What did you accomplish today?


Ursus marijanus
But how do you cook Cormorants and Shag?


Well-Known Member
But how do you cook Cormorants and Shag?
Oh jesus, you can eat those!? Probably taste like seagull. :P


Well-Known Member
While we are on the topic of water foul, I think there are ducks in the area that make a noise like a loon. They are the only thing I can attribute the noise to, haven't heard it this winter only since the ducks and geese arrived. They hang out in the pig ponds down in thw valley.
So is it the ducks or something else?

Moved a few strawberries out to the cold frame. Pulled weeds and ammended the soil in my new garden, which the former owners had as a dog run. Gravel and dog piss should make a good base no? Tossed in the opend bags of top soil, miracle grow and compost they left behind as well as several cu. ft. of soil from my last run. Added a touch of bio live, bone meal and blood meal. Planted some onions and carrots and trying to start corn inside.



Well-Known Member
Yup. I laugh, big city. San Jose has around 1 million... here I think it's 50,000. Not small but big city? Lol.

My buddies sister ran the round table in Los Gatos when we were growing up. Was kinda sick of round table for years because of that. Where we lived in Almaden, there was a Stuft Pizza we usually got. That’s some good pizza. I like round table pizza once again though. Up in Paradise it was either that or Mountain mikes which mountain mikes gives me heartburn. Too much salt or some shit.

There’s no delivery out here in the sticks where i’m at now :-(


Well-Known Member
My buddies sister ran the round table in Los Gatos when we were growing up. Was kinda sick of round table for years because of that. Where we lived in Almaden, there was a Stuft Pizza we usually got. That’s some good pizza. I like round table pizza once again though. Up in Paradise it was either that or Mountain mikes which mountain mikes gives me heartburn. Too much salt or some shit.

There’s no delivery out here in the sticks where i’m at now :-(
No delivery here either.... of any kind. Our favorite pizza is a locally owned hole in the wall, I did some roof repair today around the chimney and the wife wanted pizza for supper so I said call them up..... they told her they were all out of pizza .... we look at each other and said “ well why the fuck don’t they go home, they don’t sell anything else “ .