Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
I was discussing HCQ before Trump or any of his minions like Elon Musk could pronounce the word, I was discussing it for the same reason many, and I mean, many doctors around the world were using it and talking about it, because doctors in China, Korea and Europe were using it. My posts mostly explained why they were using it, because it is a zinc ionophore. I was optimistic about it, but it never had that much efficacy, just availability, particularly in developing nations where it is as common as aspirin. As soon as Trump mentioned it and it became politicized, I stopped discussing it and came down hard on the side of wait and see. We waited and IMHO have seen enough, please don't conflate my discussion of a scientific and medical topic with what Trump did.

Likewise with the two leading contenders for treatment, there is a Helluva lot more cause for optimism based an available evidence for both of these treatments, we await the clinical trials. However, while we wait we should prepare, the drug companies are, just in case, likewise planning by the American red cross and preparation for convalescent plasma therapy, planning and organization are required to hit the ground running if the clinical trials indicate efficacy, lives are at stake. These are current public policy matters that concern the laity like us as well as the professionals, it is useful for citizens to have an understanding of the problems and issues.

People are working around Trump and I can understand your deep anger and frustration at the situation, if I were an American I'd be climbing the fucking walls. I hate suffering caused by stupid like sin, just like you, and I've had my moments of anger and frustration here too over this bullshit too.
What "many doctors" were doing is acting in accordance with what they though were in the interests of their patients. It is also true that almost every patient admitted with COVID symptoms into a NY hospital was given hydroxychloroquine -- and monitored to keep them safe. They also kept records that could be used later to help other doctors decide whether or not to continue doing so. Turns out there is slightly worse results when people are treated with hydroxychloroquine, so probably not in the future.

What YOU did was spew garbage right wing propaganda on the subject. You were used as a tool and it was obvious. Yet when called out for it, you kept right on doing it. "optimist" you said. Bullshit, I said and I was right.

I keep saying and will keep saying. Instead of ignorantly repeating every goddamn idiotic bullshit fake science article on miracle cures for covid, how about not? You know something about meditation and mindfulness (or whatever you like to call it) in order to maintain a semblance of balance through this crisis. Focus on that, why don't you? You know nothing about medical science and it shows when you post crap on that.


Well-Known Member
What YOU did was spew garbage right wing propaganda on the subject. You were used as a tool and it was obvious. Yet when called out for it, you kept right on doing it. "optimist" you said. Bullshit, I said and I was right.
It became right wing bullshit after Donald spewed about it, I posted an article about how he found out, after he spewed and things went nuts, I preached caution and wait and see, i was saying wait and see before that too. It became a public policy matter and those who followed the medcram videos related to it posted here understood the issue very well. Science is tolerated in the politics section to the extent it impacts public policy, like in the climate change thread I recently posted that assembled some evidence sources etc.


Well-Known Member
WTF? Trump is back tracking on re-opening now?

This is a developing story. Please check back later for updates.

Huh? After agitating for protests against, now he's tossing Kemp under the bus for following his lead? Did Trump lose his nerve?

What's the opposite of "nerves of a burglar"?


Well-Known Member
WTF? Trump is back tracking on re-opening now?

This is a developing story. Please check back later for updates.

Huh? After agitating for protests against, now he's tossing Kemp under the bus for following his lead? Did Trump lose his nerve?

What's the opposite of "nerves of a burglar"?
I'm shocked, he double crossed him, imagine that!


Well-Known Member
Study shows if Social Distancing were started in the US 2 weeks earlier, when trumpfuck was calling it a hoax, approximately 90% of deaths would have been prevented.

“I don’t take responsibility at all.” trump

“Everything donald trump touches dies”



Well-Known Member
I wonder if the death threats have begun yet, looks like this guy is gonna be sitting before a house committee. Voice your support for science and call a republican senator near you, bitch and freak like a religious loonie.
NYT: Doctor Removed From Federal Post After Urging Vetting Of Treatments Embraced By Trump | MSNBC


Well-Known Member
Did Trump lose his nerve?
Yeah, right. We all know he flippity-flops all over the place when he perceives it benefits himself or his image.

As the rest of the planet collectively facepalm over his outright nonsensical behaviour, US citizens pay the price.

How he hasn't been eliminated from his posting is beyond me. He's beyond incompetent. He's an outright liar who endangers lives, he makes up information on a whim (eg. fish tank corona fix, sharpie map etc), distorts and refuses to accept fact, is financially inept at the federal level (tariffs are "income"), he hires people completely unfit and inexperienced for high-level positions (or doesn't fill them at all) and is responsible for the US going back hundreds of years regarding human equality. I could go on forever, but I'm Canadian, so all I can do is sit here and shake my head when I think about how it got to that.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, right. We all know he flippity-flops all over the place when he perceives it benefits himself or his image.

As the rest of the planet collectively facepalm over his outright nonsensical behaviour, US citizens pay the price.

How he hasn't been eliminated from his posting is beyond me. He's beyond incompetent. He's an outright liar who endangers lives, he makes up information on a whim (eg. fish tank corona fix, sharpie map etc), distorts and refuses to accept fact, is financially inept at the federal level (tariffs are "income"), he hires people completely unfit and inexperienced for high-level positions (or doesn't fill them at all) and is responsible for the US going back hundreds of years regarding human equality. I could go on forever, but I'm Canadian, so all I can do is sit here and shake my head when I think about how it got to that.
As long as he has the Senate in his pocket, he can do anything he wants. He can even abuse the power of his office for personal gain, as we just saw from the impeachment trial.

So, we are stuck with him until we can vote him out. Some think he will win this fall. IDK, I just know that I'm as mystified as you are about the length of rope Republicans are handing to him. Then again, I didn't see what they saw in shrub or hated in Obama. Some things aren't readily available to rational logic.


Well-Known Member
Have a look at Trump in this video, he looks like he's got a hot poker shoved up his asshole. Fire Redfield will be the cry now, forget Fauci! Jesus Christ! The democrats are nuts is they don't make the GOP own this cocksucker over this summer with oversight hearings and if not an impeachment trial, an investigation at least. Make the republicans carry Donald's water by the barrel in the summer heat as their red states catch on fire and the panic begins. Let them support the withholding of documents and witnesses, good luck trying to muzzle the scientists over this, let them stand on the tracks in front of the freight train with Donald's water barrel on their back.
Trump, CDC's Redfield contradict each other over 2nd wave of virus being worse

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said he was accurately quoted in an article, despite the president saying Redfield was misquoted.


Well-Known Member
If you haven't seen this, watch it, stunning and possibly impeachable, if a profit motive is proven, but impeachable for stupid anyway.
Chris Hayes On Trump Admin. Forcing Out Top Vaccine Doctor Amid Pandemic | All In | MSNBC

Top vaccine doctor Rick Bright was sidelined because he pushed back against the President's constant shilling for an untested malaria drug as the “magical” cure for coronavirus. Chris Hayes says on the corruption scale from 1 to 10, this is an 11. Aired on 04/22/2020.
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Well-Known Member

Stevens Johnson Syndrome, skin boils off the body is a possible side effect of the drug these fuckers were pimping. A couple cases popped up in Michigan recently.
What "many doctors" were doing is acting in accordance with what they though were in the interests of their patients. It is also true that almost every patient admitted with COVID symptoms into a NY hospital was given hydroxychloroquine -- and monitored to keep them safe. They also kept records that could be used later to help other doctors decide whether or not to continue doing so. Turns out there is slightly worse results when people are treated with hydroxychloroquine, so probably not in the future.

What YOU did was spew garbage right wing propaganda on the subject. You were used as a tool and it was obvious. Yet when called out for it, you kept right on doing it. "optimist" you said. Bullshit, I said and I was right.

I keep saying and will keep saying. Instead of ignorantly repeating every goddamn idiotic bullshit fake science article on miracle cures for covid, how about not? You know something about meditation and mindfulness (or whatever you like to call it) in order to maintain a semblance of balance through this crisis. Focus on that, why don't you? You know nothing about medical science and it shows when you post crap on that.
Not to mention all the linking to it adds 'credibility' to those sources and increases the visibility on Youtube and search results. It is bullshit.


Well-Known Member
So far the virus death toll has a long way to go to even equal the Viet Nam war deaths.
48k deaths from virus in America, 58k Americans died in Vietnam war. 10k people is a lot, but not necessarily a long way to go. Especially when you talk about the years that the war went on vs the months that the virus has been attacking us.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
48k deaths from virus in America, 58k Americans died in Vietnam war. 10k people is a lot, but not necessarily a long way to go. Especially when you talk about the years that the war went on vs the months that the virus has been attacking us.

Didn't millions of Vietnamese people die during the USA's terrorist false flag invasion of Vietnam?

How come those deaths don't count ? Aren't "we all in this together" ?

Do you know how many Vietnamese have died from the scary virus ? When I checked it was zero.

If a government is capable of brainwashing people so much they only tabulate "the home teams" deaths when calculating mortality comparisons, how hard would it be for them to brainwash Americans on other things?

I think it's very possible you're being My Laied to.
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