Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
NPI's are only an interim measure to check the contagion and keep it from overwhelming not just the medical system. The nature of the contagion and it's rapid asymptomatic spread among the healthier members of society pose unique problems and opportunities too, but you need brains, a plan and serological testing to leverage it. America has blown the response and Trump has not just squandered the time, he has actively impeded progress in solving the problems, the federal government has been rendered not just moot, but dangerous to the country. America has no meaningful plan for testing and recovery, some governors and regions are trying to cobble together a proper response, but the Trump supporters will not allow it on any level. America's pandemic response will end up like that of India or the Philippines, though with a higher death rate, in developing countries you must be stronger to survive to begin with and there are less vulnerable people who are in better physical condition.

You are about to experience a monumental failure of government and subsequent economic collapse, with well over 50% unemployment by fall, in a defacto a third world country for the unemployed. I would suggest you plant a garden to survive the next year, you will most likely need it as will most Americans, while crops rot in the fields or are plowed under. Trump bankrupted a casino FFS, a place where they walk in the door and give you money for nothing more than bells, bright lights and whistles.

It's not the NPI's that are the problem, it's the squandering of resources and preparation that is the real problem. A complete lack of a real plan for testing (two kinds), contact tracing, mandatory personal isolation of the asymptomatic and the timely deployment of effective treatments (2 to be soon to be available IMHO). Effective treatments will help a lot, but I expect Trump will fuck that up too, if remdisovar is found to be highly effective, he will nationalise the supply and seek to have the power of life and death, by doling out supplies to those governors who suck his ass, he already did it with ventilators and PPE. He will also try to ban exports of the drug, but other countries are ramping up their own production anyway (on a hope at this point), it's no secret and production is not rocket science.

Every country's response will be different, America's will be a disaster, and all because of one man, Donald Trump and 32% are willing to die, so he can get another 4 years of power.
You had me at the start.

America is leaderless, which happens. All he can really do is be a baby screaming for attention and stop people from going to jail. And screw poor people hard. Because of this it will not be America that comes up with the win this timer the rest of the world. As soon as a country shows a roadmap to recovery, we will ride the tide like everyone else back to becoming fully functional once again. It sucks, but not much we can do about it. Maybe we get lucky and someone here steps up with the best solution, but it will just be luck if it gets "Dear Leader" approval.

We will move past this period and be better off for it hopefully.


Well-Known Member
You had me at the start.

America is leaderless, which happens. All he can really do is be a baby screaming for attention and stop people from going to jail. And screw poor people hard. Because of this it will not be America that comes up with the win this timer the rest of the world. As soon as a country shows a roadmap to recovery, we will ride the tide like everyone else back to becoming fully functional once again. It sucks, but not much we can do about it. Maybe we get lucky and someone here steps up with the best solution, but it will just be luck if it gets "Dear Leader" approval.

We will move past this period and be better off for it hopefully.
You'll get over it, just like an amputee gets over losing his legs. Trump will remain in power until January of 2021, unless removed by congress. The best predictor of future performance is past behavior, this is more true for Trump than most, he is a creature of habit for he cannot learn. Just look at the news hanimmal, you can see the future, even if you do everything right in your state, the planes are still flying to Florida and it's never been cheaper. No national response, no recovery for responsible states without borders and that's unconstitutional, but Trump does not obey the constitution, the governors will, perhaps the local authorities can close the airports for health reasons, ya better hope they can.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit. Politicized bullshit.

273 new cases, first off, is a pretty small number and if we're going to attribute it to a week of protesting in Frankfort, then I would have to point out this graphic made by the state gov't:

Frankfort is in Franklin County. If the point is to say how dumb these people are for protesting against stay at home orders that very directly affect their livelihoods, at the very least, it should be honest and not politicized bullshit.


Well-Known Member
I call bullshit. Politicized bullshit.

273 new cases, first off, is a pretty small number and if we're going to attribute it to a week of protesting in Frankfort, then I would have to point out this graphic made by the state gov't:
View attachment 4539778

Frankfort is in Franklin County. If the point is to say how dumb these people are for protesting against stay at home orders that very directly affect their livelihoods, at the very least, it should be honest and not politicized bullshit.


Well-Known Member
Healthcare workers block people protesting.

Heroes vs heels, I wonder when they are gonna run over the doctors, MAGA. Here's an idea, anybody wanting "freedom" can have a free tattoo on their forehead and when it comes time to get treated for coronavirus, it will let the healthcare workers know who has priority for treatment, the innocent or the guilty. I mean if you are gonna be the cause of the healthcare system being overwhelmed and mass death, you need to take some individual responsibility for it and this assigns that responsibility.


Well-Known Member
Yes, the house arrest crowd is quite adamant that everyone should be forced by government into lockdown. I don't think any of the idiots are trying to force anyone to do anything. They are idiots though for the most part. The only proof I have seen that forcing everyone into house arrest is a good solution are the bullshit memes on this thread.
You seem upset


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Does Moscow Mitch have any underlying health conditions? He looks like he does. So, there's hope.
His lady opponent is a veteran and formidable enough to have a spare set of balls, she is out raising Mitch in fundraising and I figure he is gonna have the fight of his life this fall or be swept from power along with most of the GOP senators up for reelection this fall. Nancy is gonna make the cocksuckers carry Donald water one more time before the election, with oversight and perhaps impeachment over the coronavirus response and scandals. Donald is shovelling bailout money to his failing businesses by the truckload, he can't help himself anyway, but needs it badly now, he was headed for bankruptcy before this shit and the republicans couldn't let that happen in an election year.


Well-Known Member
His lady opponent is a veteran and formidable enough to have a spare set of balls, she is out raising Mitch in fundraising and I figure he is gonna have the fight of his life this fall or be swept from power along with most of the GOP senators up for reelection this fall. Nancy is gonna make the cocksuckers carry Donald water one more time before the election, with oversight and perhaps impeachment over the coronavirus response and scandals. Donald is shovelling bailout money to his failing businesses by the truckload, he can't help himself anyway, but needs it badly now, he was headed for bankruptcy before this shit and the republicans couldn't let that happen in an election year.
Yep, Amy McGrath. I've never contributed to a politician before, but these are dire circumstances and though I'm out of state, I'll give to her campaign.
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