ENough Watts?


Well-Known Member
I've got a 400 watt mh and a 250 watt hps, is that enough lighting for 3 feet plants in 15 square feet? what is the max?


Active Member
with 15 sq feet you should use maybe a 1000watter a 400watt HID(mh or hps) is good for about 3x3ft or 9sq ft


Active Member
650watts/15 square feet= ab 43 watts a sq ft which is below the recommended range of about 45-75 watts per square foot, but not a whole lot below.


Active Member
you should look into extreme cooling options....can you circulate air into a basement or another room?


Well-Known Member
you should look into extreme cooling options....can you circulate air into a basement or another room?
i've been trying to circulate it into my room(closet is in my room) and keep a fan in the window blowing cool air in. temp will not go below 85 with 47% humidity is that straight for flowering?


Active Member
sometimes my temps in my room get a little high and it doesn't seem to be hurting them too much. I would recommend a cool tube to help you cool it off, there's some diy guides to build one...https://www.rollitup.org/view.php?pg=faq&cmd=article&id=565. Anyway if you don't have the time, money, or whatever to do that another good solution would be to have a fan blowing right between the tops of your plants and your light. Hope that helps a little.