Lockdowns don't work.

Oh let's wait to the last min to prepare for a wide spread pandemic now tell people to stay home good job lol I get your point honestly it's bullshit just like the whole political agenda guys oh polosi this that. Shreds federal documents on National television nothing happens all they do is run there fucking mouths for the media to point fingers. I'm no conspiracy theorist I'm a realist. Fuck the political bullshit honestly IDGAF lol
I'm doing my best to scare the living shit out of them with rumors that infected libertards are stalking them, a pragmatic approach...
No shit that sounds like a video I watched with a fat bitch talking about how the US government is infecting people with chicken sandwiches.
Are you calling me a tard? Nah I'm a American citizen what are you? If so you don't even know me dude. And assuming makes you look like those assholes you keep quoting in your posts. Aren't you from Canada anyways? Ah?? Lmfao
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That's is a dishonest way to truncate my comment and I object.
It was meant to be humorous, I recognise the point you are trying to make and have not attacked you for it ( I only sought to bring awareness to motives), once you elaborated on it a bit and the conversation "evolved". I'm not enforcing orthodoxy around here with ridicule or ad hominem attacks.
It was meant to be humorous, I recognise the point you are trying to make and have not attacked you for it ( I only sought to bring awareness to motives), once you elaborated on it a bit and the conversation "evolved". I'm not enforcing orthodoxy around here with ridicule or ad hominem attacks.
Lmao this keeps getting even funnier. Dude your a fucking Canadian talking shit about US politics Trump this Biden that you should look in the mirror you look pathetic. 2 you don't fucking know me. 3 you should stick to making waffles because your so fucking dumb you have the slightest clue of what you even saying and implementing. And if you want to be an American that bad please go thru the process but a little word of advice you might want stick with option 3 idk how you do things in Canada but here someone will smoke your ass.
I can see why you are a Trumper, you are barely articulate and Donald does like the uneducated, You are in for a rough ride Cleetus, ya got a special place outside my heart. I'm a Canadian patriot and hate traitors like an American patriot, Trump is Putin's puppet and you are Trump's dupe.
See the kinda Trumper scum you are attracting? Not your fault, but the thread title is like shit to flies. ;)
There are people who will accept any criticism of views they oppose and reject any criticism. This accounts for most people. Whether or not the criticism is valid makes no difference to them, they dwell on both sides of the political aisle.

That's no excuse to refrain from criticizing when it's valid. Someone said "don't give ammunition to the enemy". While this seems wise, on the surface, it actually means, "don't tell the truth if it is politically inconvenient".
There are people who will accept any criticism of views they oppose and reject any criticism. This accounts for most people. Whether or not the criticism is valid makes no difference to them, they dwell on both sides of the political aisle.

That's no excuse to refrain from criticizing when it's valid. Someone said "don't give ammunition to the enemy". While this seems wise, on the surface, it actually means, "don't tell the truth if it is politically inconvenient".
It's the abuse of truth that concerns me most, no you, but those who would distort what you say for their own political purposes.

America has to come out of shut down soon and is unprepared to do so, the time has be squandered. The only hope I see is a massive roll out of effective treatments and I've got my fingers crossed for a week on one of them, plasma transfusion is almost a sure bet. What will happen with phased reopening is gonna be a repeat of Sweden, without testing and isolation of the infected (not at home either, but at special facilities. With effective treatments to drive down mortality rates and reduce hospital requirements, the unthinkable might even be possible, herd immunity. Use a phased reopening while protecting the vulnerable, but only if mortality rates can be knocked down to flu levels. If that is done, then the public terror will abate and a meaningful economic reopening can occur. Best way out for America that I can see, if the drug trial data indicates it, keep your fingers crossed.
you hate American Patriots? Really you are a dumb bastard and an Canadian veteran? You sure didn't support operations in Afghanistan and fight beside us then either right ? You should be ashamed of yourself man honestly pathetic your a discrace to your own country politics or not.
Canadian optics were prefered by American forces, our boys were killing them from 2 miles out. You don't know shit, we missed Iraq 2, because Bush was full of shit, turns out that was a disastrous mistake for America and many Americans.
How about you go suck your momma's ass bitch your a fucking plague so what if people support Trump or Biden bitch thats their right as an American waffle boy this was a post on lockdowns it's always a fucking brain dead piece of shit like you that drifts the threads. PS be real careful who you talk shit to on the internet because alot of things could get out there that you do not want. Eat them waffles boy and suck your momma's ass
Trump is a traitor and if you support him you are to, treason is treason, every single person in the confederacy was a traitor and there were millions of those too. You hate brown people more than you love your country, its real plain to see. If you think Trump is a leader you haven't been watching TV, you can't put lipstick on that pig, he has cost America thousands of lives with dereliction of duty and criminal incompetence.

Canada has less than 1/3 the mortality rate than America from covid-19, all the extra deaths of Americans belong to Trump and you.
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Your country is filthy anyways fucking trash every where on the side of the street no one gives a fuck about goin there anyways except illegal immigrants in need of a place to house their filthy asses to.
Learn to speak spanish, you'll get along with the other workers much better. Don't bother hating on them for making a better life for themselves, hate on those who employ them, but don't hate too hard, or you will starve, they pick your crops. In fact Trump has been flying them in by the plan loads with tens of millions of Americans unemployed. There's work in the fields if ya want it and can handle the labor, you can even learn spanish from your coworkers for free.
It's the abuse of truth that concerns me most, no you, but those who would distort what you say for their own political purposes.

America has to come out of shut down soon and is unprepared to do so, the time has be squandered. The only hope I see is a massive roll out of effective treatments and I've got my fingers crossed for a week on one of them, plasma transfusion is almost a sure bet. What will happen with phased reopening is gonna be a repeat of Sweden, without testing and isolation of the infected (not at home either, but at special facilities. With effective treatments to drive down mortality rates and reduce hospital requirements, the unthinkable might even be possible, herd immunity. Use a phased reopening while protecting the vulnerable, but only if mortality rates can be knocked down to flu levels. If that is done, then the public terror will abate and a meaningful economic reopening can occur. Best way out for America that I can see, if the drug trial data indicates it, keep your fingers crossed.
I agree that the US is unprepared, whether the lockdowns truly do make a tiny impact on case growth or not (unproven). However, a major premise in my argument is that it must happen anyway and that's really the reason it is already starting to happen. It's a harsh reality but I don't think anyone is arguing that anyone has to end their voluntary confinements.

Learn to speak spanish, you'll get along with the other workers much better. Don't bother hating on them for making a better life for themselves, hate on those who employ them, but don't hate too hard, or you will starve, they pick your crops. In fact Trump has been flying them in by the plan loads with tens of millions of Americans unemployed. There's work in the fields if ya want it and can handle the labor, you can even learn spanish from your coworkers for free.
You should stop responding to him imo.
Oh let's wait to the last min to prepare for a wide spread pandemic now tell people to stay home good job lol I get your point honestly it's bullshit just like the whole political agenda guys oh polosi this that. Shreds federal documents on National television nothing happens all they do is run there fucking mouths for the media to point fingers. I'm no conspiracy theorist I'm a realist. Fuck the political bullshit honestly IDGAF lol