What a tardread my attachment,trump follows that to a tee, did you know Henry Ford went bankrupt 2 or 3 times before he succeeded.
trumps very smart, he captivates audiences and doesn’t talk in that rambling and twisting of words like every other career politician he is short and sweet but gets his points through he doesn’t talk like he’s on another level he speaks to them on a personal level
ill say it again, make your own decisions, influence your own life, don’t be scared to have a differing opinions. The people that will mock you/try to bring you down need those followers/groups to feel confident.
try it. I used to keep a opinion similar to the people I hung out with, you know what people like that are weak, will hold you back because they are not going anywhere
I walked away from all those people like that 12 years ago, life was way better, I like having my own voice and trust me I use it all the time even if I don’t get my way at least I gave my opinion on how to do something
I can tell by the way you argue your posts your young don’t be a typical millennial
What a tard
Obama tripled the stock market and set up a pandemic response teamSee I know I’m right, I guarantee at least 90% of what I assume you to be is bang on...
Your only defensive is to call me a word. Ouch
I wish I woulda listened to the ones not around me sooner
It’s ok to have differing opinions but at least give credit where credits due
Obama I give him credit for leaving the White House
Just so you know he’s having the same argument in another thread with someone else.See I know I’m right, I guarantee at least 90% of what I assume you to be is bang on...
Your only defensive is to call me a word. Ouch
I wish I woulda listened to the ones not around me sooner
It’s ok to have differing opinions but at least give credit where credits due
Obama I give him credit for leaving the White House
Oh I know, look at my wall posts from a few years ago I had all of them going after me, why do you think my description of him is probably bang on.Just so you know he’s having the same argument in another thread with someone else.
it’s all he does bud. Then his peanut gallery comes in licking on his nuts. It s the same thing every day. It’s all they do
Ignore and let it go. This site is too cool to let people ruin it. I’m up to 13 and the site just keeps getting better.Oh I know, look at my wall posts from a few years ago I had all of them going after me, why do you think my description of him is probably bang on.
This is the only reason I log on, it kills a lot of time when bored. He usually replies right away, I have fun with it. I don’t need someone to tell me what side I should be on so it’s fun watching these robots postIgnore and let it go. This site is to cool to let people ruin it. I’m up to 13 and the site just keeps getting better.
Last time I logged in here was 2017 and he was using the same insults then as he is now, I’m just waiting for the special ed grammar patrol to show upOh hell if you enjoy then by all means. It’s funny to watch. They do the same thing to everyone, they say the same things repeatedly, and hold hands in fear of death.
have fun with them buddy and good luck
He should have not dragged his feet on getting test kits rolling right away because he liked the 'numbers' the way they were. He should have also gotten a national emergency going to get every American household a box of face-masks and other protective gear instead of now where hospitals are struggling to keep their people geared up properly.If he would of done it full lock down right away it would of been chaos, you’d have people starving, remember the countries that did do a full lock down right away are more stable people, notice Japan doesn’t have much diversity and they all worked together, can you see the problem with it working in the states, one word diversity ruined it
Last time I logged in here was 2017
You obviously don’t see or comprehend the economic destruction that could/would be caused if they shut down the whole country it would be devastating, the test kits are useless unless someone has extreme symptoms, remember people can be carriers and not show any signs of illness by time your sick enough to get tested it’s too late, you know how long it would take to test the 300 million plus I. The states? By time they did that half the country would be infected, face masks are useless and wash your fucking hands....He should have not dragged his feet on getting test kits rolling right away because he liked the 'numbers' the way they were. He should have also gotten a national emergency going to get every American household a box of face-masks and other protective gear instead of now where hospitals are struggling to keep their people geared up properly.
Full lock down might have been a bit much, even if totally useful, but by calling it a 'hoax' he actively helped it spread.
Seems Trump trolls are out in full force trying to rewrite history for Dear Leader huh.
You obviously don’t see or comprehend the economic destruction that could/would be caused if they shut down the whole country it would be devastating, the test kits are useless unless someone has extreme symptoms, remember people can be carriers and not show any signs of illness by time your sick enough to get tested it’s too late, you know how long it would take to test the 300 million plus I. The states? By time they did that half the country would be infected, face masks are useless and wash your fucking hands....
Trump did what’s right for the people but also didn’t destroy their dreams a lot have worked so hard for. I love you narrow minded people who only think he did it for the rich, he did it to help everyone and the people at the bottom are who it helped most.
I love how trolls start out by telling me what I 'obviously don't know'.You obviously don’t see or comprehend the economic destruction that could/would be caused if they shut down the whole country it would be devastating, the test kits are useless unless someone has extreme symptoms, remember people can be carriers and not show any signs of illness by time your sick enough to get tested it’s too late, you know how long it would take to test the 300 million plus I. The states? By time they did that half the country would be infected, face masks are useless and wash your fucking hands....
Trump did what’s right for the people but also didn’t destroy their dreams a lot have worked so hard for. I love you narrow minded people who only think he did it for the rich, he did it to help everyone and the people at the bottom are who it helped most.
That wasn’t trump and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now, I assume most people could see the writing on the wall,But, but
Did you dump your stock at the end of January?
That wasn’t trump
I love how trolls start out by telling me what I 'obviously don't know'.
We should have been testing/quarantine people with the virus, and had a handle on what was going on before it got out of hand, not waited until people were showing 'extreme symptoms'.
People who would test positive, are coughing, runny noses etc, should be wearing masks when they go out to not spread their germs, because we have no clue if they have this virus or not. Everyone should be wearing gloves when touching things that other people have been touching because the virus lasts up to 17 days on hard surfaces. Washing hands is great, but can't be done at a constant rate.
Trump did not do what was right, no matter how hard you try to sell non-cult members they see through this bullshit attempt to spin this for Dear Leader.
You don't know if it was Trump, i tis not like he is very transparent with his finances.That wasn’t trump and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt for now, I assume most people could see the writing on the wall,
But it’s also the left media pounding this story if it were Democrats no one would do a story on it, but Democrats don’t make money in the stock markets they make their millions off of “Not for Profit Gimmke pretend to better the world show”