What did you accomplish today?

I can’t compete with rattlers, but I did repower an old go cart with a extra large engine and that bitch goes like crazy. It’s really fun but I can see a major crash coming up. It’s supposed to be a gift for my oldest grandson but I’m probably going to keep it and give him something else a little safer, like a motorcycle lol.
My vegetable seeds arrived today...Going to germinate some tomatoes. Does anyone know for certain if there is ANY risk of contaminating my girls from vegy seeds if I put them in my grow room? After 2 runs with pm I'm skiddish! It's 6 weeks til outdoor planting though and the grow-room is the warmest spot in the house...Am I safe?

And I remember why I live in NY now...no rattlers here!! Well maybe a few but I've never seen one. A few years ago, in the fall, I found a huge iguana by my back door, injured and scared, about 4' long...He must have been someones pet that escaped or got dropped off, and wanted warmth. He was mean though, and I tried to rescue it but it died that night....I mean this is snow country and I'm out in the boonies...no idea where this thing could have come from, and it did freak me out. Had my door been open it would have come right in, and i would have died if that thing came crawling out from under my sofa some night :o

Found some great GS puppies near me....It might be a good time for a new friend, IDK...


My last girl was from a K-9 breeder....smartest dog I ever owned...She use to stomp her foot when she was mad or wanted something and was being ignored...which she learned from me, lol. And at 120 pounds she got respect from everyone!!
I can’t compete with rattlers, but I did repower an old go cart with a extra large engine and that bitch goes like crazy. It’s really fun but I can see a major crash coming up. It’s supposed to be a gift for my oldest grandson but I’m probably going to keep it and give him something else a little safer, like a motorcycle lol.
You are a awesome grandpa!