Well-Known Member
I hope you don’t get covid and drown in your lung fluids, you are such a hate merchant and youknow (ellipses indiscretion) karma, namaste.Sad.
I hope you don’t get covid and drown in your lung fluids, you are such a hate merchant and youknow (ellipses indiscretion) karma, namaste.Sad.
BOOMING ECONOMYAnyone who gets laid off from work that watched the news is prolly a Trumper too right?
That's what VP's are for and you might even see a VVP pick come convention time as a third back stop. The democrats will need to make provisions for that now, the GOP won't need to bother.uncle joe is looking bad these days..saw him last night on tv- i'm frightened..seriously.
For fun he goes down to his local funeral home and jerks off.
Learned the hard way?there's actually a law against that.
That's what ya got Buck, we've just seen the economy go BOOM and blow up into a million pieces that are raining down to the ground, on fire with a fever.BOOMING ECONOMY
Yeah its amazing. My friend an elder had metastases from brain through out his lungs, ribs, around his heart, in his pelvis and femurs. Was given 3 months to live. We gathered trash bags of any material we could get donated and set to work cooking it down for him. His metastases disappeared from his brain, heart and bones but never completely disappeared from his lungs. His doctor was baffled as Jerry didnt even want or do palliative radiation treatment. He eventually died of a heart attack 4 years later.
I made it with naptha many years ago and still have some in my fridge. Topical use only for me. I think ISO would be far cleaner for ingestion. Not sure about eating shatter, depending on how it is made it may not be activated. Not sure how much having it in activated form matters but original RSO was heated for activation during the rice cooker process.Did you guys use ISO, or how did you make the oil? Just curious. Do you think eating shatter would be the same?
Hey man did the naphtha completely gas out?I made it with naptha many years ago and still have some in my fridge. Topical use only for me. I think ISO would be far cleaner for ingestion. Not sure about eating shatter, depending on how it is made it may not be activated. Not sure how much having it in activated form matters but original RSO was heated for activation during the rice cooker process.
I made it with naptha many years ago and still have some in my fridge. Topical use only for me. I think ISO would be far cleaner for ingestion. Not sure about eating shatter, depending on how it is made it may not be activated. Not sure how much having it in activated form matters but original RSO was heated for activation during the rice cooker process.
Did you guys use ISO, or how did you make the oil? Just curious. Do you think eating shatter would be the same?
I use a lab thermally controlled hot plate with a magnetic stir to finish the oil, most is reduced by a rice cooker outside. You can get these hot plates on ebay, vacuum purging is best though.I make small batches all the time with CAS# 67-63-0 ISO but I also have a heated vacuum chamber to help with a final purge.
No, naptha did not completely gas out, which is why I only use it for topical applications. I would assume ISO is better for that, but better to go to the concentrate section and get advice from guys doing concentrates everyday if you are looking to ingest. I know there are far better techniques now than when the RSO videos were originally made. Wish I knew more about the efficacy of the different methods for treating different ailments.Hey man did the naphtha completely gas out?
Ive always wondered about efficacy and overall extraction of the myriad of cannabinoids with Naphtha vs ISO. Whats the best solvent ya know?
In my experience with extracts BHO is far more superior to propane or CO2 or ISO.
You have terrible health because you made terrible health choices and ignored advice from health professionals but now you are self medicating with woo-woo science because you can't believe what medical professionals say.Please don't take this the wrong way but it's because you are ignorant about the subject. I am ignorant about more subjects that I and educated about too as is everyone else. Ignorance is cured with education while stupidity is forever.
Silver was in common use as an antibiotic long before antibiotics were invented. Ever hear of the phrase, Born with a silver spoon in his mouth? It was because those that could afford it used silver utensils, dishes cookware etc and were much healthier than those that didn't have the means. A silver coin would be put into the milk jug to keep the milk fresher much longer in the days before refrigeration. Or water barrels strapped to the sides of covered wagons to prevent algae growing in there and tainting the water.
The Blue Man Syndrome, (Argyria), is caused by excess consumption of contaminated CS. Papa Smurf added salt to his tap water or some such creating silver compounds that turn black on exposure to light like silver nitrate which is used for the film in black and white photography. When circulating in the body it is exposed to light at the skin and the red colour of the blood makes the skin look purple/blue. Harmless but unsightly. Check the link at the start of this paragraph.
Like pot and many other medicinal substances Big Pharma can't patent it and profit from it so they denounce it and lobby our ignorant politicos to pass laws banning it. You know how that works right?
I am in no way stating that it's a cure for Covis-19 or anything else but I fixed a seriously infected upper tooth that was swollen up to my eye in two days by swishing a Tbsp in my mouth for 5min then spitting it out 3x/day for two days. I was in serious pain and that was gone after the first treatment and the big ball of pus on the roof of my mouth was noticeably smaller after the 2nd treatment. By the 3rd day there was nothing left to worry about. Toenail fungus. Gone with an occasional spritz on the nail. Pink eye was gone overnight using it with an eye dropper. That was a bit scary to try but worked like a charm. Mom used to take off her wedding band and rub it on the corner of the eye when we were kids and that worked too. She grew up on a farm in the depression and her family came from Switzerland where they knew so many home cures. We never saw the doc unless we were at death's door and I still do the same.
I'm making colloidal zinc next. As soon as I can melt down some 99.9% pure zinc I have and form it into rods or flat slabs. Still brainstorming methods to do this. I take zinc for my prostate issues and it helps a lot. Stop taking it for a week and I'm up pissing 5x/night.
If you can believe pot is medicinal then why not some of the stuff that our fore-parents used to heal themselves or stay healthier. If you don't believe that pot can heal then wtf you doing on a pot forum?! LOL
You have terrible health because you made terrible health choices and ignored advice from health professionals but now you are self medicating with woo-woo science because you can't believe what medical professionals say.
I'm not picking a fight with you. I'm just pointing out the gaping holes in your logic.
Hey man did the naphtha completely gas out?
Ive always wondered about efficacy and overall extraction of the myriad of cannabinoids with Naphtha vs ISO. Whats the best solvent ya know?
In my experience with extracts BHO is far more superior to propane or CO2 or ISO.
I was rooting for you right up until the very end. Humanity is made up of humans, so peoples ability are not going to be better or worse, but the information today in the medical field vs any time in written history is no comparison. Doctors today are far more advanced then ever before and have far better information to do their jobs.My health isn't terrible for a 65 yo guy. Got early COPD from smoking all my life but other than that my heart is good, lower than average blood pressure, slightly elevated cholesterol according to Big Pharma guidleines but even the FDA now says they have been wrong and that higher cholesterol is actually good for older folks. I take no pharma or OTC drugs and have had extensive testing for diabetes to find I'm hypoglycemic and have an aggressive insulin response that causes me to get the shakes even when my blood sugars are in the low/normal range so should have many small meals thru the day.
Oh, and some benign prostate enlargement I manage quite well with a few supplements and certain exersizes you wouldn't be interested in.
My weight is the same now as my 20s when I was told I was too skinny and needed to gain 20. 140lbs soaking wet normally but I think it's dropped 5 or more recently stressing about my sister but now that she passed a week ago it'll get easier.
You can believe what you want to believe and so can I. If you throw all your trust behind the poorly trained doctors we have these days then good luck and a good day to you sir.
Air pollution will actually be much less this year!I prefer naphtha for making nice clean and strong oil that can rival BHO and any minute traces left are not a concern to me. It's not noticeable if there at all and if you live in a city you're inhaling a lot more hydrocarbons all the time than you're going to get from the oil.
I'll be distilling my oil/solvent mixes to recover my ISO and naphtha. Especially the ISO as it seems there is none to be had as folks bought it all up for hand cleaner the inconsiderate bastards! lol A can of Coleman's was $30 at Walmart so good incentive to recycle that too. Still a lot cheaper than Everclear tho.
Fun fact: Air pollution kills 9 million people per year according to the WHO. I wonder how many Covis is going to get and will it be a yearly event like air pollution which never sleeps or takes days off. Until now seeing that much manufacturing has shut down and so many are staying home instead of driving around but that's a short term condition.