Pandemic 2020

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I go out to rake the forest floor, assured by Individual 1 this is a Democrat hoax, only to come in and find he's declared a national emergency. All this flushing of the toilet takes time away from washing my hands (happy birthday to you...). I'll buy up all the personal lube I can find, then mark it up a couple thousand percent. Buy stock in lube, thank me later. Individual 1 cannot tell the truth, even with a teleprompter.
I go out to rake the forest floor, assured by Individual 1 this is a Democrat hoax, only to come in and find he's declared a national emergency. All this flushing of the toilet takes time away from washing my hands (happy birthday to you...). I'll buy up all the personal lube I can find, then mark it up a couple thousand percent. Buy stock in lube, thank me later. Individual 1 cannot tell the truth, even with a teleprompter.
National emergency on Friday, "we have it under control" today.
That's more bullshit. It's going to take at least a year to make an effective vaccine if it can be made.

Corona virus is of the same family as the 200 or so cold virus we have lived with for millennia. Has anyone cured the common cold yet?

When I first started smoking over 50 years ago I wasn't worried as I was sure they would have a cure for cancer if I got that. Were the fug is my cure now? No cancer yet so maybe healthy eating and avoiding junk food is the cure.

Puff puff and we'll see what happens down the road. ;)

just got back from town. picked up some scripts at walgreens drive thru. observed parking lots of natural grocers and safeway for about 20 minutes and not one person had a facemask on going in or out. so much for social distancing around here.
I thought the message was: If you aren't sick, wearing a mask only takes one away from somebody who needs it.
The States of Connecticut (my home), New York & New Jersey in coordination announced today the mandatory closing of all restaurants & bars & gatherings of more than 50 people starting this evening at 8 PM ,following the lead of several other states, so I have to make this quick
Paris & Madrid have also followed New York City's lead & also have closed all they're restaurants, bars & bistros.
Wow, I'd hate too be a tourist today, what a fucking nightmare.
Well, now it's time for me to go the liquor store and wipe them out of Jameson Whiskey & Fosters Lager
I wouldn't be able to survive without them & that's a sad fact :)
So, I'm also going up the road to Tony's Bar & Grill, & have one for the road (which it might actually be :) )
I'll just hang out for awhile with the regulars like One Tooth Joe & Bobby Little Dick & infect/be-infected each other one last time until who the fuck knows when.
The herd hasn't cleaned out the vegetable garden stuff in my area yet. Home Depot had no toilet paper and only two rolls of paper towels lol.
Plenty of toilet paper here but the stores were busy. I got a bunch of groceries today whereas previously I had eschewed any sort of hoarding. Today I got enough so that we don't have to visit a store for four or five days. There were shortages of flour, potatoes, meat. But that was not at Walmer, that was at the fancy store. One employee was loudly proclaiming that this was overblown and that this is no worse than the flu which causes many more deaths. Then she said "I heard on FOX..." and the woman she was talking to shouted out "Ha!"

My guess is that the Walmer was much worse even though more of them are FOX listeners. They don't seem to be listening.
just got back from town. picked up some scripts at walgreens drive thru. observed parking lots of natural grocers and safeway for about 20 minutes and not one person had a facemask on going in or out. so much for social distancing around here.
In some areas they may think you are robbing the place.
Plenty of toilet paper here but the stores were busy. I got a bunch of groceries today whereas previously I had eschewed any sort of hoarding. Today I got enough so that we don't have to visit a store for four or five days. There were shortages of flour, potatoes, meat. But that was not at Walmer, that was at the fancy store. One employee was loudly proclaiming that this was overblown and that this is no worse than the flu which causes many more deaths. Then she said "I heard on FOX..." and the woman she was talking to shouted out "Ha!"

My guess is that the Walmer was much worse even though more of them are FOX listeners. They don't seem to be listening.
Same here on flour etc. Beer almost sold out.
Same here on flour etc. Beer almost sold out.
Good lord, plenty of beer at this store. But then it is also a state liquor store with a really good selection. At this point we have pretty much planned on not going to the Walmer until this is over. There is an Aldi here too but I think they are pretty much wiped out. It turns out that Aldi is really popular with the Amish. They pull up in these enormous vans with trailers on them (called Yoder totters here, Yoder being a really common Amish name) and fill the fuckers up with cheap Aldi food and then haul it back down to sell in their Amish stores.

I think the Amish are in danger of getting hammered by this. One one hand, you might think that they are isolated. This is not true. Every day, busloads of tourists, many foreign, traipse through their farms n shit. When you add in the fact that their hygiene is, um, not the best, once one of them gets it, its going to be off to the races. And of course, health insurance is forbidden by god, so if a substantial number of them need major healthcare, it may financially devastate the community.

I wonder if they listen to FOX,

Primary just got postponed until June.
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