Welcome to my Jungle...


Well-Known Member
Day 22: stacking close nodes and foliage coming in nicely. See root tips peeking out the cup drains. Letting the cups dry a little with a little weak tray feeding.
Did not notice in the lights that the GG is throwing trichs already at 14 days in . with the thick stems (1/4”+ at the tops) and about 9-10 nodes a start these should be some huge colas if i can get them to fill in.

last few picks are a throw away that I started a bulb on the stalk just below first break. And did second to point at lights let’s see how she handles it.



Well-Known Member
Fed P and K Sonic Bloom today at half strength from 9 to now I can see the buds blowing up literally.



Well-Known Member
I agree with size being proportionate. But we are altering that by adding food and water. I have grown and witnessed massive plants in comparatively tiny pots. The limiting factors were always time, water and food. The stem efficiency drastically outperforms the roots naturally. A little more smoke and thought is suggested.
Exhaling a huge plume of smoke. So what can we do to maximize individual root thickness if we have root density as a mass but mostly hair roots. I am assuming of course thicker roots are more efficient. Do you water from top Mich or are you using tray feeding?
Trying to get a schedule for popping seeds and I’d like to get seed to flower time minimized.


Well-Known Member
Exhaling a huge plume of smoke. So what can we do to maximize individual root thickness if we have root density as a mass but mostly hair roots. I am assuming of course thicker roots are more efficient. Do you water from top Mich or are you using tray feeding?
Trying to get a schedule for popping seeds and I’d like to get seed to flower time minimized.
Actual facts are contrary to your beliefs. More fine roots= greater surface area than fat roots. I top water by the single measuring cup. Let the first cup set a good 10 minutes. Then continuously add until I get run off. Suck up any left over,almost never, after an hour. I also let my pots get drier than most. Small, weak and old roots dissolve then. Allowing for constant turn over. My lava rocks also cause micro root development and air pockets for the roots. Air is a big factor.


Well-Known Member
Actual facts are contrary to your beliefs. More fine roots= greater surface area than fat roots. I top water by the single measuring cup. Let the first cup set a good 10 minutes. Then continuously add until I get run off. Suck up any left over,almost never, after an hour. I also let my pots get drier than most. Small, weak and old roots dissolve then. Allowing for constant turn over. My lava rocks also cause micro root development and air pockets for the roots. Air is a big factor.
I must be high. My seedlings are all mist fed for about 3 weeks. Then top fed. My cuttings misted until a week after transplant. Then top fed.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that of mass vs area...duhhh, smoking too much glue and too much time on my hands and shit on my mind. Does aerating the RO water help root development?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking that of mass vs area...duhhh, smoking too much glue and too much time on my hands and shit on my mind. Does aerating the RO water help root development?
I avoid RO at all costs. There are things in water we don't study yet. Aeration is BS unless using a water based medium. Creating and allowing it are vital to soil grows.


Well-Known Member
I avoid RO at all costs. There are things in water we don't study yet. Aeration is BS unless using a water based medium. Creating and allowing it are vital to soil grows.
I have to go back and re read the Redneck journal, really want to dial preflower in since I got free time and the flower room is running great. Pretty much wrapped up wife’s new cabinets in kitchen today So I gotta make myself busy or she will find something else for me to do...lol.
looks right now seed to flower will be 6 weeks to get them around 20”. That sound about right? I know it’s strain dependent, just talking in general terms.


Well-Known Member
Wish you had a couple of these lights. 44w ones. I ignored them until I put the mother up for the winter. I'm going to hang mine about 2" above plant and push fert at around 5 weeks. Weak fish emulsion until then. 7 weeks is about 16-18" fairly tight growth for me. Okay indoors. Just think bigger yield from less plants with a couple more weeks veg.


Well-Known Member
I’m gonna try and keep a mix so I have a few faster finishing Indicas in each run to balance the Sativa landraces. Hash plants and my two mystery seeds are taking off. Red is just a steady grower plants are twins. MTF is on pace with the red..


Well-Known Member
I’m gonna try and keep a mix so I have a few faster finishing Indicas in each run to balance the Sativa landraces. Hash plants and my two mystery seeds are taking off. Red is just a steady grower plants are twins. MTF is on pace with the red..
Was about to set up a second tent when this mess popped up. Loss of income prevents that now. I might be able to squeeze a veg, pre flower for 6 plants. Still limited by one tent and another light fixture. I got 10 weeks. Just got to grow enough to finish the race at every leg. I'm intending to butcher my mother and divide my Northern in a day or two. As well as pick some seeds for swim class. I'll post it all. Northern is a strong plant. Cat mauled it. It's a bush at what 6 weeks?


Well-Known Member
Day 23 :

Seeds are taking off laterally with slow but steady node development. Shooting 5th now plan on topping at 6 back to 4 to keep them squat. Moved them from LED to T-5 and they were praying to the sun god within a half hour. Dropped next run last night.

GG4 is busting out in hairs and stacked 4-5 nodes already at 3W3D, 7W to go. Pics at lights out.


Well-Known Member
Dropped the next seed fun today
Lineup is:

3 - Black Pearl (cong. X Nepal) x Skunk#1
3 - Alaskan Kush x Black Pearl
3 - Bangi Haze ( Nepal indica x Congo. Sativa landrace)
3 - Mystery Seed
*all regs


Well-Known Member
Day 24: everything running smooth. Traded the last 6-GG4 4’ers to a bud for 10 hortilux 1000w bulbs prompting me to clean all my cooling tubes and new bulbs for the fat juicy dense finish of my 8 in flower now. Also resurrected the HPS in veg dialed back to 625w. Cleaned it all out and I have my nursery and middle school back. Trying to cut time from seed to flower at about 18-20” tall. It’s looking like around 5-6 weeks how it’s going, running some side by sides to see what happens. Any ideas appreciated. Even got the runt red to wake up and shoot a set of real leafs.



Well-Known Member
Following this thread. I love the goat! I've got an HHR I dropped a v8 in and ratted it out, hauls ass and my tools :lol: I'm new to growing, building a small cabinet now. I'm planning on starting out with 2 plants, just going to try to get a grow under my belt.
Perpetual growing is pretty enticing, like my car I can burn through some gas :weed: Once I get a little experience with the basics, i can start adopting some more advanced techniques. Im interested to learn more about your pruning techniques to get those fat top stalks. Great journal as well, very informative for those of us still learning the ropes. Keep the tires spinning and the beavers grinning!


Well-Known Member
Feel free anytime to stop and shoot the shit with the guys. Also good reading in everyone’s journals Mich-icon I the resident master, check out his “redneck growing journal” has very KISS outlook and won’t hype anything he hasn’t proved to himself. As a newbie it’s best to listen and asked informed questions. A lot of guys on here are not in legal states and are sometimes curt with new guys but for the most part it’s a great sight with a lot of knowledgeable people willing to share what they have learned...stop in anytime and feel free to post to the thread it for all of us.


Well-Known Member
You had me at redneck, and simple is the name of the game. I'll definitely check it out. I can understand, I'm from the south myself, discretion is key when the law treats you like a hardened criminal. I'm here to learn. Thankful for such a rich source of information!


Well-Known Member
Day 26: another 10 sprouts in coco pods. Everything but the 6 mystery seeds popped, out a little HP solution on them and give them a day before I crack them. Been training the teens for a thick trunk, a few days and I’ll top from 6 down to 4 to give me at least 8 nice branches for stretch and big colas. You can see them starting to bulge out after a few days I will continue until it is too firm to compress anymore. I’m ready for repot on first batch this week but I’m out of coco and happy frog. Have to get some essentials tomorrow I’ll give it a shot at local if not there’s a place that will deliver not too far. Buds in flower are loving PK boost and new Hortilux 1000+ HPS with clean tubes. Are shooting a second set of pistils on the tops and stacking together 8-9 nodes deep. The purple Thai is starting to bust out also in all her Sativa glory, little bag seed bitch is the prettiest plant I’ve ever grown, Squat thick and symmetrical, cannot wait to see her fade out the last few weeks should be a color show.

