Public Health: Tips and information on how to prepare for the epidemic, avoid illness and protect our communities.

I'm beginning to wonder if this virus is going to slow down in the summer like they are hoping. If it can survive floating in the air for hours and you can have it for weeks without knowing, it doesn't sound good. Without a strict lock down like china did I don't see this thing slowing down and the majority of us are getting it.
I'm beginning to wonder if this virus is going to slow down in the summer like they are hoping. If it can survive floating in the air for hours and you can have it for weeks without knowing, it doesn't sound good. Without a strict lock down like china did I don't see this thing slowing down and the majority of us are getting it.

People are catching it in some very warm places. This is not limited to cold environments.
Anybody interested in possible treatments for Coronavirus have a look at this, in a dire emergency you can get a prescription for hydroxychloroquine or order it ahead of time online now for a DIY treatment. It's used for malaria treatment and is easily available in tropical countries and well tested in humans, this would be an off label use. Worth a shot? Look at the video and decide for yourself, it's the best thing I've come across and it looks promising, but there is little real science and no clinical trials, yet. If empirical observations are promising they will use it for treatment until a proper study is completed, it's an approved drug anyway and in wide use. This might reduce the load on the healthcare system, mortality rates and the numbers of people getting severely ill, an aid to survival and recovery. Doctors know about this now, if it shows promise in other places the word will travel fast and it will be in the treatment protocol soon.

If you can send the video to your doctor and ask them what they think, they might not know about this yet and would be interested, your doctor might even give you a prescription if you're at risk to take at the first sign. If it works they will be giving out pills at treatment centers for people showing early symptoms and who are at high risk and test positive etc.

See the previous video(s) in this series for more info on this and an explanation of how it works to get zinc inside cells where it stops the virus growing like penicillin does to bacteria.

This could be useful for people in poor countries, what do you think about it @abandonconflict ?
Coronavirus Pandemic Update 35: New Outbreaks & Travel Restrictions, Possible COVID-19 Treatments

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update 35 with pulmonologist & critical care specialist Roger Seheult, MD of The World Health Organization has labeled COVID-19 a pandemic. There are multiple developments globally and in the United States where President Trump has banned incoming travel from most of Europe. Dr. Seheult discusses compelling data about hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil), Zinc, and possible COVID-19 supplements such as quercetin.


Quercetin is a non prescription herbal supplement, google it to buy it or get it locally (Caution: Non FDA regulated, you may not get any real medicine in it, shop carefully) if ya wanna try it, not much down side, except cash, maybe as an addition to a zinc supplement.

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U.S. Unprepared For Expected Explosion In Coronavirus Cases | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow looks at the rapid spread of the novel coronavirus versus the unreadiness of the United States under the Trump administration to test, treat, or respond in a timely manner. Aired on 3/11/2020.
Jesus, when this comes out in the middle of the pandemic at the oversight hearing it will be a shit storm of monumental proportions, congress probably already knows this, they are conducting hearings by staffers with the experts now, next up the trump appointees and toadies. I figured as much and wondered why nobody was thrown under the bus yet for the testing fiasco, now we know why.
Pence said earlier today that thousands more Americans will get the virus, most experts say 40% to 70% of the population. These clowns must think they can control the info on this coming out of the CDC, only problem for them is silencing all 50 states.
White House Knew Coronavirus Would Be A 'Major Threat' — But Response Fell Short

Politico reporter Dan Diamond says infighting at the Department of Health and Human Services and the need to flatter Trump impeded the response to the coronavirus.


This is FRESH AIR. I'm Terry Gross.

We're going to talk about how President Trump and some members of his administration have mismanaged the coronavirus outbreak, helping fuel the crisis. My guest Dan Diamond is a reporter for Politico who investigates health care policy and politics, including the Trump administration's coronavirus response. He's written about dysfunction and infighting within the administration and how that's slowed the response to the spread of the virus and led to some counterproductive decisions. The virus has spread to the point where, yesterday, the World Health Organization declared it a pandemic, which is defined as the worldwide spread of a new disease.
I was in a brewery in Tulsa last night when then on the tv the announcement came on that the basketball game was cancelled because 2 of the players were sick with the virus. The bartender started to panic and starte spraying the counters, chairs , everything he could with bleach . He was panicking and neurotic about getting infected by the customers. We chatted about politics and the virus. He had a full very long beard and I suggested he cut it off. Those things are breeding grounds magnets for germs and He asked me how he should do it and I told him I would do it for him if he had scissors. He jumped back and said “ I’m not letting you touch me, you could have the virus and left the room. We finished our beers and left.