Pandemic 2020

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Guess the state.

PYSCHO Engineer tried to crash train into USNS Mercy in Los Angeles: Feds ....

Seems the nutcases are starting to come out .....

Investigators arrested a California train engineer Tuesday after he allegedly derailed a train in a bid to crash into the USNS Mercy, the hospital ship treating non-COVID-19patients at the Port of Los Angeles to lessen the burden on area hospitals, prosecutors said.

Eduardo Moreno, 44, was expected to appear in court Wednesday for arraignment on train wrecking charges.

MORE: What to know about the Navy hospital ships coming to New York and California

Around 1 p.m. Tuesday, Moreno allegedly ran the train at full speed off the end of the tracks near the Navy medical boat, smashing through several concrete and chain barriers, before sliding through a parking lot nearly 250 yards from the Mercy, according to the criminal complaint.

No one was injured and the boat wasn't damaged, however, the train leaked a substantial amount of fuel, the complaint said.

A California Highway Patrol officer caught Moreno as he allegedly tried to escape from the scene, according to the complaint. Moreno allegedly told officers and FBI investigators that he deliberately derailed the train because he was suspicious of the Mercy's intentions and thought it was actually part of a government takeover, the complaint said.

"Moreno stated that he acted alone and had not pre-planned the attempted attack," according to a statement from the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Central District of California. "While admitting to intentionally derailing and crashing the train, he said he knew it would bring media attention and 'people could see for themselves,' referring to the Mercy."

MORE: How the US military is being utilized in responding to coronavirus

In an interview with FBI agents, Moreno stated that "he did it out of the desire to ‘wake people up,’" according to the complaint.

Investigators are still reviewing surveillance footage from the scene, including inside the locomotive.
Which do you think is scarier?
Mike Pence as the lead in the USA's fight against COVID-19 or Jarod Kushner?
How about both :)
Why do I think this will not end up well?
The fucking gang who couldn't shoot straight, these clowns couldn't run a stick up a cow's arse much less run a government jimmy.
Order your own PPE from China and crowd fund to buy in bulk for your local hospital, china has got lots of the shit on aliexpress or alibaba. Better yet crowd fund to buy the manufacturing equipment you need from China and make your own masks locally, go to alibaba and type in "mask making machine or equipment" to see what I mean. You can't depend on the feds, you'll die waiting on Trump, DIY to survive this time.
In the US unless you have filed an electronic Federal tax return with direct deposit, you will have to wait for a paper check that will take around 10 days to arrive, theoretically :)
Geez, Canada seems to have their shit together, again.
Must be nice :)
The virus is bad enough, having a fucking idiot and lunatic running the place would make me climb the fucking walls! It's a comfort to have confidence in one's government, their response wasn't perfect, but neither was anybody else's. Our mortality rate is a quarter of America's per capita jimmy and we started from the same place, I figure 3/4s of your deaths are trump's fault. So far he's made it 4 times worse than it has to be in America.
US dead = 5,110
Can dead= 129 x10* =1290 in US terms, you're now 4 times our death rate. So 3/4s of the American deaths are Donald's fault so far. MAGA
*USA has 320 million canada 38 million
You have a 100% chance of dying without one if you're hospitalised and millions will be, a 50% chance with one.
Best not to have yer ass in the air and yer drawers at yer knees, it can't get ya unless ya do, but occasionally ya got to take a shit.

I heard on NPR today as high as 80% don't survive on ventilator.
The virus is bad enough, having a fucking idiot and lunatic running the place would make me climb the fucking walls! It's a comfort to have confidence in one's government, their response wasn't perfect, but neither was anybody else's. Our mortality rate is a quarter of America's per capita jimmy and we started from the same place, I figure 3/4s of your deaths are trump's fault. So far he's made it 4 times worse than it has to be in America.
US dead = 5,110
Can dead= 129 x10* =1290 in US terms, you're now 4 times our death rate. So 3/4s of the American deaths are Donald's fault so far. MAGA
*USA has 320 million canada 38 million

How about this guy?


How coronavirus could be the ‘final straw’ for the U.S Postal Service ... No stimulus aide offered.

The U.S. Postal Service has been in trouble for some time. Now, the coronavirus crisis has come along and made everything much worse.

Mail volume (and the accompanying revenue) could be down 50% this year, according to some estimates. The already teetering Postal Service could run out of money soon. That fear, combined with widespread concerns about letter carriers exposed to the virus, has put some lawmakers into a fatalistic mindset.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) put it bluntly: “We need to start thinking in those apocalyptic terms,” he said in an interview with Yahoo Finance Tuesday, “because we are about to face the apocalypse.”

The current crisis is “in many ways the final straw,” said Connolly, who is chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Postal Service. He believes that without some sort of intervention it will run out of cash in June.

Questions of safety are now dogging the service. “There's a growing anxiety that they're at risk and that there's not sufficient resources to protect them even in the most minimal of ways like hand sanitizers or gloves or the like,” Connolly said.

Two weeks ago, ProPublica published a report saying that some postal employees were continuing to work after displaying COVID-19 symptoms, and seemingly healthy employees had insufficient protection against the virus.

Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan responded to some of the concerns on Wednesday during a Board of Governors session. "We are promoting healthy behaviors and protocols and encouraging any employee who feels sick to stay home,” she said. “In order to further encourage this behavior, we have updated our leave policies to allow liberal use of leave."

Brennan also acknowledged some supply problems in the recent past saying, "we are continuing to work to overcome gaps in the supply chain to insure that our employees have access to hand sanitizer masks and gloves."

But questions are likely to keep coming. Sen. Cory Booker and other New Jersey Democrats wrote a letter to Postmaster General Brennan last week expressing a series of concerns and questions. On Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders sent another letter raising similar questions.

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A spokesperson for Booker told Yahoo Finance that his office has not received an answer but remains hopeful that we can work with the service “to implement stronger workplace protections for the safety and well-being of USPS employees as well as the millions of Americans who depend on their services.”

"The health and well-being of our employees is always our first thought in facing the COVID challenge," the Postmaster General said on Wednesday. She also underlined that the CDC, WHO, and Surgeon General all “have all said that there is very low risk that this virus is spread through mail which should be a comfort to us all and to the public.”

Connolly agreed the risk of transmission via mail is low, but “if we made sure that all of our postal workers had access to hand sanitizers and gloves, we could come close to eliminating the risk.” A lack of guidance or protection for letter carriers “is very imprudent and puts people at some risk. Not a high risk, but a risk.”

The USPS has made one change: it no longer requires customer signatures. Letter carriers will instead – from a distance – request the customer’s information and enter it themselves.

They're going to run out of cash in June’

The USPS operates as a self-supporting, independent federal agency – sort of halfway between an independent business and a government agency. It likes to tout that the service “receives no tax dollars,” instead paying for itself from the sale of postage, products and services.

During the phase 3 negotiations, Connolly and other House Democrats proposed changing that by eliminating outstanding debt and allotting $25 billion to further shore up USPS finances. They even wrote a letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell “to seek your urgent help.”

They also want to repeal a mandate imposed in the Postal Act of 2006, which they say denies the USPS a chance to be profitable, arguing that the rule requires the Postal Service to pre-fund retirement health benefits for its employees. It’s a financial burden that puts “the Postal Service in a straight jacket,” according to Connolly, and has been the focus of repeal attempts for years.

The push didn’t work. The final package, signed into law by President Trump last Friday, included $10 billion in additional borrowing authority with strings attached.

” Stings Attached “ .......

The National Association of Letter Carriers, a union representing postal employees, responded: “That is woefully inadequate.”

Connolly says that some of the conditions on the $10 billion (including more of a Treasury role in management) was “an unacceptable condition for everybody,” and he still sees the USPS going out of business within months if nothing is done.

Then USPS and ‘Phase 4’ negotiations

The Postal Service has been gradually shrinking for years as outfits like UPS and Fedex Express (not to mention email) encroach further on its business. Total mail volume has shrunk from 170.9 billion pieces of mail in 2010 to 146.4 billion in 2018.

Yet advocates note the USPS still serves important functions, from delivering prescription drugs to Social Security checks. It also remains the only option in some rural areas where; as the National Association of Letter Carriers points out, “private companies rely on the USPS for last-mile delivery.”

We have to hang in there and VOTE THESE REPUB FUCKS OUT !
#FuckYouMoscowMitch #FuckYouTrump

Moscow Mitch has already been cockblocking Pelosi on follow up talks on legislation from the house and stated he will “ MOVE
SLOWLY “ on it........ unfucking believable. .. and even Jared has quietly Jockeyed his position behind FEMA.

Lord Jesus in heaven send two flaming lightning bolts up their collective asses.
Man, that hits home. I'm a retired letter carrier.:(
Still unsure how this is all going to turn out for us. Seems like the morons forget about social distancing when the sun comes out or are at the shops every single day just to buy some snacks. We cannot enforce in the shops and although management know they don't give a fuck, money over employee health seems to be the game, just like back when big industry was getting started. But then again this has always been the norm in our capitalist society.
I am even being investigated for politely telling people to respect social distancing as they are taking up whole aisles in the shops by walking about in groups when they should only be letting 1 person in the store(unless circumstances dictate otherwise, i.e. single mums, helping disabled/oap's). I get this but social distancing must be taken seriously and it's severely fucking with my anxiety. Won't get paid if I go off either due to it not being related to covid.
Was trying not to rant but hey-ho, there ya go lol

P.S. Not sure when they dispersed from this thread, but glad all the muppets seem to be gone.

How coronavirus could be the ‘final straw’ for the U.S Postal Service ... No stimulus aide offered.

The U.S. Postal Service has been in trouble for some time. Now, the coronavirus crisis has come along and made everything much worse.

Mail volume (and the accompanying revenue) could be down 50% this year, according to some estimates. The already teetering Postal Service could run out of money soon. That fear, combined with widespread concerns about letter carriers exposed to the virus, has put some lawmakers into a fatalistic mindset.

Rep. Gerry Connolly (D-Va.) put it bluntly: “We need to start thinking in those apocalyptic terms,” he said in an interview with Yahoo Finance Tuesday, “because we are about to face the apocalypse.”

The current crisis is “in many ways the final straw,” said Connolly, who is chairman of the House subcommittee that oversees the Postal Service. He believes that without some sort of intervention it will run out of cash in June.

Questions of safety are now dogging the service. “There's a growing anxiety that they're at risk and that there's not sufficient resources to protect them even in the most minimal of ways like hand sanitizers or gloves or the like,” Connolly said.

Two weeks ago, ProPublica published a report saying that some postal employees were continuing to work after displaying COVID-19 symptoms, and seemingly healthy employees had insufficient protection against the virus.

Postmaster General Megan J. Brennan responded to some of the concerns on Wednesday during a Board of Governors session. "We are promoting healthy behaviors and protocols and encouraging any employee who feels sick to stay home,” she said. “In order to further encourage this behavior, we have updated our leave policies to allow liberal use of leave."

Brennan also acknowledged some supply problems in the recent past saying, "we are continuing to work to overcome gaps in the supply chain to insure that our employees have access to hand sanitizer masks and gloves."

But questions are likely to keep coming. Sen. Cory Booker and other New Jersey Democrats wrote a letter to Postmaster General Brennan last week expressing a series of concerns and questions. On Tuesday, Sen. Bernie Sanders sent another letter raising similar questions.

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A spokesperson for Booker told Yahoo Finance that his office has not received an answer but remains hopeful that we can work with the service “to implement stronger workplace protections for the safety and well-being of USPS employees as well as the millions of Americans who depend on their services.”

"The health and well-being of our employees is always our first thought in facing the COVID challenge," the Postmaster General said on Wednesday. She also underlined that the CDC, WHO, and Surgeon General all “have all said that there is very low risk that this virus is spread through mail which should be a comfort to us all and to the public.”

Connolly agreed the risk of transmission via mail is low, but “if we made sure that all of our postal workers had access to hand sanitizers and gloves, we could come close to eliminating the risk.” A lack of guidance or protection for letter carriers “is very imprudent and puts people at some risk. Not a high risk, but a risk.”

The USPS has made one change: it no longer requires customer signatures. Letter carriers will instead – from a distance – request the customer’s information and enter it themselves.

They're going to run out of cash in June’

The USPS operates as a self-supporting, independent federal agency – sort of halfway between an independent business and a government agency. It likes to tout that the service “receives no tax dollars,” instead paying for itself from the sale of postage, products and services.

During the phase 3 negotiations, Connolly and other House Democrats proposed changing that by eliminating outstanding debt and allotting $25 billion to further shore up USPS finances. They even wrote a letter to Sen. Mitch McConnell “to seek your urgent help.”

They also want to repeal a mandate imposed in the Postal Act of 2006, which they say denies the USPS a chance to be profitable, arguing that the rule requires the Postal Service to pre-fund retirement health benefits for its employees. It’s a financial burden that puts “the Postal Service in a straight jacket,” according to Connolly, and has been the focus of repeal attempts for years.

The push didn’t work. The final package, signed into law by President Trump last Friday, included $10 billion in additional borrowing authority with strings attached.

” Stings Attached “ .......

The National Association of Letter Carriers, a union representing postal employees, responded: “That is woefully inadequate.”

Connolly says that some of the conditions on the $10 billion (including more of a Treasury role in management) was “an unacceptable condition for everybody,” and he still sees the USPS going out of business within months if nothing is done.

Then USPS and ‘Phase 4’ negotiations

The Postal Service has been gradually shrinking for years as outfits like UPS and Fedex Express (not to mention email) encroach further on its business. Total mail volume has shrunk from 170.9 billion pieces of mail in 2010 to 146.4 billion in 2018.

Yet advocates note the USPS still serves important functions, from delivering prescription drugs to Social Security checks. It also remains the only option in some rural areas where; as the National Association of Letter Carriers points out, “private companies rely on the USPS for last-mile delivery.”

We have to hang in there and VOTE THESE REPUB FUCKS OUT !
#FuckYouMoscowMitch #FuckYouTrump

Moscow Mitch has already been cockblocking Pelosi on follow up talks on legislation from the house and stated he will “ MOVE
SLOWLY “ on it........ unfucking believable. .. and even Jared has quietly Jockeyed his position behind FEMA.

Lord Jesus in heaven send two flaming lightning bolts up their collective asses.
Some of the delivery centres for the royal mail have/are thinking about going on strike due to them still crawling all over each other in the sorting offices and having no PPE at all.
I feel this made up quote is not far from the truth, "Thankyou for being an essential worker during this crisis, but in regards to PPE, go fuck yourselves"
Some of the delivery centres for the royal mail have/are thinking about going on strike due to them still crawling all over each other in the sorting offices and having no PPE at all.
I feel this made up quote is not far from the truth, "Thankyou for being an essential worker during this crisis, but in regards to PPE, go fuck yourselves"
USPS employees cannot strike. Ronny Raygun made it clear he'd fire us and showed his power when he fired the air traffic controllers in 1981.
USPS employees cannot strike. Ronny Raygun made it clear he'd fire us and showed his power when he fired the air traffic controllers in 1981.
That fucking sucks, fear same may happen to postal workers who have went on strike here as it's not official action through their union.
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