Drug Test

I recently found out I will be having a job interview with a drug test in about 2-3.5 weeks. The last time I smoked was 3 days ago and was a casual smoker (2-3 times per week) for the past 2 months or so. Is it possible to pass this? And does anyone have any recommendations on methods to help me pass?
I will tell u that I was in same boat last year. Im 175lbs. casual, took 40 days for me. You can test yourself, most smoke shops have test kits, and Dollar stores as well. BUT the dollar store test strips were showing different from the more expensive ones. They have body cleansing products available for drinking the day of of test.Stinger detox, "the buzz". the for sure way to pass is by bringing in fake pee. In my area Monkey pee product is very popular.
Lmao I would love to try that but for some reason a hospital does not seem like they would be very receptive to that
My job was as a network administrator so I guess they figured a positive for weed wasn't a big deal. If I was operating heavy machinery then perhaps things woulda been different. I did their test, it was positive for THC, I had smoked before going lol. I worked there for 3 years, even got employee of the month once lol.