Aussie Growers Thread


Well-Known Member
Well now.... That blew out on me.
I know id rather smoke the bud after ive trimed the big leaves an put threw the wash rather then smokin it as is..
it’s personal choice. I’ve heard of guys washing all their bush weed (3-5lb at a go) after harvest to remove the dirt/dust and it turning the first 2 buckets of wash solution completely muddy.


Well-Known Member
what, like the guy that got busted with three whirly birds down the road :wall:

im all good with 2 carbon filters mate
you ain’t full quid are you. A whirly bird (singular) is a simple option to ventilate a container not out of place (vs 3 of the fuckers, like suss much) there are plenty to of other ways to vent a container if you put 2 brain cells and a pineapple towards it.

Also nothing I’ve mentioned so far has anything to do with odour control so yeah you should probably keep running carbon filters. They ain’t bringing no co2 in for the plants but no matter how much air they scrub.


Well-Known Member
it’s personal choice. I’ve heard of guys washing all their bush weed (3-5lb at a go) after harvest to remove the dirt/dust and it turning the first 2 buckets of wash solution completely muddy.
I noticed it making my butter with a plant this year that got a lot of red dust on it
You can't separate the keif from the dust so it Got wasted while trimming I thought


Well-Known Member
Fuck me 2 of my mates got this other mate who they look up to for growing advice and what not and it shits me because its all fucken wrong.. just had a chat to one of them and apparently h&g roots excelurator takes 2 weeks off your flowering time and flushing your plants at the end of the grow makes the buds swell up... so frustrating everytime i see them theres more


Well-Known Member
Fuck me 2 of my mates got this other mate who they look up to for growing advice and what not and it shits me because its all fucken wrong.. just had a chat to one of them and apparently h&g roots excelurator takes 2 weeks off your flowering time and flushing your plants at the end of the grow makes the buds swell up... so frustrating everytime i see them theres more
lol. Dude sounds like a master grower cutting 2 weeks off flower with anything, Especially something designed to increase root mass


Well-Known Member
Fuck me 2 of my mates got this other mate who they look up to for growing advice and what not and it shits me because its all fucken wrong.. just had a chat to one of them and apparently h&g roots excelurator takes 2 weeks off your flowering time and flushing your plants at the end of the grow makes the buds swell up... so frustrating everytime i see them theres more
Lol sounds like bursto giving advice to rewerb


Well-Known Member
ferk i shat me pants today

had to climb up a monster gum tree with a massive ladder n cut it down up in the forks with out taking out a small out building or me self

if i dropped it from the ground would have been bad

i was trying to channel the stihl comp blokes

but it took for flipping ever when i was up there
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Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
ferk i shat me pants today

had to climb up a monster gum tree with a massive ladder n cut it down up in the forks with out taking out a small out building or me self

if i dropped it from the ground would have been bad

i was trying to channel the stihl comp blokes

but it took for flipping ever when i was up there
on the plus side- good fire wood.