Aussie Growers Thread

Question for those in the know:

Since I won't be drying/curing the bush crop for smoking, would it be OK (advisable?) to just quick-dry the buds in the oven on low heat before processing to edibles, or would the proceeds just end-up tasting of chlorophyll?

Maybe just turn the whole lot into oil & be done with it??

Very. I only grew 1 regular seed and turned out to be female so I cloned her and did a few runs with her. So not sure if I got lucky with the pheno but she would would be one of my top 3 strains I’ve grown. Was awesome under a scrog, very branch, grew fast in veg, big dense frosty colas. Roughly 9 weeks to flower if I remember right, and even the popcorn buds that didn’t receive much light were frosty solid nugs. That’s the girl I yielded 18oz from 1 plant under a 600w hps with.
I think it’s meant to be a parent strain to sour diesel and og kush, so you know quality should be there if you give it a go jzs :cool:
What breeder,
Sounds good.
@Lucky Luke you were right about the bud rot in my bush babies - absolutely fucking riddled with it. >:(

'Must have been the recent wet/cold snap we had, as they were all perfectly fine a couple of weeks ago. Should've trusted my gut & pulled them back then when my mate (Mr Stag Semen) was visiting.

I'll see what I might be able to salvage from the 4 plants, but oh well.. 'looks like I'm making a lot of edibles & oil this year...........

I've pulled all the others into the greenhouse (we're expecting more rain over the next couple of days), so all is not lost.

Thats fkd.
Google H2o2 wash. It works. After you have cut it out or thrown branches away you will still find it worth it. Hard to get a perfect year in the bush lottery.
Question for those in the know:

Since I won't be drying/curing the bush crop for smoking, would it be OK (advisable?) to just quick-dry the buds in the oven on low heat before processing to edibles, or would the proceeds just end-up tasting of chlorophyll?

Maybe just turn the whole lot into oil & be done with it??

Unless ur going straight to oil u really have to H2o2 wash. You have to kill the spores or it may spread during the dry/storage . Any mold to the eye just chuck If u need pot that bad then buy some IMO.
Mold can kill ya,
Unless ur going straight to oil u really have to H2o2 wash. You have to kill the spores or it may spread during the dry/storage . Any mold to the eye just chuck If u need pot that bad then buy some IMO.
Mold can kill ya,
Thanks, I'll do some research into H2O2 washing & see what I can salvage.

My personal use of weed is minimal & I've already got enough from last year's crop to see me through until next year. I'll go without, rather than buy the stuff.

FYI, Botrytis doesn't produce myotoxins (it's called "Noble Rot" in winemaking circles), or else there would be a lot more dead French people each year from drinking wines made with infected grapes.
The usual. Trying to keep my head above the dirt. Money isn't funny.

Still got builders tendencies. Probably looked at 40 odd light variants. About the same in micro pc builds too...
Knowledge u have now ull rock a micro grow. Not that u didnt before build... Do it!
FYI, Botrytis doesn't produce myotoxins (it's called "Noble Rot" in winemaking circles), or else there would be a lot more dead French people each year from drinking wines made with infected grapes.
Didnt call it anything.
Mold can kill ya.
Half way threw trimmin up a a plant that will need a h2o2 wash, question is will it be right to hang away overnight then give a wash an hang out tomoz when the suns out to avoid hanging away wet overnight?