Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Whoever that photographer is, it is telling that they are the only ones showing they understand the danger, full mask and gloves.

Id love to be able to do a search on those people's total exposure to social media over the last 10 years or so. What buttons were pushed to get them to respond to the virus in the way that they were. How many times the websites they visited had this virus flashing in the threads/links, email spam, and friends online.

Reminds me of this:


Well-Known Member
As the stress levels caused by lockdowns go up, expect the level of emotion to do so as well, strong emotions distort our perspective of reality, much of the time in a negative way, in the context of a modern society. However this evolutionary fact is sometimes useful, when people become more desperate they become more fearful and and eventually angry. It is this anger and hunger too that will overcome their fear of authority, in those places where the government does not or can not support the population, or has a meaningful plan to reopen the economy in a sensible way. That is what is happening in poor countries and in America too, which is a third world country for the unemployed.


Well-Known Member
Whoever that photographer is, it is telling that they are the only ones showing they understand the danger, full mask and gloves.

Id love to be able to do a search on those people's total exposure to social media over the last 10 years or so. What buttons were pushed to get them to respond to the virus in the way that they were. How many times the websites they visited had this virus flashing in the threads/links, email spam, and friends online.

Reminds me of this:
If you cough on someone that is a terrorist act. But if you gather in protest with a large group of people that is not a terrorist act?


Well-Known Member
Stupid people just can't help themselves, they will continue to prove their stupidity.

"Thin the herd for November 3rd" :lol:

Someone will be thinning the herd, they are gonna be showing up at Trumper gatherings and even organising them for the Trumpers to attend. A call to the asymptomatic or mildly ill will go out on social media to attend, it would be even more effective if it were publicly known (They like conspiracy theories, I say give them some). Donald wants to start the rallies back up in the red states and these folks want a civil war, they are now probably going to get one. Look for the confederacy to take some casualties in the coming weeks, civil war 2 is on, the weapon of choice are virus this time, not mini balls. They are wearing red hats not grey, but the death toll should end up about the same as the first time around, many died of disease then too.


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Report: Americans At World Health Organization Told Trump Administration About Coronavirus ‘Late Last Year’


The Washington Post reported Sunday that over a dozen Americans working at the World Health Organization provided “real-time” information about the emerging coronavirus to the White House, seeming to undercut President Trump’s accusations that the WHO failed to communicate the extent of the disease’s threat.

U.S. physicians, researchers and public health experts⁠—many connected to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention⁠—were working at WHO’s Geneva headquarters as part of a years-long rotation, the Post reported, and they provided information about the coronavirus to the White House as it emerged late last year.

CDC officials were consulting with their WHO counterparts since the outbreak began, with sensitive information being shared with U.S. officials (including Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar) in a CDC secure facility, the Post reported.

The WHO often told CDC about its plans or announcements days in advance, the Post reported, citing an unnamed CDC official.

Trump earlier blamed WHO for delays in response to the virus as well as a lack of transparency, but an April 11 New York Times report said warnings issued to the administration by different parts of the federal government in January and February were ignored.

Three days after the Times report, Trump announced a hold on $500 million in funding from the U.S. to the WHO, a move that Democrats say is illegal.

China on Friday revised its death toll by 50% in Wuhan, where the virus was first detected, and Trump has accused the WHO of having “pushed China’s misinformation about the virus.”

G-7 member nations, including France, Germany, Canada, Japan and the European Union. The nations got together Saturday for a Trump-hosted teleconference that the White House said focused on a “lack of transparency and chronic mismanagement of the pandemic by the WHO.” French president Emmanuel Macron “expressed support” for the WHO and highlighted “the key role it must play,” according to a statement from his office. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas said WHO “cannot be weakened or in any way be called into question politically.” Canada, Japan and the EU offered similar statements of support for the WHO.

“[WHO] should have been more skeptical about what the Chinese were telling them, but they’re totally at the mercy of what governments provide,” former Clinton administration United Nations ambassador Daniel Spiegel told the Post, adding that they have “no intelligence capabilities, and no investigatory power.”

As U.S. cases of COVID-19 soar past 730,000 and the White House is criticized for being slow to respond and ramp up testing, Trump has accused state governors, the news media and former President Barack Obama⁠—along with the WHO⁠—for being responsible for the growing number of infections. Despite the Times report that says the White House ignored warnings about the virus in January and February, an Associated Press investigation found last week that China waited six days before warning its citizens of a likely coronavirus outbreak, which could support claims from critics like Trump. President Trump, however, first praised China’s efforts against the virus in January, but by March 21 had changed his tune, saying, “They could have been transparent much earlier than they were.”


Well-Known Member
The Canadian government just extended the border closing for another 30 days, but I figure it will be closed for a long time. Things are about to go nuts in America, a deadly civil war of a peculiar kind will break out soon, CWI cost over 600,000, I wonder if they will top it with CWII. The confederacy looks like they might take bigly casualties soon and more overall in the long run.

War is Hell
War is the remedy that our enemies have chosen, and I say let us give them all they want.
William Tecumseh Sherman


Well-Known Member
This is from Feb 29. This shows that the information of how the virus is different and dangerous was out there and not acted on.

Latest coronavirus research by a team of researchers from Nankai University in Tianjin lead by Professor Ruan Jishou, a prominent virologists and genomicist have discovered that the new SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus that causes the Covid-19 disease has a mutated gene that is found in HIV virus. It is this unique feature that sets it aside from the rest of the known coronaviruses.

The study is published this week on, a platform used by the Chinese Academy of Sciences to release scientific research papers before they have been peer-reviewed .(

These findings have huge implications on the potency of the coronavirus and also what it can cause in humans, not just the Covid-19 disease. Furthermore, the Covid-19 disease should never be compared to like the common cold or influenza virus as this new coronavirus is in a separate league of its own.

Though it has not been peer reviewed, two other studies including one in Europe has confirmed the findings.

The combined findings from the three studies indicates that because of the HIV-like mutations, its ability to bind with human cells could be as much as 1,000 times more potent that the initial SARS virus of 2003.

The findings also indicate that the new SARS-CoV-2 has a ‘dual attack’ approach of binding to human cells.

The first is via the ACE2 receptors found on human cell membranes and it’s a typical mode of most coronaviruses. (The new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a plus 80 percent genomic matching to the previous SARS virus, hence it explains this property that it possesses)

However it must be noted that the ACE2 protein does not occur in large quantities in healthy people, and this partly helped to limit the scale of the SARS outbreak of 2002/2003 which infected close to 8,000 people globally.

As the findings of the new study indicates that the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus has a mutated gene similarly found on the HIV virus, it is also able to attack human cells via the target called furin, which is an enzyme that works as a protein activator in the human body. Typically many proteins are inactive or dormant when they are produced and have to be “cut” at specific points to activate their various functions which furin does in the human cellular pathways.

Professor Ruan Jishou and his team at Nankai University in Tianjin discovered this new property of the SARS-CoV-2 when they were doing genome sequencing of the new coronavirus found a section of mutated genes that did not exist in the original SARS virus, but were similar to those found in HIV.

Professor Ruan Jishou told Thailand Medical News via a phone interview, “This finding suggests that 2019-nCoV coronavirus may be significantly different from the SARS coronavirus in the infection pathway and has the added potency of using the packing mechanisms of other viruses such as HIV.”

The findings of the study reveal that the mutation can generate a structure known as a cleavage site in the new coronavirus’ spike protein.

Typically, a virus uses the outreaching spike protein to hook on to the host cell, but normally this protein is inactive. The cleavage site structure’s role is to trick the human furin protein, so it will cut and activate the spike protein and cause a “direct fusion” of the viral and cellular membranes.

The result findings show that when compared to the initial SARs mode of entry, this binding method is more than a 1,000 times efficient.

Another research conducted also this month, by Professor Li Hua , another prominent virologist and genetic specialists, and his team from Huazhong University of Science and Technology in Wuhan, Hubei province, also confirmed Professor Ruan’s findings.

The study indicated that the HIV-like gene found on the new SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was not detected on any of the other coronaviruses including the MERS, original SARS and even the Bat-CoVRaTG13, a bat coronavirus that was considered the original source of the new coronavirus with 96 per cent similarity in genes.

Professor Li told Thailand Medical News,” This is maybe why the SARS-CoV-2 is more infectious than the other known coronaviruses.”

A European a study by French scientist professor Dr Etienne Decroly at Aix-Marseille University in France, which was published in the scientific journal Antiviral Research , also found a “furin-like cleavage site” that is absent in similar coronaviruses, thus confirming the initial findings as well. (

The new findings is bringing scientists and researchers towards understanding how the new coronavirus behaves and how it makes us ill plus helps in developing treatment protocols. Experts’ perception of the new coronavirus has changed dramatically over the past few weeks.

The link to the furin enzyme could shed light on the coronavirus’ evolutionary history before it made the jump to humans. The mutation, which Professor Ruan’s team terms as an “unexpected insertion”, could come from many possible sources such as a coronavirus found in rats or even a species of avian flu.

Initially, the new coronavirus was not considered a major threat, with the Chinese Centres for Disease Control and Prevention saying there was no evidence off human-to-human transmission. But this was later invalidated. Then it was said that it was not airborne, this too has become invalidated. Also came expert claims that the virus only had a 14 day incubation period and that it could only survive on surfaces for a few hours, all this have become invalidated.

As of today, Saturday 29 February 2020 we have almost close 90,000 infected cases worldwide, almost 3,000 deaths and more than a million suspected cases in a time span of about 9 weeks since the coronavirus was first detected.

Thailand Medical has been carefully studying and monitoring reports on various genomic sequencing studies to monitor the mutations of the coronavirus and almost all are proving that while the coronavirus is evolving with certain codon changes (no genetic or genomic expert knows what is these significance of these minute codon changes taking place as it passes from human to human, but we can safely assume that the virus is learning and adapting smartly).

However no major mutations have taken place as in the case of most typical coronaviruses when they replicate and lead to their inefficiency and eventual demise as in the case of the original SARS, these new coronavirus is extremely stable in transmissions and replications and is in fact becoming more virulent, indicating we are dealing with a strain that is going to be with us for a longtime.

It is also important for all experts to note that the coronavirus has a 96 percent match to the Bat-CoVRaTG13 coronavirus versus an approximate 82 per cent match to the original SARS coronavirus. Shifting a focus from the original SARS coronavirus which many experts tend to focus on when making doing studies and comparisons to instead the Bat-CoVRaTG13 coronavirus might also reveal more details about the new SARS-CoV-2 as these bat viruses have evolved over time and possess many unique properties that we have yet to understand.

The fact that reinfections are emerging and that we still do not know what latent viral loads in the body can do to us in the short term, midterm or long term as we have only been exposed to the new virus in the last 9 weeks or so makes it even more frightening.

One virologist from UK who says he wanted to remain anonymous as he might be accused of causing panic or misinformation warned that the new coronavirus can be described in basic terms as a “slow airborne killer that will never let its victim off, even if it loses the battle the first time”,implying that even in those so called recovered , they might face reinfections or that the existing viral loads in the body will eventually cause some other new chronic disease.

For the latest coronavirus research developments, keep checking at :

(Note: No part of this article may be reprinted, republished or quoted or extracted without giving due credit to Thailand Medical News. We also appreciate help from readers to help share our articles and site as we want more people to have access to all developments about the coronavirus which is being restricted by certain governments)
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