Racial jokes night at the laugh factory


Well-Known Member
Damn y'all are going to get me kicked out of the ACLU but there's one racial joke that always makes me snigger.

A black man was dating a gorilla. They loved each other very much but it was difficult for them to find a place to meet. Every time he took his "girlfriend" into a bar, the barman would start shouting angrily, "What the hell do you think you're doing? You can't bring that dirty animal in here!"

So one day, the guy bought his "girlfriend" a dress. He shaved her face and her arms and legs and made up her face with lipstick and eyeshadow. That evening, the couple entered a quiet bar with only one other customer in the place. They sat down at a dimly lit table in a corner of the room as far away from the bar as possible. The guy orders drinks for himself and his date and takes them back to the table.

As they're quietly enjoying their drinks, the barman leans across the bar and says to the customer, "Would you look at that. Why is it whenever you see a good looking Italian girl she's always with a fucking nigger?"


Well-Known Member
Now, if only I could remember the good ones. :roll: There's only one joke I ever remember, and everyone's always heard it before.


Well-Known Member
Don't hate me. All in good fun.

Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?
A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.

What did the white guy see when looking at his family tree?
A straight line.

What do you call 200 white people runnin down a mountain?
What about 200 mexicans?
200 Arabs?
What about 200 black people?

Why do black people cry during sex?
The Mace.

Why do white people like to play hockey?
It’s the only other way to beat something black up if they're not a cop.

Why do black people stink?
So blind people can hate them too.

What do black kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.

How was break dancing invented?
black people trying to steal hubcaps from moving cars.

How do you know Adam and Eve were not black?
You ever try to take a rib from a nigger?
oh sh!t that had me crackin up.:lol: