What did you accomplish today?

1 is pretty much done. She's indoor/outdoor. She's been good.
The other is my mouser/bird catcher. She's strictly outside but she's been known to sneak in and kick it on the beds... haven't caught her pissing.

I'm kinda done too.

We had one that was trying to open a kitchen cabinet door to get at a mouse. I had no idea what he was doing at the time, till I looked at the butter on the counter that it had been eating. Ours were all indoor.
We had one that was trying to open a kitchen cabinet door to get at a mouse. I had no idea what he was doing at the time, till I looked at the butter on the counter that it had been eating. Ours were all indoor.
We never had mice when my mother-in-law stayed here. She had like 16 cats lol. My pit bull mutt catches big rats and gophers in the yards. Even killed a cute calico kitty that wandered into our yard last year. That one pissed me off. I catch all the mice that try to infiltrate the fort. Threw 3 in the trash so far this week. There was 2 in one trap. Morons.
I had a gig today about 50 miles away. I drove there 80+ mph, and the same back home. I have NEVER seen it so empty, it was beautiful. Almost everyone I met at this wedding refused to shake my hand, I really enjoyed that, too. The pastor said, "Sorry, I'm not shaking hands this week." To which I replied, "I totally get it, I wouldn't even speak to you if I didn't have to..." I thought I was being funny, and as is so often the case, I was the only one. My contract with this family was from 3-3:30pm, they didn't even get there until 4:30pm. I told them after starting to play that I had another gig in the city, and I would have to leave for that unless they wanted to pay for a sub to take my place. They insisted I stay, so I got paid twice. So nice. I stopped to get some take out for the first time in weeks. I was watching the dude at the window and I was thinking how slow he moved and how stupid he looked. But I decided to chat him up, anyway - "Is business slower these days?" He replied, "Yeah, well it's a kinda cold out, but we'll be booming this summer!" I said, "this virus is probably a factor..." He said, "Oh, yeah. Well, that too." He was even dumber than I imagined. People rarely let me down...
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I had a gig today about 50 miles away. I drove there 80+ mph, and the same back home. I have NEVER seen it so empty, it was beautiful. Almost everyone I met for this wedding refused to shake my hand, I really enjoyed that, too. The pastor said, "Sorry, I'm not shaking hands this week." To which I replied, "I totally get it, I wouldn't even speak to you if I didn't have to..." I thought I was being funny, and as so often happens, I was the only one. My contract with this family was from 3-3:30pm, they didn't even get there until 4:30pm. I told them after starting to play that I had another gig in the city, and I would have to leave for that unless they wanted to pay for a sub to take my place. They insisted I stay, so I got paid twice. So nice. I stopped to get some take out for the first time in weeks. I was watching the dude at the window and I was thinking how slow he moved and how stupid he looked. But I decided to chat him up anyway - "Is business slower these days?" He replied, "Yeah, well it's a kinda cold out, but we'll be booming this summer!" I said, "this virus is probably a factor..." He said, "Oh, yeah. Well, that too." He was even dumber than I imagined. People rarely let me down...
The key is low expectations.