struggling to breathe after smoking


Active Member
when i smoke even just one cone i am finding it hard to breathe. its like someone is sitting on my chest.

its worse if i go lay down after having a cone. sometimes i feel like im forgetting to in hail and i will suddenly take a big gasp of air followed by a racing heartbeat

i have smoked for the past 10 ish years about a 20grams a day and have never had symptoms like this

i don't like to give personal details online so ill be keeping short im 38 5ft6 about 58kg i don't work out or do much fitness apart from walking 1km a day i eat healthy and i don't drink alcohol

i know the easy answer is just quit smoking but i don't want to also don't think i have the willpower to. im kind of stuck knowing what i should do

i should go see a doctor but they are kind of dicks when it comes to smokers. what do you people suggest
I agree. On a good day I can get through about 5 grams.

this boggles my mind.

who are you Bob Marley lol.
yea on good days I go thru a g or so but sometime eighths up to 5's but depends on how much shit is goin on. atm with all this going on its been a soild 3 gs a day
when i smoke even just one cone i am finding it hard to breathe. its like someone is sitting on my chest.

its worse if i go lay down after having a cone. sometimes i feel like im forgetting to in hail and i will suddenly take a big gasp of air followed by a racing heartbeat

i have smoked for the past 10 ish years about a 20grams a day and have never had symptoms like this

i don't like to give personal details online so ill be keeping short im 38 5ft6 about 58kg i don't work out or do much fitness apart from walking 1km a day i eat healthy and i don't drink alcohol

i know the easy answer is just quit smoking but i don't want to also don't think i have the willpower to. im kind of stuck knowing what i should do

i should go see a doctor but they are kind of dicks when it comes to smokers. what do you people suggest
you got da 'rona
it will either pass or you will die
good luck
you got da 'rona
it will either pass or you will die
good luck

Well, that is one of the symptoms, and smokers seem to be more at risk. But why right after smoking and not all the time? Usually fever is also present. And a dry cough. But there are a lot of symptoms that can be present, or missing altogether.

It's like the old joke. Me: Doctor, it hurts when I do this. Doctor: Then don't do that. bah duh dum.
well 20 gs a day is quite over kill imo that itself u should cut back
i used to smoke 50grams a day the past few yrs i have reduce my intake down to 20 but i dont feel like that allot idk maybe it is if others say thats too much
Wow go see a doc dude could be early COPD
from what i just read it does sound like that could be something . wheezing , lack of energy has defiantly been happening but isnt often

my issue with going to see a doctor is that its not legal to smoke weed where i live. should i just go disscuss it with one anyway
from what i just read it does sound like that could be something . wheezing , lack of energy has defiantly been happening but isnt often

my issue with going to see a doctor is that its not legal to smoke weed where i live. should i just go disscuss it with one anyway
if you're in the US a doc can't turn you in for anything, it's doctor/patient confidentiality. Unless you told them you were going to kill yourself or someone else.
i live in Australia and i have only smoked my home grow for yrs outdoors its clean smoke. i dont know if doctor/patient confidentiality is a thing here i honestly haven't had much dealing with doctors. last time i seen one i was 16