Racial jokes night at the laugh factory


come on now... im leveling it up with the white jokes... help me out here, this is fun... its like high school


this is just wrong.... oh well, im white too....

A cracker girl came up to her dad who was sitting in a beaten up armchair. "Pa, kin ah borrow the truck to-nahgt?" she asked. Her dad looked up to her and said, "Darlin', yew know what yew haf t'do if'n yew wants to borrer th' truck." "But Pa! Ah haf t'go naow!" the cracker girl cried. Her daddy stood up and unzipped his pants. "Yew know perfectly well what yew haf t'do. On yer knees, *****!" The cracker wench complied and started sucking her dad's ****. After a few seconds she stopped in disgust and looked up to her dad. "Gee Pa, yore **** shore tastes like shit!" Her dad slapped his forhead and said, "Dammit, Ah forgot! Ah already loaned the truck to yer brother just a few minutes ago!"


Well-Known Member
i like racial jokes, as long as there not black jokes haha :D jk, its all good, there the funniest anyways


Well-Known Member
The Jewish girl wanted to buy a new necklace she saw in town one day. "Daddy, can I have fifty dollars?" Her father replied, "Forty dollars! What do you need thirty dollars for?!"


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between a black man and a large pizza?

The pizza can feed a family of 5.


Well-Known Member
The Jewish girl wanted to buy a new necklace she saw in town one day. "Daddy, can I have fifty dollars?" Her father replied, "Forty dollars! What do you need thirty dollars for?!"
Now this shit is funny.

Oh but the rest of you are racist pricks.

*Picks up the phone to call Al Sharpton*


Well-Known Member
What's the difference between a Black person and a snow tire?
A snow tire doesn't sing when you put chains on it.

What do you call a Black person in a tree with a briefcase?
Branch manager.

What do you get when you cross a jew and a gypsy?
A chain of empty retail stores.

How do chinks name their kids?
They throw silverware down the stairs.


down here in TX, the mexicans be workin their ass off.

But good point never saw one mexican on that show lol :hump:

just like most people i know.. .they either work their asses off, or are lazy and do nothing.... i've only met a couple of lazy mexicans; the rest would work circles around you and laugh at you for it...


Well-Known Member
Don't hate me. All in good fun.

Whats the difference between a jew and a pizza?
A pizza doesn't scream when you put it in the oven.

What did the white guy see when looking at his family tree?
A straight line.

What do you call 200 white people runnin down a mountain?
What about 200 mexicans?
200 Arabs?
What about 200 black people?

Why do black people cry during sex?
The Mace.

Why do white people like to play hockey?
It’s the only other way to beat something black up if they're not a cop.

Why do black people stink?
So blind people can hate them too.

What do black kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.

How was break dancing invented?
black people trying to steal hubcaps from moving cars.

How do you know Adam and Eve were not black?
You ever try to take a rib from a nigger?


What do black kids get for Christmas?
Your bike.

this just sparked a memory... back when i was a little lad, a friend of mine got his bike stolen.... parents bought him a new one for christmas... they stole his new bike and left him the old one.....


Well-Known Member
This thread is a 10.

Sorry I don't remember any jokes really cept

" What did the hurricane say to the coconut tree, hang on to your nuts this is going to be one hell of a blow job!"


"Two guys were sitting drinking their evening pint in the local pub. While sitting there, the one guys dog was licking his nuts and cleaning himself. The one drinker says to the owner "awe man I wish I could do that!" and the dog owner replied "well give im a biscuit he might let you!" " :D


Well-Known Member
how do you get a one legged black guy off your front lawn?
quit laughing and reload.

how do you get a group of black guys to stop raping a white girl?
throw them a basketball.

how do you keep a little black kid from drowning?
take your foot off of his head.

what do you call three white guys pushing a car up a hill?
white power.
How about three black guys pushing a car up a hill?
black power.
Three mexicans pushing a car up a hill?
grand theft auto.

how do you fit 100 jews into a Volkswagen?
2 in the front, 3 in the back, and 95 in the ash tray