Racial jokes night at the laugh factory


Well-Known Member
Someone who went off-topic in in another thread (in the General Marijuana Growing forum) gave me the idea for this thread. Post your racial jokes. I find racial jokes to be hilarious. I'm far from racist... but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at racial jokes. They're funny. Why are they funny? Because they aren't true. If you think they're funny because they ARE true... then you ARE a racist.

Black people don't love basketballs as much as some racial jokes would insinuate. They don't mindlessly fetch them like a dumb dog. White people don't walk like they have something stuck up their butts. Black people aren't any lazier than any other race. Not all white people are rhythmically challenged. A lot of white people are amazing dancers. Thats why they are funny... because they are ridiculous.


New Member
Someone who went off-topic in in another thread (in the General Marijuana Growing forum) gave me the idea for this thread. Post your racial jokes. I find racial jokes to be hilarious. I'm far from racist... but that doesn't mean I can't laugh at racial jokes. They're funny. Why are they funny? Because they aren't true. If you think they're funny because they ARE true... then you ARE a racist.

Black people don't love basketballs as much as some racial jokes would insinuate. They don't mindlessly fetch them like a dumb dog. White people don't walk like they have something stuck up their butts. Black people aren't any lazier than any other race. Not all white people are rhythmically challenged. Thats why they are funny... because they are ridiculous.
i really dont consider these jokes cuz they are kinda sooo far out there that its so stupid now im sure we could come up with some funny racial jokes
and if you get offened :finger:. we live in America and one of our rights is freedom of speech so if you cant laugh at a racial joke u got a stick in ya ass.


well, open it up then.... i'll jump in, but not first:mrgreen:... i forsee some tension coming in this thread:lol:


Well-Known Member
well, open it up then.... i'll jump in, but not first:mrgreen:... i forsee some tension coming in this thread:lol:
Thats fine. Tension can be a good thing. Nothing like a good debate. As long as we all abide by the rules... this thread has the potential to generate some interesting reading material and a lot of laughs.

Ok, I'll open it up.

What do you call two blacks on one bike?

Organized crime


alright.... lets start soft... heres the most recent ive heard..
what is this CHANGE obama keeps speaking of??
Come Help A Nigga Get Elected.....


New Member
There was three Mexicans walking down the street when three old white guys approached them. The first white man said:
- Whats up wet backs.
The first mexican said:
- I am not wet, I am just greasy from stealing car parts.
The second old man said:
- What the hells that smell, smells like beanery.
The second Mexican replies:
- It don't smell like beanery, we just got back from taco bell.
The third mexican says:
- YaYA, amigo, we just got back from Taco Bell.
The third white guys says:
- I was talking to the bean, not the whole damn burrito


why is there no mexican olympic team??

cause all of them that can run, jump or swim are in the u.s. already


Well-Known Member
as an irishman i feel obliged to tell some irish jokes-

an Irish woman is waiting for her husband to get home from work at the Guiness brewery when a coworker of his knocked at the door. "come on in patty, michael will be home shortly." she said. "aye, no he wont maam", replied patty. "theres been an accident at the plant, im afraid your husbands has passed." "oh dear" she replied, "did he take long to go?" "aye he did" said patty, "he drowned in a vat of Guiness, but got out to piss five times!"


Well-Known Member
kid some home from the bus stop crying and ask his mom if its true hes half mexican and half jewish. mom says yes and asks him whats wrong. he says the kids at the bus stop were making fun of him because theres a bike for sale on the corner and he doesnt know weather he should steal it or jew 'em down on the price.


What's the difference between a white man and a snake?
One is a evil, cold-blooded, venomous, slimy creature of Satan, and the other is a snake.