Aussie Growers Thread

You’re not there wrong jimy!
It’s all good, I’ve been called worse :confused::lol:
Fuk aye ya finally get done with that trimmin?
Been thinkin bout poppin some zkittles cross seeds old bursto donated.
Had to scrap me clones i had runnin :cry: they were lookin good as until i started neglectin them an they got over run by spider mites an i got real lazy on waterin.
Thinkin bout gettin them sprouted unda the cfls then throw them outside see how long they last for something to do.
Fuk aye ya finally get done with that trimmin?
Been thinkin bout poppin some zkittles cross seeds old bursto donated.
Had to scrap me clones i had runnin :cry: they were lookin good as until i started neglectin them an they got over run by spider mites an i got real lazy on waterin.
Thinkin bout gettin them sprouted unda the cfls then throw them outside see how long they last for something to do.
Nah, not even close jimy haha. Trimming right now. Got 2 guys wanting a pound each as soon as dry. No cure at all lol. Lucky for my back yard or town would be dry right now :wink:
Shit, that was nice of bursto!
What’s the zkittles crossed with?
The watermelon zkittles I grew was nice but I didn’t think it was anything to brag about tbh.
Nothing exceptional other than the sweet/fruity smell.
I think The strawberry banana is a better plant from my experience. Has nearly no smell when growing! Lowest odour strain I’ve grown, but when you squeeze the buds and smell your fingers it reeks of ripe bananas. Never smelt anything like it. I’ll get a pic of it tomorrow. It’s nearly ready for chop. Highest thc recording for strawberry banana was I think 28%!? And yield is half decent too.

Could veg them for a month indoors, then harden them off for close to a week outdoors and you’ll get the full sun for flowering!? And some nice colours 8)
Just like an auto flower jimy, if you decide to put seedlings outdoors at this time, veg growth is crucial for a half decent yield. Ever grown in coco? They’ll grow faster in coco than in soil I’d imagine.
Nah, not even close jimy haha. Trimming right now. Got 2 guys wanting a pound each as soon as dry. No cure at all lol. Lucky for my back yard or town would be dry right now :wink:
Shit, that was nice of bursto!
What’s the zkittles crossed with?
The watermelon zkittles I grew was nice but I didn’t think it was anything to brag about tbh.
Nothing exceptional other than the sweet/fruity smell.
I think The strawberry banana is a better plant from my experience. Has nearly no smell when growing! Lowest odour strain I’ve grown, but when you squeeze the buds and smell your fingers it reeks of ripe bananas. Never smelt anything like it. I’ll get a pic of it tomorrow. It’s nearly ready for chop. Highest thc recording for strawberry banana was I think 28%!? And yield is half decent too.

Could veg them for a month indoors, then harden them off for close to a week outdoors and you’ll get the full sun for flowering!? And some nice colours 8)

From my limited experience heaps quicker givin a wet trim done abit of dry trimmin tonight an rootin round with the smaller buds tryna clean up the sugar leaves can be a pita. Id rather dry trim atm then end up with average smellin bud from not being able to dry it slow properly

Sounds the goods man, some one should invent a portable thc/cbd test kit that backyard growers can use, spose ya cant beat first hand results though.

Whats the average prices ober that way?
After having it all hangin out in the back yard its even better to have people lined up ready to take it off ya hands straight away. The quicker its outta your hands the better is way im lookin at it.

From memory think they were crossed with a white ice sure bursto will clear that up for me,
Was going to wait for next season to start up to pop them, ive still got a decent stash from GP that i wanna run when im set up better. Might get a mother going from one of them then grow a few clones from it outdoors.
Got plenty of ideas an all that but i gotta put a bit extra thought/prep work into tryin to cover up the plants as much as possible.

Never grown in coco but ive seen plenty of good results from it have a basic understandin of what needs to be done while using it.
Will see what happens anyway between finishin up what ive got on the go now an a few other things im flat out..
From my limited experience heaps quicker givin a wet trim done abit of dry trimmin tonight an rootin round with the smaller buds tryna clean up the sugar leaves can be a pita. Id rather dry trim atm then end up with average smellin bud from not being able to dry it slow properly

Sounds the goods man, some one should invent a portable thc/cbd test kit that backyard growers can use, spose ya cant beat first hand results though.

Whats the average prices ober that way?
After having it all hangin out in the back yard its even better to have people lined up ready to take it off ya hands straight away. The quicker its outta your hands the better is way im lookin at it.

From memory think they were crossed with a white ice sure bursto will clear that up for me,
Was going to wait for next season to start up to pop them, ive still got a decent stash from GP that i wanna run when im set up better. Might get a mother going from one of them then grow a few clones from it outdoors.
Got plenty of ideas an all that but i gotta put a bit extra thought/prep work into tryin to cover up the plants as much as possible.

Never grown in coco but ive seen plenty of good results from it have a basic understandin of what needs to be done while using it.
Will see what happens anyway between finishin up what ive got on the go now an a few other things im flat out..
I prefer to wet trim jimy, do it once and it’s done. I do dry trim if I have a fair bit that has to be chopped. I remove big and medium fans then hang upside down if dry trimming.
And yea I’d prefer to dry trim and dry buds slower aswell if that was the only option for a slower dry.

usually ozs go for $400! Have heard of people selling average quality for $450 an oz. when towns dry but I’d feel bad selling ozs for that. Lol. My price is $380 and do it cheaper for the regulars.
I’ve always sold mine before it’s ready. I’m always honest and sell my shit dry and a tad overweight cause I want them to come back!
I’m selling half pounds to a younger guy that’s bought a fair amount off me in the past, he’s trying hard to do well and get ahead plus he has a passion for weed that usually only a grower would have and appreciates quality.
Selling to him for $2500 for a half pound and he’s now selling a half every 2nd day. He’s talking about using the weed $ to live off and saving his wage for a deposit for his 1st house. So feels good to help him out.

some of those white strains have my attention after growing white Siberian! Awesome, dense, high yielding, frosty strain.

that’s the fun in growing I reckon, so many different ways to do it.
If you’ve only ever grown in soil jimy, then give coco a go and you’ll get hooked on the fast veg growth I reckon!

I’m hearing ya jimy, flat out alright,
I reckon I’ve trimmed my way through a pound tonight. Gona leave it at that and do it all again in the morning! :roll:
How many of you guys use Boveda humidity packs for curing and long term storage of your wares? I know some people just flat out don't believe in using them what so ever. I haven't used them before but I have seen the benefits of using them firsthand and it was enough to inspire me into wanting to give them a go this year come cure time. What's your thoughts fellas?
I use them , they are good. Thought they were bullshit at first but they do work.
I'm as Aussie as Oi! Oi! Oi! mate!

I bought mine from Seedsman some years ago. I've been around these forums (including for almost 20 years now, so I've got a lot of oldskool seeds I've picked up over the years that are no longer available.

If you want the Mental Floss, the closest you'll get these days is this MF x Sweet Island Skunk cross made by Chimera. These are original Chimera seeds, so they will be good quality, and by the looks of it the MF x SS is very close to the original MF.

Here's everything by Chimera currently available:

These guys ship world-word.

If you search and can find a pack of Chimera's "Ultimix", do you self a favour and buy them! They are cheap and contain 30 mixed strains from Chimera and are a real bargain. I'm not trying to spam Chimera, but he's a Canadian breeder who's been around a long time and most of his stuff is quality. I also recommend Paradise Seeds, as I've grown most of their strains over the years.
Thanks mate does that mmxss grow nice big buds aswell.
I prefer to wet trim jimy, do it once and it’s done. I do dry trim if I have a fair bit that has to be chopped. I remove big and medium fans then hang upside down if dry trimming.
And yea I’d prefer to dry trim and dry buds slower aswell if that was the only option for a slower dry.

usually ozs go for $400! Have heard of people selling average quality for $450 an oz. when towns dry but I’d feel bad selling ozs for that. Lol. My price is $380 and do it cheaper for the regulars.
I’ve always sold mine before it’s ready. I’m always honest and sell my shit dry and a tad overweight cause I want them to come back!
I’m selling half pounds to a younger guy that’s bought a fair amount off me in the past, he’s trying hard to do well and get ahead plus he has a passion for weed that usually only a grower would have and appreciates quality.
Selling to him for $2500 for a half pound and he’s now selling a half every 2nd day. He’s talking about using the weed $ to live off and saving his wage for a deposit for his 1st house. So feels good to help him out.

some of those white strains have my attention after growing white Siberian! Awesome, dense, high yielding, frosty strain.

that’s the fun in growing I reckon, so many different ways to do it.
If you’ve only ever grown in soil jimy, then give coco a go and you’ll get hooked on the fast veg growth I reckon!

I’m hearing ya jimy, flat out alright,
I reckon I’ve trimmed my way through a pound tonight. Gona leave it at that and do it all again in the morning! :roll:

U feel bad a 380 haha.
Thats almost 2 ozs here.

Is that bush?
Fuck you would have to be rich to smoke.

Use to be 300 here for hydge sometimes 350 when dry.
But everyones a meth head now weed worth fuck all.
U feel bad a 380 haha.
Thats almost 2 ozs here.

Is that bush?
Fuck you would have to be rich to smoke.

Use to be 300 here for hydge sometimes 350 when dry.
But everyones a meth head now weed worth fuck all.
$400-$450 per o. Stupid if you don’t grow your own can get pgr for $280
yeah you right about the seeds jimy, if ya do,,, use the paper towel method in a warm space, and show us how many crack out say 4 or 5 seeds

im doing the girl scout cross first so you'll see it b4 me, most of those popped,
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I prefer to wet trim jimy, do it once and it’s done. I do dry trim if I have a fair bit that has to be chopped. I remove big and medium fans then hang upside down if dry trimming.
And yea I’d prefer to dry trim and dry buds slower aswell if that was the only option for a slower dry.

usually ozs go for $400! Have heard of people selling average quality for $450 an oz. when towns dry but I’d feel bad selling ozs for that. Lol. My price is $380 and do it cheaper for the regulars.
I’ve always sold mine before it’s ready. I’m always honest and sell my shit dry and a tad overweight cause I want them to come back!
I’m selling half pounds to a younger guy that’s bought a fair amount off me in the past, he’s trying hard to do well and get ahead plus he has a passion for weed that usually only a grower would have and appreciates quality.
Selling to him for $2500 for a half pound and he’s now selling a half every 2nd day. He’s talking about using the weed $ to live off and saving his wage for a deposit for his 1st house. So feels good to help him out.

some of those white strains have my attention after growing white Siberian! Awesome, dense, high yielding, frosty strain.

that’s the fun in growing I reckon, so many different ways to do it.
If you’ve only ever grown in soil jimy, then give coco a go and you’ll get hooked on the fast veg growth I reckon!

I’m hearing ya jimy, flat out alright,
I reckon I’ve trimmed my way through a pound tonight. Gona leave it at that and do it all again in the morning! :roll:
Damn thats pricey as my area avg oz has always been 350 and if you found a good dealer 300.. but i sell mine for 250 coz i got same mentality as you and all my custys are either family or life long friends
I sell ounces of indoor for $250 to two people. One on sells it for $300 to a couple older tokers and the other breaks it down for the youngsters. Not sure and dont care what they pay from other people. If everyones happy then theres usually no dramas is my moto.
Out door stuff $200- $225. Be nice to get a proper mature outdoor done one year. I haven't been able to since i left Smogney.
I sell $50s to one person and thats anywhere between 5g and 5.5 g.

But ima just a little ittybittie hobie grower. Pays the electricity bills and pays for holidays. No traffic at my house.
yeah you right about the seeds jimmy, if ya do,,, use the paper towel method in a warm space, and show us how many crack out say 4 or 5 seeds

im doing the girl scout cross first so you'll see it b4 me
Will do bursto. I normally soak in shot glass over night or until i see seed slighty split open then put them into moist paper towel until half inch tap root then move into jiffy pellet.
If i sprout them to throw out side this time of year im not expectin to get anything special outta them more for shits an gigz.
Next outdoor season ill run a cpl an see how they look after a full season..