vote trump out? biden wasn't my first choice, but he is the most likely to win and will be the nominee. and he isn't that bad... we know what to expect with him, and it isn't anywhere near as horrible as the current line up. all this whining and complaining about how biden is the same... it's just enough already. get on board or shut up. do you really want these assholes to be in control?
The seven faces of Donald Trump – a psychologist's view | US news ...'s view | US news ...
Mitch McConnell: If you need to cheat to create a Republican ...
Breaking: AG Barr says he will take legal action against sanctuary ...
How is Rep. Devin Nunes paying for his defamation lawsuits? | The ...
vote em all out

I think it is almost like a collective inability of not being a dick about things. And with that is the inability to admit decisions they made contributed to the ridiculous spot we find our country.
Remember when bernie was winning for a minute and you pleaded with us to vote bernie no matter what?

two faced rat
I remember when Sanders was in the lead and more than a handful of you admitted you still weren't going to vote for him. That was the point of asking that question, so that when it came back around, you'd out yourselves, again, as the hypocrites you are

The Democratic party's sole purpose in this fictional democracy is to neuter the left, not stand up to the right or hold power accountable. If Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer fought Trump and Republicans as hard as they do the left, we would have real opposition. Instead, they support corporate interests along with them. Anyone who supports the Democratic party is complicit in it.
I remember when Sanders was in the lead and more than a handful of you admitted you still weren't going to vote for him. That was the point of asking that question, so that when it came back around, you'd out yourselves, again, as the hypocrites you are

The Democratic party's sole purpose in this fictional democracy is to neuter the left, not stand up to the right or hold power accountable. If Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer fought Trump and Republicans as hard as they do the left, we would have real opposition. Instead, they support corporate interests along with them. Anyone who supports the Democratic party is complicit in it.
And that real opposition would still not be able to stop any appointments or force anything through with just having control of the House. All they can really do is to investigate and pass legislation that the Senate gets through so that more people are not harmed than would be if the House was in Republican control too.

Absolutism is not reality. Your 'both sides' argument must work great with the angry kids in the park to radicalize them huh.
And that real opposition would still not be able to stop any appointments or force anything through with just having control of the House. All they can really do is to investigate and pass legislation that the Senate gets through so that more people are not harmed than would be if the House was in Republican control too.

Absolutism is not reality. Your 'both sides' argument must work great with the angry kids in the park to radicalize them huh.
Nothing gets passed without both houses of congress

Pelosi supports corporate interests, just like the rest of the Democratic establishment because that's who pays their bills and that's who gets them into office

Denying this only shows everybody else how shallow and politically naive your analysis is

If you support that, keep voting them into office

I don't, so I won't
Nothing gets passed without both houses of congress

Pelosi supports corporate interests, just like the rest of the Democratic establishment because that's who pays their bills and that's who gets them into office

Denying this only shows everybody else how shallow and politically naive your analysis is
You do understand that Americans work in corporations right? And the alternative to what you are pretending is bad would be to be 'anti-corporate', which would be very bad.

So yes I am sure you are correct in Nancy being in support of Americans doing well in business and life. That does not make her Anti-not corporate people either.
You do understand that Americans work in corporations right? And the alternative to what you are pretending is bad would be to be 'anti-corporate', which would be very bad.

So yes I am sure you are correct in Nancy being in support of Americans doing well in business and life. That does not make her Anti-not corporate people either.
"You give me the awful impression, I hate to have to say it, of someone who hasn't read any of the arguments against your position ever." -Christopher Hitchens
Who do you think makes your hot pockets, kiddo?

It's a capitalist society. The sooner you come to terms with that the better off you'll be.
At least you don't deny the dynamic

This is Pelosi and the Democratic establishment's exact viewpoint;
"be happy with the crumbs we gave you, do you want no crumbs at all, because that's what you'd get with Trump!"